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Cabecera: Información adicional 2023

  • degree scroll official degree scroll official
  • Credits 240 ECTS CREDIT
  • <span>Duration</span> 4 courses
  • modality On-site
  • <span>Language</span> Spanish and English
  • Campus San Sebastian
  • Places 60 places
  • Centre Tecnun School of Engineering

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An engineering
core topic for
our future

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As a graduate in Biomedical Engineering you will be able to participate in projects of research in technological centers, in a department of design and of development of medical devices or equipment... You will be trained as a professional with the skills to apply the principles and methods of engineering to medical and biological problems. You will learn how to implement new technologies in the health area . 

In addition, if you start the Degree in 2024/2025 you will be able to study the 1st year entirely in English.



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Upcoming events

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27 mar. 2025


UNAV in Sao Paulo

Hotel Melia Ibirapuera (Av. Ibirapuera, 2534 - Indianópolis, São Paulo - SP, 04028-002, Brazil- conference room Caju

27 mar. 2025

6:30 p.m.

UNAV in Sao Paulo

Hotel Melia Ibirapuera (Av. Ibirapuera, 2534 - Indianópolis, São Paulo - SP, 04028-002, Brazil- conference room Caju)

01 abr. 2025


UNAV in Porto Alegre

Porto Belo Cultural Center Rua Barão de Ubá, 447 - Bairro Bela Vista - Porto Alegre/RS - Cep : 90450-090 Brazil

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You will receive training in a set of scientific and technological knowledge that will allow you to work as an engineer in the field of health (design of devices, medical equipment for diagnosis, assessment, intervention, monitoring and rehabilitation), as well as in the field of microbiology, tissue engineering, Genetics, proteomics, intervention planning, realization of programs of study on disease prediction, etc. In addition, through the following pathways you can reinforce your transversal and general training .

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research scientific

Collaborates with leading-edge centers

The student of this Degree has the possibility to participate in cutting-edge research projects with CEIT (Centro de programs of study e Investigaciones Técnicas), with CIMA (research center Médica Aplicada) and with Clínica Universidad de Navarra.

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Ready to improve the world

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Creation of a business

Entrepreneurship Club

With the club's activities you will learn about financing models for a new business, the legal forms, the process of creation, existing public aid, you will meet with entrepreneurs and learn how to design, develop and sell a business plan... You will also be able to participate in the IESE week in Madrid.


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United for a good cause

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Get familiar with Big Data

Data Analytics

You will learn data analysis, Big Data andmachine learning tools. You will work on projects applied to different areas such as health, industrial processes, banking or home automation, among others, so that you can make predictions, conclusions or novel and original diagnoses from a thorough analysis of the data.

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pathway in Data analytics

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design and development software

Computer Science

If you decide for this pathway, you will specialize in the operation of computers, especially in the design and development of software and computer programs for different web applications, mobile applications, 3D simulations or industry 4.0.

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pathway in Science Computing

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Solving technological challenges

Hacking and Making

You will work on multidisciplinary Do-It-Yourself projects integrating the knowledge from different branches of engineering: Arduino programming, additive manufacturing, design of printed circuits, apps... The works can be submitted to international Making & Hacking competitions.

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Health-oriented engineers

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For a sustainable world

Sustainable Engineering

You will incorporate the sustainability perspective (economic, environmental and social) in engineering projects. You will work on social, ecological or development engineering projects at partnership with NGOs, specialized institutions, experienced and start-up companies.

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department of Mechanics and Materials

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Write us and we will try to help you

You can ask us anything you want, we are not bots, shall we chat?

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Contact with us

Mikel Arcelus
Director of the
promotion and orientation service of
Degrees and master's degrees

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Contact with us

Irene de Vicente
Promotion Service
and orientation
de Degrees

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Do you want more reasons?

Just as an example, you will be able to develop electrochemical, piezoelectric, thermal, etc... microsensors for early diagnosis of diseases or to monitor medical parameters. You will also be able to develop software that facilitates the processing of brain signals or medical images, improve tissue regeneration and obtain biomaterials that offer fewer rejections.

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The School of Engineering is linked to IESE Business School and the University's research centers: CEIT (Technology Center) and CIMA (research center Applied Medicine).

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Tecnun provides its students with scientific-technological laboratories equipped with state-of-the-art machines where students carry out technological business challenges.

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Exchanges with prestigious universities (MIT, Stanford, Penn State, Singapore University) and internships in national and international companies.

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We offer you:

We want to enrich your training and help you build a profile demanded by companies. That is why, if you study the Degree in Biomedical Engineering, you will be able to take subjects related to biomechanics and biorobotics, biological techniques or Chemistry. And you will be able to work in companies such as Abbott, Alcon Cusí, Bausch & Lomb, Bayer, Cinfa, Genetrix, GlaxoSmithKline, IMS Health, Ipsen Pharma, Lilly, Novartis, USP Hospitales, Medical Devices, Medtronic, Siemens, Almirall, Pharmabasis Business Solutions, etc.

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Let nothing hold you back from your future

From the beginning of the University of Navarra, we have worked to ensure that no student with the ability to study with us is left without fulfilling his or her dream for financial reasons.

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Program in Innovation & Entrepreneurship

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Program in Innovation & Entrepreneurship

The first university Entrepreneurship program that blends in seamlessly with your degree program

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Impact of our teaching, research and transfer of knowledge

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The University, second best in Spain according to the CYD 2024 ranking. +

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The University, among the top 100 universities in the world in 7 subjects of the QS 2025 ranking . +

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5 teaching areas of the University, among the best in the world according to the Times Higher Education 2023 ranking . +

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The University obtains the HR Excellence in Research seal that accredits it as an entity committed to quality in the management of human resources at research (2020). +

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This degree program is certified with the EUR-ACE international seal of excellence, which certifies that the programs of study meets the professional requirements in the field of engineering. +

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San Sebastian

Campus San Sebastian