
In 2021, 24% of Spaniards registered in some digital media to access their news.

The majority of those who registered in the media were male (32%) and under 24 years of age (38%).

  • Spain is one of the countries with the highest Degree confidence (36%) that media companies use manager their personal data .

In addition to subscriptions, some digital news media require users to register as a prior step to accessing their content. In most cases, readers have to provide some personal data , including their e-mail, if they wish to access all the news offered by the media. This year's Digital News Report wanted to delve deeper into the perception that citizens have of this internship and its Degree acceptance. 

The data show that registration is not a very widespread internship in Spain: only 24% of those surveyed stated that they had registered in the last year, compared to 70% who had not. This is lower than the average figure declared in the 22 countries where this issue has been analyzed (28%, four points more than in Spain). 

Registration by news, international comparison

As can be seen in the graph above, news registration in Spain is far behind countries such as Portugal (44%), Brazil (40%) or Norway (38%), although at a more favorable status than in Japan (14%), the United Kingdom (16%) or Germany (19%). 

Looking more closely at data in Spain, it can be seen that men tend to register much more (32%) than women (17%), and that the younger generations do so more than the older ones. Thus, 38% of those under 24 years of age have registered in the last year, compared to 22% of those over 45 years of age. 

Registration by news, by age

Confidence in the use manager of the personal data

A priori, the popularization of the registration method for accessing news is related to the Degree confidence that users have in the good use that news companies will make of their personal data . However, the data totals of survey show that trust and registration do not always run parallel paths.

In the case of Spain, 36% of those surveyed believe that the majority of informative websites tend to treat their personal data in a manner manager , compared to 34% who believe the opposite. It is the sixth country out of the 22 analyzed with the highest Degree trust and yet it is the 16th with the highest percentage of registrations. For example, Portugal has the same percentage of trust as Spain in the use manager that the media will make of its data, and yet 44% say they are registered. At the other extreme is the USA: only 18% trust the media to use their personal data responsibly, but 29% are registered. 

Another important insight is that in most of the countries analyzed, trust in information companies as the correct guardians of personal data is lower than the trust placed in online stores. In the case of Spain, 41% trust that most e-retailers that request personal data use them responsibly, compared to 36% who trust digital media and 33% who trust social networks. 

Trust in the use manager of data personal

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