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Academic staff

The faculty the Master's Degree in Sustainable management and Nutritional Innovation in Food Companies is made up of professors and collaborators from the University of Navarra, IESE Business School and industry professionals.

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subjectCorporate sustainability ( 2 ECTS credit)

Alberto Andreu Pinillos (Madrid, 1963) holds a PhD in Economics and business (Universidad Pontificia Comillas), MBA (IE Business School) and graduate in Law (Universidad Pontificia de Comillas ICAI_ICADE).

He is currently Senior Advisor of EY, and advisor of the Boards of Directors of Corporación Pascual and Cosentino.

In his academic career, he is Adjunct Professor of the School of Economics of the University of Navarra and director executive of the Master of Sustainability. He is also visiting professor of IESE

In his professional degree program , for almost 30 years he has held executive and senior management positions in companies such as Telefónica, Banco Santander, Banesto and CEPSA, in functions related to Sustainability / CSR, Reputation, Brand / Corporate Identity, Organization and Corporate Culture.

He has also been Founder and President of DIRSE (association Española de Directivos de Sostenibilidad, ASG), member of the stakeholder Council of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and professor at IE Business School.



subjectFood industry and its regulation ( 2 ECTS credit)

Diana Ansorena is Professor of Nutrition and Bromatology and Director of department of Food Science and Physiology of the School of Pharmacy and Nutrition of the University of Navarra since 2024. Since 2001 she has participated in the teaching of subjects of the Degree of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, as well as the Master in Food, Nutrition and Metabolism at the University of Navarra. Her research has been related to the design and the assessment of the nutritional, sensory and healthy quality of food. In recent years he has shown a special dedication to explore new protein sources for the production of healthy and sustainable foods. She has participated in more than 20 public and private research projects. She is the author of more than 120 publications in international scientific journals, 70 communications to congresses, 24 book chapters, and has directed 14 doctoral thesis .

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subject: Personnel Management Service in Organizations and Decision Analysis (4 ECTS credit)



subjectBioactive compounds ( 3 ECTS credit)

She is Professor of Nutrition and Bromatology at department of Food Science and Physiology of the University of Navarra. She graduated in Pharmacy from the Complutense University of Madrid (1989) and obtained the doctorate from the University of Navarra (1994). Since 1993 she has developed an intense activity professor both in Degree (Human Nutrition and Dietetics, and Pharmacy) and in Master's Degree (Master's Degree European University in Food, Physiology and Health) and doctorate, assuming in addition diverse tasks of management throughout these years (Vice-Dean, director of programs of study, administrative assistant of department, etc.).

His research focuses on assessment the impact of technological processes, especially thermal treatments (including culinary ones), on bioactive compounds (phenolic acids, flavonoids, etc.) of plant foods (coffee, bell pepper, artichoke, thistle, cactus, etc.) and their by-products, their bioaccessibility and bioavailability after digestive processes, including the action of gut microbiota, and their effects on health. She has spent time at research at the University of California-Davis (2001-2002) and at the Technische Universitat Berlin (2010). She is (co)-author of more than 60 articles in international scientific journals (JCR indexed), more than 60 communications to international congresses, and has participated in numerous research projects with international, national, and regional competitive funding, and with companies. He has directed 14 doctoral thesis (12 with accredited specialization International) and numerous Final Projects Master's Degree and Degree. She has 5 six-year periods of research recognized by the CNEAI. She is an evaluator of university quality and research projects in several University Quality Agencies and research.

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subject: Project Finance and evaluation 3 ECTS credit)

For 20 years, María Luisa Garayalde has been a professor of Finance at ICADE Business School of the Universidad Pontificia Comillas de Madrid in the Official Master's Degree in Management and Administration programs at business, Executive MBA and in-company.

She is also a professor of Financial Management at ISEM Fashion Business School as well as in the programs Master's Degree in Law at business, Master's Degree in advisory service Fiscal and Master's Degree of Access to the Legal Profession at the University of Navarra. She collaborates as a guest lecturer with the Foundation of programs of study Financiers (FEF) and in the Master of Microfinance of the Universidad Autónoma. For five years, she was a researcher at the International Center for Financial research IESE.

In parallel to her work professor , she works as an independent consultant in valuations for business and advises on the acquisition of company shareholdings. She holds a degree in Law (Universidad Complutense de Madrid), an MBA from IESE (Universidad de Navarra) and a PhD in Finance (Universidad Complutense de Madrid). She began her professional career as a financial analyst at the stock market analysis department of department at Banco Santander de Negocios. Subsequently, she was Director of Analysis at MG Valores, the stockbroking company of group Metallgesellschaft in Madrid.



subjectFood behavior and consumers ( 2 ECTS credit)

D. from the University of Navarra (Food, Physiology and Health Program), Degree in Pedagogy and Diploma in Human Nutrition and Dietetics. She is currently an Associate Professor and teaches teaching at the School of Pharmacy and Nutrition of the University of Navarra. She is manager of Degree in Human Nutrition and Dietetics.

