degree scroll official
12 months
35 places
Scholarship Option
We train qualified professionals for the work in the business pharmaceutical
The drug, in the spotlight
Students acquire a training multidisciplinary of excellence in different areas related to the research, the development, the assessment and drug registration. They also acquire training in clinical trials and pharmacovigilance, quality in the research and development, the organization and management of the research, as well as in aspects of innovation.
Seminars with professionals of the business pharmaceutical industry
With the goal to transmit the businesstraining necessary for the performance of tasks of team management, quality assurance processes, management of the research scientific, pharmaceutical marketing, etc..
Classes oriented towards the research and development+i sector.
This Master's Degree is especially designed for anyone who wishes to focus their professional degree program towards the research and development+i sector of the pharmaceutical and related industries.
work End of Master's Degree in a professional environment
You will do a project of research in one of the lines of work developed at the University of Navarra, Clínica Universidad de Navarra, research center Applied Medical, in the Spanish Agency of Medicines and Health Products or a pharmaceutical company at national level, according to the preferences of student, to introduce you to the field of applied research .
Do you want more reasons?

This Master's Degree has been chosen for fifteen consecutive years as the best Master's Degree of its area in Spain by the ranking prepared by 'El Mundo'.
100% of the students find work within the first six months after completion of the course. Postgraduates are able to join multidisciplinary research projects within the complex field of medicine.
More than 40 companies collaborate with the program through final projects Master's Degree, teaching and conferences.
Through the case method, focused on providing the student with a broad theoretical basis on each of the phases that make up the development of a new drug, from its design and synthesis, to its launching on the market.
Our faculty
The professors and researchers of the School of Pharmacy and Nutrition usually carry out their research work in their Departments. Likewise, some researchers also work in centers and groups of research through which research work related to some specific areas is concentrated.
Let nothing hold you back from your future

From the beginning of the University of Navarra, we have worked to ensure that no student with the ability to study with us is left without fulfilling his or her dream for financial reasons.