Humanities and Medical Ethics Unit
Tribute to Gonzalo Herranz at School of Medicine
He was a pioneer in the teaching of medical ethics, 2021. -
Unpublished lectures by Gonzalo Herranz on Medical Ethics
It will progressively incorporate many lectures delivered between 1987 and 2007. -
Interview with Gonzalo Herranz on the origin of monozygotic twins.
With detailed infographics. Published by School de Medicina, 2017. -
Interview with Gonzalo Herranz on medical ethics today.
Published in 'Médicos y pacientes', 2016. -
Comment by Antonio Pardo on the Andrea Lago case [PDF 537K].
Published in 'La Razón', 2015. -
Tribute to Gonzalo Herranz at high school de Médicos de Valladolid
lecture on the book "Desde el corazón de la Medicina" and bioethics today, delivered on 29-XI-13 at the tribute and photographs of the event. -
Tribute to Gonzalo Herranz at the high school of Doctors of Navarre
Interview in Diario Médico [ PDF 190K], interview in Diario de Navarra, and photographs of the event (18-IX-13). -
The timing of monozygotic twinning: a criticism of the common model [PDF 116K]. Gonzalo Herranz, Zygote 2013; (Jun): 1-14 (electronic preprint publication).
Below we include, in alphabetical order, links to pages on Bioethics, forthcoming congresses and health law issues. None of the following lists are exhaustive, nor are they limited to pages with a specific moral orientation. Many of them contain, in turn, links to other Bioethics pages.
In these links, emphasis has been placed on those containing Codes, Declarations, recommendations, articles, etc., relating to biomedical ethics and also to other disciplines of the area of Sciences, especially those that are very long, very technical, or for which reproduction rights have not been obtained.
If you know of any other Bioethics Centres of particular interest to include in this list, we would be very grateful if you could send us their Internet address by e-mail.
American Medical Association, Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs: Code of Medical Ethics
association Catalan Bioethics Association of Medical Students (ABEM)
association Spanish Bioethics and Medical Ethics Association (AEBI). It allows access to the journal Cuadernos de Bioética and other monographs; with a periodicbulletin by e-mail.
Center for the Study of Bioethics (Medical College of Wisconsin)
Catholic Medical Association of the United States and Canada
- portal Catholic in Spanish with a section on bioethics.
Code of Medical Ethics and guide of Medical Ethics 2011. At committee General de Colegios Médicos de España.
committee French National Consultative Council for Life and Health Sciences: All reports in English and French.
committee Standing Committee of European Doctors: Policy Statements (1967-)
committee de Europa, bioethics page: Bioethics texts and documents (including recommendations, resolutions, reports and questionnaires).
committee Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Health Care Workers: Selected articles on attitudes to health care
European Forum for Good Clinical Practice. Publications: Working Party publications
European Information Network - Ethics in Medicine & Biotechnology (
Fundación Bioética - high school of enquiry and specialization in Bioethics
group of research on Science, Reason and Faith of the University of Navarra. It deals with questions of the foundations of science and the philosophical study of ethics.
National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality (USA). Includes documents at Spanish.
National Bioethics Advisory Commission, U.S.A., Publications
Nuffield Council on Bioethics, United Kingdom, Discussion Papers and Reports
Natural family planning. In Vida Humana Internacional (Spanish section of Human Life International).
- alternatives to assisted reproduction techniques.
Royal Pharmaceutical Society: Documents on Pharmacy Law and Ethics
The Couple to Couple League International (natural family planning). English version
association Spanish Health Law.
Medical Law. Pages by Dr. Julio César Galán Cortés.
Spanish Jurisprudence. (id.).
Other links to Health Law. (id.).
Medical Ethics and Deontology Commission (Intranet).
committee of Ethics of Animal Experimentation.
Reading between the lines: A critical history of contraception
Book by Dr. Gonzalo Herranz that sample little known or silenced facts. English version.
Thinking about evolution
Book by Antonio Pardo on theoretical and methodological questions of evolution, with a critique of frequent confusions and proposals for future research .
The fictitious embryo
Abook by Dr. Gonzalo Herranz in which the biological arguments that were used at the beginning of in vitro fertilisation to weaken the status of the human embryo are set out, and in which their weakness is demonstrated.
From the heart of medicine
Book by Dr. Gonzalo Herranz with a global vision of medical ethics, published by the Organización Médica Colegial.
María Pilar León Sanz
mpleon@unav.esHumanities and Medical Ethics Unit
31009 Pamplona, Spain
948 42 56 00