
Half of the respondents are totally or very interested in the news (51%).

Eight out of ten men over 65 years of age (80%), and four out of ten young people under 35 years of age (39%) are totally or very attracted to current affairs.

  • The Degree of interest in news is positively related to income level, level educational, political affinity and interest in politics.

  • Positive news (64%), news that proposes solutions (57%) and news that helps to understand complex issues (52%) are among the most preferred.

In 2023, the percentage of respondents who say they are totally or very interested in the news drops to 51%. Over the last decade, a social detachment towards news has been observed. The progressive disinterest in the news is particularly noticeable during the last five years and affects Internet users who show a greater predisposition to be informed. From 2014 to 2023, users totally or very interested in news have dropped 22 percentage points. Likewise, those who are not or not at all interested have grown by 9 points (see graph).

However, this informational indifference on the part of the audience has not always been the case. In the years leading up to 2018, there was an increase in the percentage of users extremely or very interested in news, reaching a peak of 85% in 2015 and remaining relatively high through 2018.

The advance of social networks, the popularity of streamers versus traditional media journalists and political polarization continue to influence this process, among other socio-cultural factors. In 2023, adult audiences are beginning to express a certain amount of information fatigue in addition to young people.

Evolution of interest in the news

However, respondents slightly interested in the news have increased 12 points from 2014 to 2023. In addition, nine out of ten Internet users in 2023 claim to be totally, very or slightly interested in news (86%). This is 3 percentage points less compared to 2022, but Spain remains at average of the 46 countries analyzed in the overall report in 2023 (85%). When looking at this Degree of interest, almost the entire Spanish public aged 45 and over is predisposed to be informed (90%). In particular, adults over the age of 65 (93%), although their interest is down 5 points on reference letter compared to last year. However, eight out of ten young people aged 18 to 24 are interested in the news (78%).

Interest in news in Spain

The question of how to arouse interest in information among the public becomes important when focusing on Internet users who say they are totally or very interested in the news. Only half of those surveyed are (51%). This is 4 percentage points less than in 2022. In any case, Spain remains above the average of the 46 countries (48%), although far from other socio-political contexts such as Nigeria (75%), Kenya (72%), Finland (65%), South Africa (64%) or Peru (59%). Spanish users with little or no interest grew by 2 percentage points over the last year to 13%. This figure corresponds to average of the 46 countries and is lower than the lack of interest perceived in Taiwan (22%), the United States (19%), Chile (19%), Romania (19%), France (19%) and Croatia (19%).

Loss of interest among the adult public

In Spain, news continues to attract mainly the 45+ age group: six out of ten are totally or very interested in 2023 (58%). Due to the progressive social detachment from news, the interest of this age group group leave 6 percentage points compared to last year. Information matters above all to seven out of ten adults over 65 (68%), but there is also a drop of 8 points in this age range. It is also significant that two out of ten people under the age of 35 say they are little or not at all interested (20%). Specifically, 18 to 24 year olds (21%) compared to one in ten respondents in general (13%).

By gender, men continue to prefer the news more: six out of ten are totally or very interested (57%). That's 11 percentage points more than women. In 2023, one in ten women remain disinterested (14%), as do one in ten men (12%).

Hence, when combining the age range and gender, it is again highlighted that eight out of ten men over 65 years of age are currently totally or very interested (80%). Although to a lesser extent, this Degree interest is characteristic of six out of ten adult men aged 55 to 64 (59%), and 45 to 54 (56%). When the level of interest is raised, all men over 65 say they are totally, very or slightly interested (95%). There is again a certain lack of interest compared to last year: 3 percentage points. This trend also applies to adult men aged 45 to 54 (88% compared to 95% in 2022) and 55 to 64 (91% compared to 95% in 2022).

Similarly, women over 65 have the highest Degree interest in the news: six out of ten are totally or very interested (57%). That's 14 percentage points less than in 2022. Readiness declines among adult women aged 55 to 64 (54%) (down 8 points from last year) and stabilizes among those aged 45 to 54 (47%). Expanding the Degree of interest, nine out of ten of those over 65 are totally, very or slightly interested (90%). Eight percentage points less than in 2022. Meanwhile, women under 35 (22%) and men aged 25 to 34 (21%) are the groups least willing to be informed.

