Investigacion_Cambio Global y Biodiversidad_Concienciación sobre las especies exóticas invasoras

Raising awareness of invasive alien species

area Invasive species are those that are found outside their natural distribution, producing serious alterations to the richness and diversity of ecosystems.

Raising awareness of invasive alien species

Society has a very limited understanding of the threats posed by invasive alien species. This lack of awareness hinders any management proposal policy by public administrations and other stakeholders, particularly for species that do not affect human health or major economic interests. In addition, their control and management are often seen as a constraint to economic development . The lack of knowledge by the public and key stakeholders contributes to a poor management strategy for these species.

This line aims to increase public and stakeholder awareness of invasive alien species issues in aquatic ecosystems and to develop tools that enhance an effective early warning and rapid response framework for new species in freshwater habitats.

The actions foreseen in this line of action are as follows:

  • Collaborate in the implementation of the European regulation on invasive alien species through the participation and creation of synergies between knowledge and management (managers, NGOs and scientists).

  • Improve early detection and rapid response capacity by increasing awareness and training of groups core topic.

  • Raise public awareness of the threats caused by aquatic invasive species, generating public support.