The longest-lived social network at goal has lost a third of news usage since 2020, but Twitter maintains 18%, and reaches 32% among adults up to 24 years old.
Half of users between the ages of 18 and 34 on Instagram and TikTok engage with news on these platforms; that's 1 in 3, and 1 in 5 young people, respectively.
Twitch and Discord account for barely 2% and 1% of informational usage, although 1 in 5 adults under 35 connect to Amazon's streaming platform.

WhatsApp continues to be a widely used service, with eight out of ten connected Spanish adults (79%) using it in general and 27% in relation to news. Telegram, meanwhile, has 27% overall usage in Spain (the average of 46 countries is 16%), second only to Italy (29%) among the EU countries surveyed. Thus, Telegram also ranks higher in Spain than in Latin American countries.
Telegram's popularity is very uneven in its geographical distribution, with lower penetration in the United States (8%) and the United Kingdom (4%). Spain is one of the countries where it is most used, also in relation to news in the last week, reaching 8% (6% globally). Other countries where Telegram is relatively popular in relation to news are, again, in the Mediterranean: Italy and Turkey, with 9% each.

Spain is witnessing the decline of Facebooks leadership, with 58% of use for any purpose (seven points less than in the 46 countries as a whole) and 30% of use in relation to news (eleven points less than the global figure), and one more year these data become the minimum since the Digital News Report survey is conducted annually. In 2014, it was 74% overall usage and 50% in relation to news; in 2015 it rose to 76% and 52%; in 2016, it dropped to 72% and 49%; in 2017, 73% and 47%; in 2018, it recovered to 75% and 48%; in 2019, it lost that growth, again with 73% and 47%; in 2020, the reduction in use accelerated with 69% and 44%; it continued to decline in 2021, with 66% and 39%, and in the previous edition of the survey (2022) it was already at 64% and 35%, respectively.

Continuing with another star service of the company goal, Instagram is still strong and tied with YouTube for reading, watching, finding, commenting and sharing news, with 21% weekly in Spain, which is three points more than the average of 46 countries in the informative use of this social network . In general use, more than half (55%) of Spanish adults connected to the Internet use Instagram for some purpose. Instagram is only as popular as in Spain in Latin American and Asian countries, although other Southern European markets, such as Italy (20%) and, especially, Portugal (23%), are also above average in informational use.
Although 63% of adults in Spain say they use YouTube in any way (just two points less than the overall 46 countries), when asked about informational use the percentage drops to 21%, nine points less than the total markets surveyed; much more among men (26%) than among women (16%), and exceeding 20% only among those over 45 years of age.
Spain is one of the countries in the world with the highest overall Twitter usage (30%), eight points above average of 46 markets; surpassed by countries such as Chile (26%), Mexico (30%), doubling the penetration of the service in Portugal (15%), France (15%) and Italy (16%) and tripling that of Germany (10%). Twitter usage in relation to news (read, view, find, comment or share) is among the highest in the world in Spain, at 18% per week, half more than the total of 46 markets, and barely surpassed by emerging African and Asian markets. In this, Spain also doubles or triples other European Union countries.
Twitter continues to be a social network with a very young profile , with one in three between 18 and 24 years old (32%), one in four between 25 and 34 years old (26%), one in six between 35 and 54 years old (17%), and one in eight in the 55 to 64 age group using it for news. Unlike Instagram, which reaches 25% of news use among women and just 17% among men, Twitter, on the other hand, has a more masculine profile , with 20% and 16% of women using it to read, watch, find, share or comment on news.
Spain is one point below the average of 46 countries in the informative use of TikTok, with 10%, which is already half that of Instagram or YouTube. Thus, it is ahead of Western European countries, where it is used less, and behind the Latin American markets surveyed, where it enjoys greater popularity (Argentina, 11%; Brazil, 14%; Mexico, 15%; Chile, 18%; Colombia, 20%; Peru, 30%). Overall use of this video platform reaches 30%, four points higher than the average for 46 countries, although far from the 39% in Chile, 40% in Colombia, 42% in Mexico and 48% in Peru.
In the Spanish market, as opposed to Twitter and more similar to Instagram, TikTok is used more by women (33%) than men (27%), although news usage is balanced, with 10% and 9%, respectively. Although the general use of Bytedance's vertical video platform is spreading among the different age groups, the profile use for viewing, commenting and sharing news is younger. Nearly half of TikTok users in Spain between 18 and 24 (42%) and between 25 and 34 (43%) use this platform for news (18% and 20%, respectively), but in the 35 to 44 (29%) and 45 to 54 (27%) age groups, the proportion of news-related use drops to just under a third (9% and 8%); In the 55-64 age group (26%), this use in relation to news remains at one-fifth (5%), and accounts for one-quarter (5%) in the 65 and older age groups (20%), as the informative function is maintained but general use is reduced.

LinkedIn has 12% of general use but barely a quarter use it in relation to current news, which is 3% of adults connected to the Internet in Spain. Discord becomes a platform of some relevance, with 5%, but its informative use remains at 1%. Rounding to unity, the informative use of Twitch in Spain barely reaches two percentage points (1.5%); it is a modest figure that, nevertheless, doubles the average of the 46 countries surveyed, where it barely obtains three quarters of a point. Overall Twitch usage is 8% and rises to 20% among online adults under 35.