This Master is for you if...
The profile recommended admission for the Master's Degree University in research, development and Drug Innovation (MIDI) is that of a graduate/a in Health Sciences (Pharmacy, Medicine, Biomedical Sciences, Veterinary), Sciences (Biochemistry , Biotechnology, Biology, Chemistry, Biomedicine) or Engineering (Engineering Biochemistry , Biomedical Engineering, Biotechnological Engineering), who want to focus their professional degree program towards the research and development+i sector of the pharmaceutical and related industries. Graduates of Chemistry must have studied at least 6 ECTS credit of Chemistry Pharmaceutics and 6 ECTS credit of Pharmacology and Toxicology. If they have not done so, they must take these disciplines as complements to training until fill in the 12 required ECTS credit . Likewise, the candidate must accredit a minimum level B2 or similar in English.
In addition, you should have the following characteristics:
- Professional vocation for the Pharmaceutical Industry and intellectual curiosity to delve into the latest advances and the most innovative, experimental and management techniques in the world of pharmaceuticals.
- Motivation to seek quality and excellence in work, with initiative and with skill to apply critical, logical and creative thinking.
- Respect for professional ethics and intellectual integrity.
If you would like to know more, please contact our admissions officer:
Students, Spanish or foreign, who can prove they meet the legal requirements for access requirements foreseen in art. 18 of RD 822/2021 *.
You must hold an official Spanish university degree or another degree issued by a higher education institution in the European Higher Education Area.
Likewise, graduates from educational systems outside the European Higher Education Area may be admitted, without the need to have their degrees recognised, after verification by the University that they accredit a level of training equivalent to the corresponding official Spanish university degrees that entitle the holder to access postgraduate studies in the country issuing the degree. Access by this route will not imply, under any circumstances, the homologation of the previous degree held by the interested party, nor its recognition for purposes other than that of studying for the Master's degree.
* article 18. Access to the official teachings of Master's Degree.
1. The possession of an official university degree scroll Spanish Graduate or graduate or equivalent is a condition for access to a Master's Degree University, or in its case to have another degree scroll of Master's Degree University, or titles of the same level as the Spanish degree scroll of Degree or Master's Degree issued by universities and institutions of Education superior of a country of the EHEA that in this country allows the access to the programs of study of Master's Degree.
2. Likewise, persons in possession of degrees from educational systems that are not part of the EHEA, which are equivalent to the degree scroll of Degree, may access a Master's Degree University of the Spanish university system without the need for homologation of the degree scroll, but with verification by the university of the level of training that they imply, as long as in the country where said degree scroll has been issued it allows access to programs of study at the postgraduate university level. In no case will access by this route imply the homologation of the previous degree scroll of the person concerned or its recognition for purposes other than that of carrying out the programs of study of Master's Degree.
The following criteria will be taken into account for the admission of candidates:
-academic transcript (30%): grade average of the Degree studied.
-Curriculum vitae (20%): internships during the Degree; stays in companies, Departments or research centers; completion of experimental Final Degree Projects, professional experience, etc. will be taken into account.
-English level certificate (10%): to apply for admission it is necessary to accredit a minimum level of B2 or equivalent (a higher level will be considered). Those candidates who do not have an official certificate can prove their level of English by means of an English level test from the institute of modern languages of the University of Navarra. Registration at: Dates, schedule, location and cost of the test can be consulted in the language certification section.
- staff interview and letters of recommendation (40%): documents signed by qualified people from the academic or professional field that endorse the applicant 's ability to successfully complete the Master's Degree The staff interview will be in person or online.
The Master's Degree has a limited issue of places. Only those candidates who have obtained a minimum of 60% will be selected for admission.
The admission process is open from October to August, although the possibility of being admitted to the master's degree is subject to the existence of vacancies. It is recommended that candidates of non-European nationality apply for admission before January, in order to facilitate the visa application process.
To formalise your application for admission, you must follow the following steps:
-Fill in the form admission application form: You must register at Portal miUNAV and fill in the form with your personal details.
- Attach the required documentation:
1. Photograph ID card.
2. Photocopy of National Identity Card or passport.
3. certificate of grades (document stating the subjects passed at degree program and their grades).
4. certificate of English level, minimum B2.
5. Curriculum vitae
6. Two letters of recommendation
If the Admission Committee considers it appropriate, you will be asked to provide a valid certificate degree certificate for access to postgraduate program in your country. This certificate can be issued by home university or the Ministry of Education of the country where you have studied Degree.
-Payment of the fees admission fees: A €100 processing fee must be paid.
-Personal interview: When the application for admission is complete (form + documentation + payment of admission fees), you will be called for a personal interview (in person or online).
Once your application has been assessed, you will be sent an admission decision. This decision can also be consulted at Portal of candidate.
International students must make the equivalence of the grade average to the Spanish scale through the form of "Declaration of equivalence of the grade average of university transcripts made in foreign centers" through the website of the Ministry of Education of the Government of Spain.
If you are admitted you will have to start, through portal miUnav, the process of enrollment with a minimum payment of €3,000, which is deducted from the total cost of enrollment. This first payment is made during the month following receipt of the letter of admission and is non-refundable.
The payment of the reservation of place is formalised following the indications of Portal miUNAV.
The admitted candidate can formalise its enrollment through Portal miUNAV.
→ Payment methods for Admissions Office
- Interview
staff: When the application of Admissions Office is complete (form + documentation + payment of fees Admissions Office), you will be called for an interview staff (face-to-face or online).
Once your application has been assessed, you will be sent the decision of the Admissions Office. This decision can also be consulted at Portal of candidate.
Diego Rupérez Delgado
manager Admission and Promotion
C/ Irunlarrea, 1
31008 Pamplona, Spain
+34 630 131 820