Interest in the news in Spain, sociodemographic variables.

The higher the income, programs of study and political affinity, the greater the interest.

In 2023, the positive relationship between the economic income of respondents and their interest in information persists, but it weakens. Six out of ten Internet users with high income say they are totally or very interested (61%) compared to five out of ten with income average (52%) and with income leave (49%). This year, the percentage difference is 12 points between the first case and the third (27 points in 2022), and 9 points between the first and the second (13 points in 2022). When indicating those totally, very or slightly interested, no inequalities were observed between high income (88%), middle income (86%) and low income (87%). In the previous year, there was a 12-point variation between the first and third cases, and a 5-point variation between the second and third cases.

There is also a positive correspondence between the level of programs of study of the respondents and their interest in information. Six out of ten users with a high level of educational (56%) say they are totally or very interested, compared to five out of ten with a medium level (52%) and a low level (47%). Although there is a percentage difference of 9 points between the first case and the third, it is narrower than in 2022. In the previous year, the variation was 19 points between the first case and the third, and 8 points between the first and the second. Focusing on people who are totally, very or slightly interested, there is no difference between this year and the previous year grade .

With regard to political leanings, it is once again clear that the more defined the public is, the more interested it is in information. Six out of ten respondents who are on the right (59%) and five out of ten who are on the left (54%) and in the center (52%) guarantee to be totally or very interested in the news. On the other hand, only three out of ten of those who do not know how to position themselves politically reflect this Degree interest (30%). In addition, two out of ten Internet users who do not know how to identify themselves politically are not attracted by the news (24%). This is 11 percentage points above the general average . In any case, when specifying the Degree as totally, very or slightly interested, there are no notable differences. On the other hand, seven out of ten users who do not know how to recognize themselves politically show this level of interest (73%). This is similar to last year.

This year, respondents were also asked about their interest in politics. As expected, there is a clear link between the appreciation of current affairs and politics. Nine out of ten Internet users who are totally or very interested in the news are interested in politics (88%). This is 37 percentage points above average. Likewise, all users who are totally, very or slightly interested in news are totally, very or slightly interested in politics (96%). This is 10 points above average. Three out of ten people not interested in news are not interested in politics (28%).

Finally, there is still a positive link between the Degree interest in news and the frequency of access to it. Seven out of ten people totally or very interested in the news consult it several times a day (71%). Specifically, nine out of ten do so on more than ten occasions (87%). That's 36 percentage points above the average. In addition, the majority of those who are totally, very or slightly interested consult the latest news more than ten times a day (96%). That's 10 points over average. Unsurprisingly, only three out of ten not currently interested consult it several times a week (27%). This is 14 points above average.

Positive news, constructive journalism and latest developments

Positive news, constructive journalism and the latest news of the day are the most popular topics. Mainly among respondents with higher economic and cultural qualifications and, in some cases, political affinity.

Positive news matters to six out of ten Internet users, who are totally or very interested (64%). This is 12 percentage points above average for the 46 countries. This subject of information attracts seven out of ten women (69%). This is 11 points more than men. This is especially true for those aged 45 and over (73%). In fact, four out of ten women aged 55 to 64 are very interested (44%). However, positive news is also a singular content for men over 65: seven out of ten are totally or very interested (71%). Similarly, seven out of ten users with a high economic income show this interest Degree (69%), as well as six out of ten of those who do not know where they stand politically (56%). In this sense, the center public declares that it is very interested (41%). Only one in ten respondents is not interested. Mostly men under 35 years of age (14%).

For their part, six out of ten Internet users (57%) are totally or very interested in news that proposes solutions rather than simply presenting problems. This is 11 percentage points above average of the 46 countries. Women are also more inclined towards this topical subject : six out of ten (59%) (5 points above men). In particular, women aged 55 to 64 (67%). Four out of ten women aged 55 to 64 are very interested (44%). In any case, men over 65 years of age are either totally or very interested in constructive information (64%). Along these lines, users with a high income (63%) and with an income average (58%) are equally interested in Degree . Compared to people with an income leave, there is a 12-point difference in the first case and a 7-point difference in the second. Likewise, respondents with a high educational level are attracted to constructive journalism (61%) (8 points above those with a low educational level), as well as the leftist public (62%). It is relevant that four out of ten people who do not know how to identify themselves politically are totally or very interested in news that proposes solutions (46%). Only one in ten respondents is not interested (11%). This is especially true for adult men aged 35 to 44 (15%).

