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Florez-Jimenez, M. P., Lleo, A., Ruiz-Palomino, P., & Muñoz-Villamizar, A. F. (2024). Corporate sustainability, organizational resilience, and corporate purpose: a review of the academic traditions connecting them.. Review of Managerial Science, 1-38

 Florez-Jimenez, M. P., Lleo, A., Danvila-del-Valle, I., & Sánchez-Marín, G. (2024). Corporate sustainability, organizational resilience and corporate purpose: a triple concept for achieving long-term prosperity. Management Decision.

 Lleo, A.; Montaner, A.; Edmondson, A.; Sotok, P. (2022): "Unlocking the power of purpose" MIT Sloan Management Review, 63-4, pp. 20-24.

 Ruiz-Pérez, F., Lleó, Á., & Ormazábal, M. (2021). Employee sustainable behaviors and their relationship with Corporate Sustainability: A Delphi study. Journal of Cleaner Production, 129742.

 Lleó, A.; Bastons, M.; Rey, C.; Ruiz-Pérez, F. (2021). Purpose implementation: conceptualization and measurement. Sustainability. Vol. 13. 

 Florez-Jiménez, M.P.; Lleo, A.; McNeely, E. and Rey, C. (2023) Enhancing the Sense of Community and Collaboration among Employees through Purpose Implementation: An Empirical Analysis using Dyadic Data. Available at SSRN:

 Florez-Jiménez, M.P.; Lleo, A.; Danvila, I. and Sanchez-Marin, G. (2023) Corporate Sustainability, Organizational Resilience, and Corporate Purpose: A Triple Concept for Achieving Long-term Prosperity. Available at SSRN:

 Florez-Jiménez, M.P.; Lleo, A.; Ruiz Palomino, P. Muñoz-Villamizar, A. (2022): Exploring the Relationship between Sustainability, Resilience, and Purpose in the Context of Corporations: A Comprehensive Literature Review. Available at SSRN:

 Ruiz-Perez, F.; Lleo, A.; Ormazabal, M. and Rey, C.: Strengthening Employee Sustainable Behaviors through Purpose Implementation (2022): An Empirical Approach with OCBs. Available at SSRN:

 Lleo, A., Rey, C., & Chinchilla, N. (2019). Measuring the Purpose Strength. In Purpose-driven Organizations (pp. 119-130). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. ISBN: 978-3-030-17674-7

 Chinchilla, N.; Lleó, A.; Rey, C.; Alloza, A.; Pitta, N. (2019) "Purpose Strength Model: towards a shared purpose". IESE-Insight. 

 Lleó, A.; Chinchilla, N.; Ruíz-Pérez, F.; Rey, C.; Alloza, A. (2022) "Purpose Strength Project: evidence on purpose implementation"IESE-Insight. 

 Florez-Jiménez, M.P.; Lleó, A.; Chinchilla, N.; Hernández-Salazar, G. (2023) "First Ibero-American Barometer on the implementation of the purpose"DCH-Research/Barometers

 Ruiz-Pérez, F. (2022) "model of maturity of the Implementation of purpose and its impact on Corporate Sustainability". doctoral program in Applied Engineering of Tecnun-School of Engineering of the University of Navarra. Directed by: Álvaro Lleó de Nalda and Marta Ormazábal. grade Awarded by: A cum laude

 Florez-Jiménez, M.P. "Enhancing organizational resilience and sustainability through purpose implementation". doctoral program de Economics y business. School de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales de la Universidad de Navarra. Directed by: Álvaro Lleó and Ignacio Danvila.

 Pardo-Jaramillo, S. "Towards a more sustainable and customer-centric organization through purpose implementation". doctoral program en Administración de Organizaciones de la Escuela Internacional de Ciencias Económicas y Administrativas de la Universidad de la Sabana. Directed by: Ignacio Osuna, Álvaro Lleó and Miguel Gómez.

 Echevarría-Velasquez, I.E. "Estudio del impacto de los valores corporativos en los vínculos interpersonales generados por el purpose organizativo". doctoral program de Gobierno y Cultura de las Organizaciones del high school business y Humanismo. School de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales de la Universidad de Navarra. Directed by: Álvaro Lleó and Nuria Chinchilla.

 Banda, R. "Influencia del purpose staff en el development staff y en el bienestar de los estudiantes universitarios" doctoral program de Gobierno y Cultura de las Organizaciones del high school business y Humanismo. School de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales de la Universidad de Navarra. Directed by: Álvaro Lleó and Javier García-Manglano.

 Lleo, A. (2020) "The core topic is to connect everything with everything through the purpose"Imagen y Comunicación Magazine N°95 (pp: 20-26)

 Lleo, A. (2021) "The great challenge that companies currently have is to move from the declaration to the experience of the purpose" in the Human Resources and Talent management blog of the School of Economics and Business Administration of the University of Navarra.

 Lleo, A.; Rey, C.; Chinchilla, N. (2021) "From companies with purpose to companies that live their purpose" in the World on 03/18/2021

 Lleo, A. (2021) "What does it mean to be a business after the health crisis?"in el País on 11/25/2021 (participation in the report)

 Lleo, A. (2022) "Purpose Strength Index: measurement of the implementation of the purpose" in Imagen y Comunicación Magazine N°113 (pp: 25-34)

 Lleó, A. (2022) "The purpose must help your organization to be profitable, otherwise it is utopian. "in Human Capital on 10/19/22