Her research activity has been linked to mass catering companies and their food safety management through activities of implementation of self-monitoring systems, training of food handlers, management of allergens and programs of study on food waste. She is currently a researcher of the line "Habits and eating behavior" of the research center in Nutrition (CIN) of the University of Navarra and collaborating researcher of the group "Personalized nutrition and metabolic syndrome" of the Institute of research Sanitaria de Navarra (IdiSNA). She has published scientific articles, has participated in more than 20 national and international congresses and in several competitive research projects.

She has been a member of committee organizer and is currently the director of the conference of update in Nutrition aimed at health professionals held annually at the School of Pharmacy and Nutrition since 2007.

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subjectAdvances in healthy eating and precision nutrition ( 3 ECTS credit)

Sonia García Calzón is a professor at the School of Pharmacy and Nutrition at the University of Navarra since 2020, with a doctorate in Food, Physiology and Health. Her research focuses on precision nutrition and epigenetics applied to metabolic diseases, such as diabetes subject 2 and obesity. She has been the recipient of prestigious grants, such as the Marie Curie IF and Juan de la Cierva Incorporation, and has accumulated two sexenios from research.

With more than 26 scientific publications in high impact journals, such as Science Translational Medicine and Diabetes Care, Dr. García Calzón has led programs of study pioneering work on epigenetic biomarkers. Her work has had a significant impact on personalized medicine, especially in the response to antidiabetic treatments. She actively collaborates with researchers in Sweden and other countries, consolidating an international network of research. In addition, she has been awarded several prizes, including the EASO YIU Best Thesis Award and the award Extraordinary doctorate from the University of Navarra.

Throughout her degree program, Dr. García Calzón has been invited as speaker in several international congresses and has collaborated and led multiple projects research, actively contributing to the advancement of science in the field of nutrition and epigenetics. She also plays a role core topic in the training of students and researchers through her participation in teaching activities.



subject: design of healthy and sustainable food (3 ECTS credit)

PhD in Pharmacy from the University of Navarra (Dept. of Genetics, 1997). Currently director Innovation of the Nutrition Research Centre and member of group Nutridynamics and Bioactives in Metabolic Syndrome (University of Navarra) since 2013. Previously, director of research and development+i of the National Centre for Food Technology and Safety (CNTA) (until 2012) and director of the Bioactive Compounds Line of the Nutrition Research Centre (until 2017).

He has participated in more than sixty national research and development+i projects and in a dozen international projects. Co-author of eight patents and some thirty publications. President of the Food and Health group of the Spanish Technology Platform FoodforLife. Member of the Scientific Committee of CNTA and of the Scientific Strategic Committee of business NUCAPS®.

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subject: Advanced tools for food and healthy diets design (3 ECTS credit)



subject: Internship (18 ECTS credit) and work of End of Master's Degree (6 ECTS credit)

Amelia Marti is Professor of Human Physiology in the department of Food Science and Physiology of the School of Pharmacy and Nutrition of the University of Navarra. Since 1990, she has been involved in the teaching in areas related to Physiology and Nutrition, and is currently Director of the Master's Degree in Food, Nutrition and Metabolism. She has been Scientific Advisor for the assessment on consumer health risk in the European Union and has been a member of the committee Scientific Advisory Board of the Spanish Agency for Food Safety and Nutrition.

His research focuses on the influence of Genetics (epigenetics) and lifestyle (per diem expenses) on the development of obesity and its associated comorbidities. He has collaborated in more than 30 research projects, including programs of study interventions such as PREDIMED, PREDIMED-PLUS and EVASYON. Some of them were carried out in partnership with companies such as Abbot, Merck, CINFA, ORDESA. He is a member of the CIBER de Fisiopatología de la Obesidad (Instituto de Salud Carlos III). He has more than 335 published articles, an H index of 63 and more than 16,000 citations. He has directed 18 doctoral thesis and 30 final projects Master's Degree.

Genetics Professor Martí has conducted research at reference letter international centers, such as the Nutrition Unit of the Baylor College of Medicine (Houston, USA), the Diabetes Unit of the Harvard Medical School (Boston, USA), the Body Weight Unit of the University of Marburg (Germany) and the laboratory Nutrigenomics Unit of Tufts University (Boston, USA). His international awards include the award Merck & Daphne and the Silver Medal of the British Nutrition Society.

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subject: Accounting and control of management (3 ECTS credit)

Forestry Engineer from the Polytechnic University of Madrid. MBA from the Instituto de business. With extensive experience as a manager, consultant and professor. CEO and CFO of Venter Pharma SL since the beginning of its operations in 2004. He has managed the complete development of a new molecule, from the authorization of the first human trials to the marketing authorization. He has been manager of the management of regulatory processes, company financing, licence contracts, patents, development, clinical trials etc. Previously he was General Manager at Andersen and consultant at Roland Berger. He is currently an independent professional advising technology startups on business processes, finance and costs. During the last 30 years he has been a continuous professor at several business schools such as the Instituto de Altos programs of study business of Buenos Aires, Icade Business School in Madrid and CESIF. He has published several specialized articles such as "Efficient use of resources in the family business ". Estrategia financiera (Wolters Kluwer), 2015; "Analytical Validation of a New Enzymatic and Automatable Method for D-Xylose Measurement in Human Urine Samples". Biomed Res Int. 2017; and the book "Finanzas para todos", in publishing house LID, Madrid 2011 and 2014; as well as diverse educational material such as the case "Banco Solidario en 1995". IAE. Buenos Aires



subjectDecision analysis ( 1 ECTS credit)