At reference letter news that help to understand complex issues, half of the Internet users (52%) are totally or very attracted to this type of news. This is 10 percentage points more than average of the 46 countries. Mostly, six out of ten adult men over 65 (61%); and six out of ten adult women aged 55 to 64 (60%). In particular, women aged 55 to 64 are very interested (45%), as are adults over 65 (40%). Users with a high income are once again more inclined towards these topics, as they are totally or very interested (61%), as are people with a high level educational (57%). In both cases, this is 10 points more when compared to people with low income and level of programs of study . Both the left-wing (56%) and right-wing (55%) audiences stand out for this Degree of interest. One out of every ten respondents reported that they are not interested in information financial aid to understand complex issues (12%). This is especially true for men under 35 years of age (18%).

In addition, half of Internet users (50%) are totally or very interested in the latest news about the day's major events. This is 6 percentage points above average of the 46 countries. This is especially true for men: seven out of ten over 65 (65%) and six out of ten over 55 (57%). Adults aged 65 and over predominate as being very interested (42%), as well as the political center public (37%). This subject of update again attracts six out of ten users with high income, who are totally or very interested (61%) (14 points more than those with income leave). Also, five out of ten of those with a high educational level (54%) compared to four out of ten with a low educational level (46%). The public of the political center (53%) and the public of the left (53%) are slightly more attentive to this current subject than people on the right (51%). Only one in ten respondents is not interested in how the day's major news evolves (11%). Mostly young people aged 21 to 24 (20%).

Less than half of Internet users (45%) are totally or very interested in news that investigates crimes or abuses of power. This corresponds to 5 percentage points above the average of the 46 countries. It is once again men over 65 years of age who are most interested in these issues: six out of ten (63%). In particular, adults over 65 say they are very interested (41%). Similarly, the left-wing public shows this Degree interest (35%) (10 points above the right-wing public). Likewise, users with a high economic income (50%) (7 points more than those with an income leave); and with a high level educational (49%) (6 points more) are again distinguished by being totally or very interested. The same is true for the left-wing public (54%) when compared to those on the right (47%) and in the center (44%). It is typical that three out of ten of those who do not know how to make a political decision are interested (29%). On the other hand, one in ten respondents are not concerned about investigations of crimes or abuses of power (16%). Mostly, young people between 18 and 24 years of age (23%).

On the other hand, news reflecting people similar to the respondent ("news about people like me") is of great or total interest to less than half of Internet users (43%). This is 7 percentage points more than average of the 46 countries. In this case, it is half of the public under 35 years of age who are concerned by these topics subject (49%). This is especially true for men in this age range (53%). In particular, three out of ten say they are very interested (36%). Similarly, the leftist public (31%) has this Degree of interest compared to those who do not know how to recognize themselves politically (22%). There are no significant differences by income level or level of programs of study. There are, however, when looking at the political inclination of those who are totally or very interested. Half of the left-wing public is so (48%) compared to four out of ten on the right (44%) and in the center (42%). It is still noticeable that three out of ten respondents who are not politically defined favor this news (32%). As in other news subject , one in ten respondents are not interested (16%). Essentially, young people aged 18 to 24 (25%).

Finally, the public preferences described above are linked to a high frequency of access to news. Seven out of ten Internet users interested in positive news check the news six to ten times a day (68%). This behavior is also peculiar for seven out of ten people interested in the big news of the day (66%), six out of ten users attracted by news that proposes solutions (64%) and six out of ten of those who prefer information that financial aid to understand complex issues (62%). On the other hand, those inclined to investigate crimes or abuses of power consult the news more frequently: six out of ten, more than ten times a day (60%). Similarly, half of the respondents who favor "news about people like me" turn to it more than ten times a day (54%).

Interest in types of news

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