The per diem expenses informative , increasingly concentrated in more media: 55% of Spaniards use five or more informative brands, 26 percentage points less than in 2016.
The analysis of the data of information brand usage by Spaniards from 2016 to 2023 reveals a number of interesting trends. In general, a gradual change is observed in the way Spaniards access information, with three very sharp movements. First, the issue of Spaniards who do not use any information brand, either traditional or digital, is increasing. In 2016, 1% of Spaniards did not use any informative source , a percentage that has steadily increased to 7% in 2023. This increase may be indicative of a growing disconnection or disinterest in news and information in general, of a reflection of distrust in the media.
Secondly, more and more Spaniards are concentrating their information per diem expenses around a smaller issue of brands. Thus, in 2016, the group that declared to be informed by 1 or 2 brands represented 6% of the population and in 2023 this percentage has increased to 19%.
Finally, the group using more than 5 informative brands has experienced a gradual decline over the years. In 2016 this group represented an overwhelming majority of 81% of the population. However, by 2023 this percentage has decreased to 55%. This change may be indicative of information saturation or a growing distrust of the multitude of available sources.

Analysis by subject of brands used to stay informed (non-digital and digital) indicates some interesting trends. First, those who are informed by non-digital means tend to use fewer brands than those who turn to digital. Specifically, 43% of respondents who rely on non-digital sources limit themselves to consulting two brands or fewer, compared to 33% of those who are informed by digital sources. These differences, however, do not occur among those who have a broader per diem expenses information. Regardless of the nature of the medium they tend to use (digital or non-digital), 20% of this subject of very interested readers use five or more brands a week to stay informed. In other words, very interested readers have a broader information per diem expenses , regardless of the subject medium they usually use.

Finally, it is not surprising that respondents who feel a predilection for digital brands tend to get their information from digital versions of print newspapers and magazines (59%) rather than digital editions of television and radio (48%). This popularity of digital editions of newspapers or magazines is also prevalent across all age groups, although it has declined over the past year among those aged 65 and over: 61% have used brands from this subject in contrast to 70% last year.
And as regards digital native media in Spain, the figures show that they are a category in their own right, to the point that 51% of those surveyed stated that they had consulted a brand belonging to this category in the week prior to conducting the survey survey.