Antena 3 repeats as the offline brand with the highest weekly reach (41%) and the highest loyalty (31%) and RTVE is the one with the highest growth compared to last year (26% and 18%, respectively).
The presence of the main native digital newspapers (Eldiario.es, OKDiario, El Español and El Confidencial) is consolidated among the top ten most consulted media by Spaniards.
Context: an informative and diverse per diem expenses
The data on the issue of brands used by those surveyed offers little change with respect to the previous year: the majority (54%) used five or more media during the week prior to the survey. At the other extreme, the issue of Spaniards who reported not having used any media to get information (7%) did not grow either. This slows down the trend of recent years, in which the information per diem expenses of those surveyed progressively decreased: in 2016, 81% reported using five or more brands compared to 54% in 2023 and 2024.

Once again this year, television channels are the most consulted journalistic brands by those surveyed to stay informed, consolidating the leadership of Antena 3, which repeats as the offline brand with the greatest reach (41%). Also noteworthy is the Degree loyalty of its audience: 31% say they watch the news on this channel at least three days a week. It is followed by RTVE, whose reach (26%) and loyalty (18%) are two and three percentage points higher than in 2023. It is the only newspaper brand to significantly increase its figures. El País continues to be the print newspaper most consulted by respondents (13%), followed by El Mundo (11%) and 20 Minutos (9%), and radio stations COPE and SER maintain very similar reach figures (10%). In general, and except for the aforementioned case of RTVE, there are hardly any differences with respect to last year in the reach declared by respondents on the offline journalistic brands used for information.

Antena 3 Noticias also leads in digital audiences
For the first time, a digital news service of a television network, Antena 3 Noticias, is the most cited by respondents. Its reach is up seven percentage points from last year to 19%. It is also the brand with the highest percentage of loyalty: 13% of those who used it for information did so at least three or more days a week.

This is the main novelty of data , which does not show many changes with respect to the 2023 edition. The digital edition of the newspaper El País is in second position (15%), followed by the digital newspapers 20 Minutos, El Mundo and Eldiario.es (13%). The latter newspaper leads the group of digital native media, which together with OKDiario (12%), El Español and El Confidencial (10%) show the strength of these digital native journalistic brands, which occupy four of the top ten positions of digital brands consulted by Spaniards. In the specific case of El Español, its news consumption recall has risen significantly from 7% to 10% over the previous year. Finally, and in line with other accepted rankings in the sector, this year the digital natives El discussion and The Objective joined the list of digital brands that respondents were asked about.

In the case of group of digital editions of traditional print newspapers, there are hardly any changes with respect to the 2023 edition. As mentioned, El País leads group, followed by 20 Minutos, El Mundo and other regional/local online newspapers (13%). In the specialized press sector, the digital edition of Marca is the most remembered (11%) among sports newspapers - this year As.com was included in the list (4%) -, and the digital editions of the financial newspapers El Economista and Expansión had a weekly audience of around 4%.

As was the case with the brands offline and except for the aforementioned leap in Antena 3 Noticias' digital services, the rest of the radio and television brands remained very similar to last year's figures.

TV broadcasters, leaders in single offline, digital and combined audiences
As in previous editions, in the case of traditional brands (with offline and digital editions), the weekly unique reach obtained by each medium through digital, offline and dual (digital and offline) media has been calculated. By single digital reach we mean the audience that a brand has obtained exclusively through digital media; in the same way, the single offline reach is the audience obtained by a brand only through traditional media (radio, press or television). Finally, the audience or dual reach is the audience that has been informed through digital and offline media of a journalistic brand.
As can be seen in the graph below, television stations continue to be the dominant media in terms of audience, thanks in large part to their traditional channels. Antena 3 Noticias is by far the journalistic brand with the highest total reach (46%), followed by RTVE (29%), La Sexta (25%) and Telecinco (24%). In general, there are hardly any significant changes in the audience figures of the brands analyzed. The only exception is Antena 3 Noticias: the B drop in its offline audience (down six percentage points, from 33% to 27%) was offset by the increase in its dual audiences (from 9% to 14%) and digital audiences (from 3% to 5%).

In terms of the other newspaper brands analyzed, El País continues to lead the single weekly audience of the print media (22%), followed by El Mundo (20%), 20 Minutos (17%) and La Razón (16%). Compared to the previous year, there are hardly any major changes, with the exception of the audiences of the regional-local dailies: their dual reach grew by 18 percentage points, from 3% to 19%, while their offline audience fell significantly from 11% to 3%. La Razón's dual audience also increased significantly (from 2% to 10%), with a slight loss of 2 points in its unique offline audience (from 4% to 2%).
Lastly, the COPE and SER stations have a very similar unique weekly reach (around 13%), followed by Onda Cero (9%).
grade: The results obtained with this method give priority to users' conscious choices, as they are asked to point out those news brands that come to mind when they make report about their news habits. In this way, the study seeks to exclude media visits that have occurred accidentally or inadvertently during users' browsing. It is also worth mentioning that 18% of the interviewees stated that they had not seen the news in any of the brands they were asked about.
This year's survey has incorporated some changes in the list of digital journalistic brands that respondents were asked about, in line with other accepted rankings in the sector (GfK, ComScore, survey of the CIS on audiences and OJD). This year, As.com, El discussion and The Objective joined the list of digital brands and EFE digital agency, El Nacional.cat and Euronews digital left the list. As in previous editions, it should be noted that the figures are based on the recall of news consumption during the week prior to conducting the survey.