Bioethics and ethics in the health professions. The ethics of biomedical research . UNESCO Code: 710202.
Philosophy of biological evolution. UNESCO Code: 720501.
Illness in time. Practices and professions. UNESCO Code: 550617.
Philosophy of Technology: the process of medicalisation and biotechnological enhancement in the transhumanist discussion .
Moral Psychology and authenticity: the role of emotional habits in identity staff and its growth.
degree scroll: "The relationship between the sciences and theology in the 21st century: a proposal of philosophical articulation".
researcher principal: Javier Sánchez Cañizares.
Organisation: group de research Science Reason and Faith (CRYF)
Start date: 2016 / End date: 2019 -
degree scroll Philosophy : "Mind-brain: biology and subjectivity in contemporary and neuroscience". principal. José Ignacio Murillo Organization: (ICS) Start date: 2016 / End date: 2019
Institute for Culture and Society -
degree scroll: "Diccionario Interdisciplinar Austral".
researcher principal: Claudia Vanney
Organisation: high school de Philosophy de la Universidad Austral (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Start date: 2015 / End date: 2017
Funding entity: Templeton Foundation -
degree scroll:"Financing, management and construction of the Spanish hospital system from the economic history: between public and private (1942-2015)".
Funding: Programa Estatal de research, development e Innovación Orientada a los Retos de la Sociedad, reference letter HAR2015-66063-R (MINECO/FEDER)
Start date: 2016 / End date: 2019 -
degree scroll: "Storie e report del Tarantismo".
Fondazione La Notte della Taranta (Lècce, Italy)
coordinator : Andrea Carlino, Université de Genève -
degree scroll: "Emotional culture and identity"
Agency: Institute for Culture and Society (ICS)
researcher Principal: Ana Marta González
Start date: 2016 / End date: 2019
Some thesis directed at department:
Eduardo Pesqueira Alonso. Institutional Ethics Committees in Spain. (Gonzalo Herranz, 1990). [PDF 720K] [PDF 720K
Antonio Pardo Caballos. The secular bioethics of H. T. Engelhard. Analysis and critique. (Gonzalo Herranz, 1990). [PDF 885K]
Mario Iceta Gavicagogeascoa. The medical concept of futility and its clinical application. (Gonzalo Herranz, 1995). [PDF 1MB] [PDF 1MB
Epitacio P. Sabandal, Jr. Ethical Establishment & Theological Role in the American Hospital Ethics Committee. (Antonio Pardo, 1996). [PDF 1.4MB] [PDF 1.4MB
Óscar Gómez Cantero. GIFT. procedure y valoraciones éticas. (Antonio Pardo, 1997). [PDF 2MB] [PDF 2MB
Javier Sobrevia Vidal. La speech del enfermo oncológico en status terminal con el médico. (Gonzalo Herranz 1999). [PDF 1,6MB] [PDF 1,6MB
Euclides Eslava Gómez. Encephalic death and transplants. (Antonio Pardo, 2000). [PDF 1,2MB] [PDF 1,2MB
María del Mar Noguera Fernández. Man and Nature. An analysis of genetically modified crops. (José López Guzmán, 2005). [PDF 1,1MB] [PDF 1,1MB
Doris Bertha Gonzáles Carhuajulca. Fundamentos éticos del actuar profesional en ciencias de la salud, desde Elio Sgreccia. (Antonio Pardo Caballos, 2012). [PDF 170K]
María Pilar León Sanz
mpleon@unav.esHumanities and Medical Ethics Unit
31009 Pamplona, Spain
948 42 56 00