
Christian Hippocratic Oath

Creation: Anonymous Christian.
source: Cruciform oath from the Vatican Library, manuscript of the X 11th century.
originallanguage : Greek.
Date: 2nd-3rd c. (recorded in use in the 4th c.).
Spanish translation: Gonzalo Herranz.
Copyright of the Spanish translation: Gonzalo Herranz.
Checked on September 11, 2007.

Blessed be God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, be blessed for ever and ever. I do not lie.

I will not tarnish the science of medicine.

I will not give anyone poison, even if he asks me for it, nor will I suggest anyone to take it.

Likewise, I will not induce abortion in any woman with treatment from above or below.

I will teach the art to those who want to learn it, without hiding anything from them and without making them my servants.

According to my ability and judgement, I will only apply my treatments for the benefit of the sick. I will practice my art with purity and holiness.

In whatever house I enter, I shall enter to help the sick, and I shall refrain from any action, intentional or unintentional, that may cause harm or death, and from any erotic intercourse with servant or free, male or female.

I will keep silent about everything I see or hear, on the occasion of my internship (or even outside of it in my social relations), and I will consider these things as a sacred secret.

If I keep this oath and do not break it, may God help me in my life and in my art, and may I be honoured of men. If I remain faithful, may I be saved; but if I swear falsely, may the contrary befall me.

grade. For the Greek text see Jones WHS. The Doctor's Oath. An Essay in the History of Medicine. Cambridge: At the University Press; 1924, which, to the critical study of the Greek text, adds some interesting historical comments.



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