
Aplicaciones anidadas

Junta del Máster

Master's Board

Aplicaciones anidadas

Ariane Vettorazzi Armental


Ariane Vettorazzi Armental desplegable

Ignacio Fernández de Trocóniz


Ignacio Fernández de Trocóniz desplegable

Elena Puerta Ruiz de Azua


Elena Puerta Ruiz de Azua desplegable


Management Assistance

Sonia Santamaría


Sonia Santamaría desplegable

Aplicaciones anidadas


The faculty the Master's Degree in Drug research, development and Innovation is made up of professors and collaborators from the University of Navarra and professionals from the sector:

Julen OyarzabaL
Partner & CSO
Columbus Venture Partners

Ana Gloria Gil
Director from programs of study Toxicological
Center for Applied Pharmacobiology Research at the University of Navarra, Spain

Zinnia Parra-Guillen
Senior Pharmacometrician. Researcher
University of Navarra

Maite Solas
Professor of Pharmacology
University of Navarra

Olga Ezpeleta
Director of the Quality Assurance Unit
University of Navarra

Ariane Vettorazzi
Full Professor of Toxicology
University of Navarra

Elena Puerta
Full Professor of Pharmacology
University of Navarra

Ignacio Fernández de Trocóniz
Professor Full Professor of Pharmacometry and Pharmacokinetics
University of Navarra

Belén Sádaba Díaz de Rada
consultant Clinical Pharmacology
Clínica Universidad de Navarra

Josep Termens
Patient Safety Specialist

Ana Berta Arrieta
Regulatory Affairs Manager
Cinfa Laboratories

Juan Costales
Senior Director, Project Delivery
Syneos Health

Xavier Tapias
Responsible of Tech Transfer Unit - Deputy Director SGI
University of Navarra

Carlos González Ojer
CEO & Founder
Ojer Pharma Laboratories

Ana Ortega
Director of the Pharmacy Service
Clínica Universidad de Navarra

Francisco Javier Muñoz
Technology Evaluation Leader

Ángel Pérez Agenjo
Founder and Managing Partner

Katherine Rice
manager Marketing Manager
Cinfa Laboratories

Elena González PeñaS
Researcher and Professor
University of Navarra

Ane de la Maza
Specialist in development Pharmaceutical
Cinfa Laboratories


Other professionals from the pharmaceutical industry also participate in Master's Degree , who give the meetings: an opportunity to learn about the latest trends and the most interesting topics in the sector from the professionals who conduct them. It is also an excellent opportunity to expand your contacts with the industry.