
Half of Internet users get information earlier online than through traditional media

50% have in the smartphone, computer or tablet their first information source , compared to 42% of the sum of television, radio and press

  • Among those under 45 years of age, 60% of those who wake up online catch up, almost all of them (50% of the total) with their mobile.

  • Twenty-four percent get their information first through television in the mornings, and only 3 percent do so through print media.

  • Only 7% of those under 45 years of age start their day with the radio, compared to 21% of those over 45 years of age.

The survey Digital News Report asks in this 2022 edition about the news habits of the Spanish population at the start of their daily workshop . Exactly 50% of adult internet users in Spain connect via their mobile, computer or tablet to catch up with information first thing in the morning.

The choice of the Internet reaches 63% in the 18-24 age group, 61% in the 25-34 age group, and 58% in the 35-44 age group. After the age of 45, it stabilizes at around 42%. Specifically, 39% have their first contact with the news every day through their smart mobile ; 8%, on their laptop or desktop computer (a device that reaches maximums at both extremes: 10% up to 24 years and from 55 years), and just 3% on the tablet (5% among the over 65s). 

As for traditional audiovisual media, one out of every three people over 65 years of age starts their information consumption on workshop by connecting to traditional television (33%). Among adults under 35 years of age, half of them have this habit, one in six Internet users (17%). As for early morning radio, this is a more masculine medium (18%) than feminine (12%). In particular, while 8% of male Internet users between 18 and 34 listen to the radio as the first contact with the news in the morning, just 4% of adult women under 35 are informed by the radio after waking up, compared to 19% for television and, above all, 52% for the smartphone in this gender and age bracket.

First source in which the news is consulted in the morning

The decline of direct access to media by other algorithmic means is related to the withdrawal of the computer and its replacement by cell phones and tablets. As for the devices used in the first minutes of the day, 41% of those who still start their informative workshop on the computer go first to websites or news applications (given the device, above all, these are webs), compared to only 22% of those who inform themselves first on the tablet or 18% of those who inform themselves on the mobile, which are the most numerous.

Among these mobile users of information first thing in the morning, for 17% the first contact with the news is on the home screen of their smartphone, and almost as many consult a news medium such as the social networks Twitter (16%) or Facebook (15%), with Instagram below (7%). Other first ways of accessing news on mobile after waking up are email (5%), YouTube (4%) and messaging apps (4%). Podcasting is not used at this early stage of the day; it achieves negligible data , close to 0%.

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