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Aplicaciones anidadas

Aplicaciones anidadas


The Master's Degree has an orientation internship: from the first day, each student will start a project on his or her area of interest to apply in a real case the IT tools explained in the subjects.

The TFM (30 ECTS credit) is a work directed by a tutor, who must first meet with the student. It starts on the first day of the course and constitutes the pivot around which the Master's Degree revolves.


Final Works of Master's Degree 2024-2025


Final Works of Master's Degree 2023-2024


Final Projects Master's Degreefor the academic year 2022-2023

Title department o laboratory Teacher in charge State

2. Controlling the collective motion of self-propelled particles using foltovoltaic energy

Dto. Physics and Applied Mathematics

Iker Zuriguel Ballaz


4. Thermodynamic cycles with magnetotactic bacteria

Dto. Physics and Applied Mathematics

Reinaldo García García


9. Programming of mini-robots for traffic jam simulation.

Dto. Physics and Applied Mathematics 

Ángel Garcimartín Montero


18. Computational Mechanistic based Modelling applied to the development of Oncolytic virus. Pharmaceutical Chemicals and Technology Dept. José Ignacio Fernández de Trocóniz Fernández Assigned
Title department o laboratory Teacher in charge State
3. Al-based computational pathology applied to digitised patient biopsies Anatomy Pathology (CUN) Carlos E de Andrea Assigned
7. Search for next-generation biomarkers for early diagnosis and prognostic estimation of patients with cholangiocarcinoma.
(The TFM is developed in San Sebastian).
Liver and Gastrointestinal Diseases Jesús María Bañales available
8. Prediction of aptamers with high affinity and specificity in silico 3.06 Fernando Pastor Assigned
10. Use of massive hepatocarcinoma data to develop new therapeutic strategies. 406 CIMA / UNAV Puri Fortes Assigned

11. Deconvolving the DMG tumour microenvironment from spatially resolved transcriptomics using Deep Learning models

Dept. of Computational Biology

Mikel Hernáez


12. Deep learning for automatic annotation of behavioural patterns in non-human primates. Systems Neuroscience Lab. CIMA. Miguel Valencia Assigned
16. Implementation of RNAseq-based approaches to define T cell states and clonality of immunotherapy responses in lymphoma. Biochemistry and Genetics Sergio Roa Assigned
Title department o laboratory Teacher in charge State

1. Phenology of the MSS fauna in the pre-Pyrenees

Dto. Environmental Biology

Enrique Baquero


5. developmentof new selective adsorbent materials and their application in water treatment.

Dto. Chemistry

José Ramón Isasi


6. developmentof new clean methodologies for the manufacture of phosphate fertilisers.

Dto. Environmental Biology

José Mª García-Mina Freire


13. Automation of landmark detection in mammalian cranial Structuresfor morphological pattern analysis. Dto. Environmental Biology David Galicia Paredes available
14. Analysis of the sensitivity of different SDM procedures to the degradation of accessible biological and environmental information. Dto. Environmental Biology David Galicia Paredes Assigned
15. Exploring evolutionary relationships in the animal kingdom through molecular traits: controversial phylogenies and cryptic species. Dto. Environmental Biology David Galicia Paredes available

area of Physics and Applied Mathematics

Title department o laboratory Teacher in charge State

6. Experimental image analysis using artificial intelligence techniques.

Dto. Physics and Applied Mathematics

Wenceslao González-Viñas


7. assessment of the electrical activity of the left atrium in patients with atrial fibrillation (biomedical imaging).

Dto. Physics and Applied Mathematics

Jean. R. Bragard


9. Programming of robots to simulate evacuations

Dto. Physics and Applied Mathematics
laboratory Granular Media

Ángel Garcimartín Montero


10. Automated blood test diagnostic system

Dept. Physics and Applied Mathematics
Dept. of Microbiology

Ángel Garcimartín Montero


15. evaluation quantitative motility guide of Parkinson's patients

Dto. Physics and Applied Mathematics 

Javier Burguete Mas


16. Wind Turbine Wind Speed and Active Power Short-Term Forecasting: State of the Art, Forecasting Model, and Web Application

Dto. Physics and Applied Mathematics 

Sergio Ardanaz-Trevijano Moras


19. Computational applications of T-subgroup aggregation and indistinguishability.

Dto. Physics and Applied Mathematics 

Jorge Elorza


20. Numerical study of spirals in cardiac tissue.

Dto. Physics and Applied Mathematics 

Jean Bragard



area of Bioinformatics

Title department o laboratory Teacher in charge State

1. Use of massive hepatocarcinoma data to stratify patients and predict new therapeutic strategies.

Bioinformatics Unit

Puri Fortes


3. Exploring evolutionary relationships in the animal kingdom through molecular traits: controversial phylogenies and cryptic species Dto. Environmental Biology David Galicia Paredes Assigned

