

The doctoral program in Arts and Humanities is part of the Doctoral School that the University of Navarra has implemented, in the framework established by the RD 99/2011, as a planning, coordination and monitoring body of the doctorate programmes, and the manager of its development and organisation is the School of Humanities and Social Sciences.

It is a programme adapted to the European Higher Education Area Education that meets the requirements set out in Royal Decree 1393/2007, of 29 October, which establishes the organisation of official university education. It was evaluated by the National Agency of Quality assessment (National Agency for Assessment of Quality and Accreditation), verified by the committee of Universities. It has official status and is registered at Registry of Universities Centers and Qualifications.

The programme has been adapted to the verification procedures foreseen by RD 99/2011, of 28 January, which regulates the official teaching of doctorate (BOE of 10 February 2011), having obtained a favourable report favourable from the National Agency for Assessment of Quality and Accreditation and positively verified by the committee of Universities.

The History and Literature programmes were awarded the accredited specialization of quality by the Ministry in 2006 (MCD2006-00121 and MCD2006-00119, respectively) and in the last financial year, the Literature programme was awarded the accredited specialization of Excellence (MEE 2011-0136) by the Ministry of Education.


The School of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Navarra was founded in 1955 with the programs of study of History and Geography. From the very beginning of the School and its various specialisations, the professors made a special effort to introduce students to the tasks of research. For this reason, from very early on and in accordance with the provisions of the legislation in force, i.e. the Law of 29 July 1943 on the organisation of the University and the decree of 25 June 1954 regulating the procedure to confer the Degree of Doctor in all the Universities, the programs of study of doctorate began to be taught, the first reports of licentiate degree (the first three in the academic year 1962/1963) and the first doctoral thesis were defended, the first in the History section during the academic year 1963/1964.

Since then, the programs of study of doctorate at the University of Navarra, and at School of Humanities and Social Sciences, have been adapted to the provisions of general legislation, both in the provisions of Law 14/1970 of 4 August 1970 or the General Law of Education and financing of educational reform and, following it, by the Organic Law of University Reform of 1983, and especially by RD 56/2005 and RD 1393/2007, the Organic Law 4/2007 of 12 April.

thesis The long history of awarding doctoral degrees, the research vocation found in the University's founding instructions , which is continued by the current team of lecturers, the issue of defended doctoral degrees and the publications derived from them, as well as the thesis in progress, are sufficient reasons to justify its continuity. teaching At the same time, it is essential to adapt doctorate to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) research (ERA), which are the foundations of the knowledge society. In this line, the doctoral program in Arts and Humanities takes up the legacy of the doctorate programmes in Literature, History, Linguistics, History of Art, Philology Classical and Geography, with an already experienced desire to develop interdisciplinary and cross-disciplinary activities that contribute to the better training of researchers. These programmes have brought together 103 students over the last five years, with a total of 64 thesis defended.

Throughout these years and in accordance with the new legislative provisions and the guidelines set out in the European Higher framework teaching (EHEA), the interdepartmental partnership links have been strengthened and the creation of interdisciplinary research groups (see section 6.1.) with an international vocation and partnership has been promoted.

The following Departments and centres of the University of Navarra are participating in development :

department of History, History of Art and Geography (School of Humanities and Social Sciences)

department from Philology (School of Humanities and Social Sciences)

Likewise, professors and doctors from other national and foreign institutions can participate in the Programme, as they have been doing, either in the co-direction of doctoral theses, giving seminars, mobility actions (both of doctoral students and of the professors themselves), participation in thesis tribunals convened to obtain the European/International Mention in the doctoral degree, etc.

Caspistegui Gorasurreta, Francisco J (contacto doctorado)


Dr. Francisco J. Caspistegui Gorasurreta

Director of the doctorate

Dr. Francisco J. Caspistegui Gorasurreta

University Campus

31009 Pamplona, Spain




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