Ruta de navegación


Aplicaciones anidadas

Aplicaciones anidadas


A versatile, exciting and accessible sport for everyone in which, through the school, you will be able to learn, improve and/or perfect this sport discipline .

With the internal competitions, the level groups for matches and the rest of the activities offered, you will have the perfect opportunity to discover the social component of paddle tennis, allowing players to enjoy a sporting activity while establishing relationships, strengthening bonds and creating new friendships.


"If you like paddle tennis, this is your University".

Mario Tanco


contact Paddle

sports center University of Navarra
Campus Universitario s/n

31009 Pamplona, Spain

+34 654 259 304

Reservar pista de pádel

Aplicaciones anidadas

Pádel UNAV en las redes



University of Navarra padel_unav Instagram . Twitter of @padelunav of the University of Navarra University of Navarra's UNAV Padel Facebook


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Paddle School

Aplicaciones anidadas


The School bets for the teaching of the discipline sport of paddle. It includes all levels, initiation, intermediate, improvement and competition.

It is organized in two semesters:

→ First semester (SEP-JAN)
→ Second semester (JAN-MAY).

Depending on the level and the student time availability groups of classes are organized which are led by a monitor being always a maximum of four people. You can sign up individually, in pairs, or bring the complete group .

Each semester has a cost of 196€/person.

We also offer private lessons and combine your classes with matches.


→ Email:
→ Phone: 654 259 304 (Mario)
form course 2024/25

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Internal competitions

Aplicaciones anidadas

texto competiciones-inernas

In the Unav Padel Club we develop internal competitions, wells, tournaments, directed matches, padelistic meetings, events... everything that promotes competition, fun and socialization related to padel.

Jornada de Trofeo Rectora 2023

president Paddle Trophy

Padel UNAV Opens

Weekly wells

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bandera federadas

Competiciones federadas caecera

Federated competitions

Aplicaciones anidadas


The federated team focuses on gathering players, who on behalf of the University of Navarra compete in high level competitions. Spanish Championships as well as regional championships. To do so, a series of skills are required. The goal, in addition to competing, is to make team and everything that comes with belonging to a Sports Club of the University of Navarra.

The federated paddle tennis team participates in different competitions.

S panish University Championship

Reyno Cup by teams of the Federación Navarra de Pádel.

A bsolute championships by pairs.

Aplicaciones anidadas

Nuestras instalaciones







Paddle facilities

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quienes somos

cabecera quienes somos

Who we are

Aplicaciones anidadas

Aplicaciones anidadas

Aplicaciones anidadas




Mario Tanco

UNAV Alumni

Director of the Unav Padel School

Monitor and National Paddle Tennis Referee Judge




Cristina Torrens

Former Professional Tennis Player

Director of the Unav Padel school

Sports Manager

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Frequently asked questions

Aplicaciones anidadas

Aplicaciones anidadas

¿Cómo puedo reservar una pista de padel?

How can I reserve track?

Through the website of the Sports Service of the University of Navarra Username belonging to each student or employee. Select the date and the desired schedule .


Do you offer credits for being part of the School or the paddle team?

Yes, the University of Navarra offers credits to UNAV students for being part of the Padel team, or for being part of the School (attendance minimum 35 hours/academic year).
One credit ECTS credit (electives) per academic year up to a maximum of 3 credits ECTS credit per Degree.
The obtaining of credits ECTS credit will not be cumulative (school and team).


Necesito llevar material?

Do I need to bring equipment?

It is advisable to bring your own paddle and balls, although in special cases the necessary equipment can be lent to student or employee .

¿Es necesario ser federado?

Do I need to be a member of a federation?

No, it is not necessary to be federated. However, in any competition organized by the Federación Navarra de Pádel, being federated will mean being insured.

¿Dónde están ubicadas las pistas?

Where are the tracks located?