

Science communication is necessary for citizens to form their opinion staff on the resolution of major environmental problems affecting society.


To protect biodiversity and ecosystems we need to know more about them. BIOMA scientists are working on research in many geographic regions, but we do not have the capacity to study all the places we would like to, so we need your financial aid! Citizen science consists of the contribution to the scientific knowledge and to the resolution of questions posed in scientific programs of study through the participation of citizen volunteers who generally are not specialists in the topic to be investigated. Considering the capacity to accumulate millions of citizens involved in science around the world, the amount of data that can be generated is incredibly large, especially relevant to issues such as the conservation of ecosystems and biodiversity. In addition to their active contribution to science, citizens engaged in these subject initiatives acquire new knowledge and skills, as well as a deeper understanding of the scientific work . From BIOMA we want to promote the development of citizen science projects at partnership with the volunteer community that allow closer links between scientific institutions and society, thus contributing to an open and more democratic research . Some examples of citizen science projects carried out to date are Life+Respira, Liquencity II and the Biomarathon. If you have questions about our citizen science projects and would like to get involved in them, you can write an email to apply for to volunteer. volunteer.

In order to fulfill our task of bringing science closer to the citizens, the researchers integrated in Biodiversity and Environment Institute have created a blog blog in which we present in a rigorous and informative way the research, the discoveries and activities that take place both at BIOMA and in different parts of the world. In it we also include answers to questions or curiosities that citizens send us about different environmental issues. 

The University of Navarra is fortunate to house in its Science School a Museum that brings together more than half a century of work at research and teaching on biodiversity and environmental issues, giving rise to a collection of 25 million specimens, one million museum records and more than 10,000 species of animals and plants. Among its objectives is promote educational activities with young people through workshops, conferences, visits and exhibitions that allow transmitting to the new generations the values of the defense of biodiversity, environmental care and the value of science at the service of nature and human beings. Taking advantage of the attraction of science and nature for a large part of the population, the Science Museum constitutes a focus of attraction and a link between science and society, not only for schoolchildren and their teachers, but also for families and society in general. The Museum also aims to give visibility to all scientific activity related to the environment and sustainability, promote the Education in environmental ethics, the dissemination of knowledge on the natural environment and the promotion of scientific vocations among young people. It is therefore a point of meeting for the dissemination activities and knowledge dissemination of science at the University. To know in detail the activities that take place in the Science Museum of the University of Navarra, click here.




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