Flag Football
Since last February, a new sport can be practiced at the University of Navarra. Thanks to the initiative of a group of students, the Sports Service has purchased the sports equipment to practice "Flag Football".
Flag football is a modality American soccer that is played without the strong physical contact that characterizes American soccer. In flag football there are no tackles(downs), these are replaced byflags that players wear attached to a regulation belt, one on each side of the waist.
When a player manages to steal an opponent's flag, the game stops and another play begins, just like when there is a tackle or a tackle in American soccer. The rules are practically the same, only physical contact is limited.
Students who are interested in learning about and practicing this sport can contact the Sports Service(deportes@unav.es).
deportes@unav.esadministrative office Sports
Edificio sports center
Campus Universitario s/n
31009 Pamplona, Spain
+34 948 425600