11. Study of the tumour microenvironment of B lymphomas by scRNAseq analysis.

Dto. Biochemistry and Genetics

Sergio Roa


12: Optimisation of a predictor of response to immunotherapy of diffuse lymphoma using machine-learning with data transcriptomics

Dto. Biochemistry and Genetics

Francisco Javier Novo Villaverde


13. Predicting the cellular composition and molecular makeup of the neurovascular unit using machine learning methods.

Computational Biology Program

Mikel Hernáez


18. Applications of deep learning and open hardware in ethology: automatic annotation of behavioural patterns in animal models of neurological and neurodegenerative diseases.

Systems Neuroscience LAB

Miguel Valencia


21. Systems biology approaches for the treatment of mutant KRAS gastrointestinal tumors with dismal prognosis. Solid Tumour Programme, CIMA - Computational Biology Programme CIMA Silvestre Vicent Assigned
22. Studying the transition from Myelodysplastic syndrome to Acute Myeloid from a transcriptomics point of view. Computational Biology Tecnun Fernando Carazo Assigned
23. Deciphering Alternative Splicing and DNA Methylation Association in Head and Neck Squamous Carcinoma. Computational Biology Tecnun Fernando Carazo Assigned
25. A Bioinformatic Methodology to Identify small Circular RNAs. Gene therapy and regulation of gene expression Tomás Aragón Assigned



area of Biology and Environment

Title department o laboratory Teacher in charge State

4. Analysis of the sensitivity of different SDM procedures to the degradation of accessible biological and environmental information.

Dto. Environmental Biology

David Galicia Paredes


5. Automation of landmark detection in mammalian cranial Structures for morphological pattern analysis.

Dto. Environmental Biology

David Galicia Paredes


14. Analysis of the effectiveness of development of the European LIFE programme and other international aid in the conservation of biodiversity.

Dto. Environmental Biology

Rafael Miranda


17. Exploitation of the Biodiversity data obtained from sampling in the MSS of the Sierra de Guadarrama.

Dto. Environmental Biology

Enrique Baquero


26. development and implementation of a new tool of financial aid to decision making for the development of marine renewable energies, under the approach of maritime spatial planning.

Dto. Environmental Biology Ibon Galparsoro available



area of Chemistry

Title department o laboratory Teacher in charge State

2. development of new selective adsorbent materials and their application in water treatment.

Dto. Chemistry

José Ramón Isasi


8. In silico toxicology: an overview of computational methods for the genotoxicity prediction of a series of bioactive compounds.

Technology Department and Chemistry Pharmaceuticals

Maria Font


24. Microfluidics of hydrogels: process optimisation, characterisation and applications. Chemistry and Physics and Applied Mathematics José Ramón Isasi Assigned




Aplicaciones anidadas


Julen Torrens


Sergio León

Aplicaciones anidadas


Iván Ruiz


Irene Marin


Many professors in various fields offer FMP titles that they are willing to supervise. Alternatively, the student can search for a lecturer willing to supervise a work of interest to him/her that is not included in this list and propose it as a dissertation. Some examples:

Aplicaciones anidadas


Automated image analysis diagnostic system

The project aims to develop a low-cost diagnostic kit to detect, by means of image analysis on a biological sample , certain diseases that are particularly prevalent in poor countries (tuberculosis, malaria, etc.).

Automated image analysis diagnostic system

More information


Analysis of the sensitivity of different species distribution models to the degradation of biological and environmental information. available

To know the limitations that the most frequently used methods in the literature have on the quality of the information on entrance, in order to decide which is the most appropriate tool to use depending on the primary data available.

Analysis of the sensitivity of different species distribution models to the degradation of biological and environmental information. available

More information


Precision personalised medicine for the treatment of multiple myeloma using Deep Learning techniques

This project proposes to use data of RNA-Seq, DNA-Seq and clinical data to design a new stratification system for multiple myeloma patients based on employment of autoencoders.

Deep Learning

More information


Modelling catalytic photodegradation kinetics in aqueous media

The work will consist of developing general kinetic models of photodegradation that take into account other substances present in the aqueous environment.


Modelling catalytic photodegradation kinetics in aqueous media

More information




Director Academic:
Dr. Ángel Garcimartín Montero
board member :
Dr. Mikel Hernáez Arrazola
Dr. David Galicia Paredes