Ángel Proaño has extensive executive experience, starting his career at PwC, where he has held various management positions in the areas of Finance, development Corporate and Strategy in national and multinational groups in different sectors, such as group ALDEASA (currently DUFRY), group SAN JOSE or group LICO. He is also a member of the Board of Directors of several companies committee . Currently, he combines the teaching in Management Programs with the activity of consultancy service of management, collaborating with different business groups in the areas of Finance and Strategy. Lecturer of Strategic Management at IESE Business School and professor in the areas of Finance and Strategic Management in various programs Master's Degree and Executive of the UNIVERSITY OF NAVARRA. He is also a professor of General Administration in the PADEM of ISEM Fashion Business School.

Visiting Professor at AESE (Portugal), SAN TELMO Business School, MID ATLANTIC Business School (PADE), IEB (MBA), Fundación SEPI. graduate in Economics and Business Administration from the University of Navarra, MBA from the Instituto de business, PDD from IESE and Master's Degree in Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility from UNED.

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Subjects: Sales and marketing management (4 ECTS credit)

Degree in Pharmacy from the University of Navarra, PhD in Pharmacy from the University of Navarra and full-time MBA from IESE Business School. She has held various positions of responsibility within the pharmaceutical industry in both multinational and national companies in the field of operational marketing, development business, strategic marketing and strategic planning.

Founder and director of signature Axis Pharma since 2004, business of consultancy service and strategic market analysis, from which she provides consultancy service and business intelligence services to multinational and national companies as well as biotechnology companies, start-ups and groups of research within the medical-pharmaceutical field, supporting these entities in analysis projects and evaluation of products, development of business cases, development plans of research and development and support in processes of development of business.

board member and member of the board of SEMDOR (Spanish Pain Society multidisciplinary ). Editor of the journal MPJ (Multidisciplinary Pain Journal).

He has published several articles on medical and pharmaceutical business topics, as well as two books: "Change, improvement and innovation as paths to success in the new era of knowledge" and "How to make a Pharma-Biotech Business Case".



subjectFood patterns and health ( 2 ECTS credit)

D. from the University of Navarra in 2012 (Physiology and Nutrition), Dietitian-Nutritionist and Pedagogue. Since 2015, she is Associate Professor at the School of Pharmacy and Nutrition of the University and in 2024, she has been accredited by National Agency for Assessment of Quality and Accreditation as Full Professor of University in Health Sciences.

Since 2015 she is a collaborating researcher at group of research per diem expenses and Lifestyles (group 105) of the Institute of research Sanitaria de Navarra (IdiSNA) and group Epidemiology and Public Health of the University of Navarra. She has 2 sexenios of research and her research career has been linked to nutritional epidemiology, being author/co-author of more than 40 publications indexed in JCR and more than 35 scientific communications in Congresses. She has participated in 16 Projects/Contracts of research and has 2 sexennials of research.

She has extensive experience teaching in the Degree of Human Nutrition and Dietetics and in postgraduate program (Master's Degree European in Food, Nutrition and Metabolism", Course "Precision Nutrition", "Comprehensive approach to Alzheimer's disease", among others).

He is an Honorary Academic Member of the Spanish Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. 

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subject: design and interpretation of nutritional assays (2 ECTS credit)

Dietitian-Nutritionist, Pedagogue and PhD from the University of Navarra (UN) in 2008 (Physiology and Nutrition). Full Professor in Nutrition and Bromatology since 2015 at the School of Pharmacy and Nutrition of the UN. Deputy Director of the European Master's Degree in Food, Nutrition and Metabolism (2021-) and previously administrative assistant (2011-2020) and Deputy Director (2020-2021) of the department of Food Science and Physiology at UN.

Researcher at research center Biomedical network, Physiopathology of Obesity and Nutrition (CIBEROBN) of the Carlos III Institute. Since 2015 researcher of the group "per diem expenses and Lifestyles" of the Institute of research Sanitaria de Navarra (IdiSNA) and of the group "Epidemiology and Public Health" of the UN.

Her research has focused mainly on nutritional epidemiology, with participation in 16 projects. She has an H Index of 35 and is co-author of more than 90 indexed scientific articles. Director of 2 doctoral thesis (1 with award Extraordinary) and 1 more currently in progress. She has 3 Sexenios of research.

She has been a member of the Basque University System Quality Agency (UNIBASQ) (2021-2024) and is an honorary member of the Spanish Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

She has extensive experience teaching in the Degree of Human Nutrition and Dietetics and in the Master's Degree European in Food, Nutrition and Metabolism, and has collaborated as professor in various on-line courses.