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D. in History and graduate in Information Sciences, he is Full Professor of History of Thought and Social and Political Movements at the Public University of Navarra. In his long academic career also highlights his work as coordinator of social sciences in the Spanish Agency for Evaluation and Projection (ANEP) and as a member of the committee of assessment of social and legal sciences of the National Agency of assessment of Quality and accreditation (National Agency for Assessment of Quality and Accreditation). He is the author of two hundred academic publications, has made stays of research in several universities, including Oxford and Harvard, and has participated in more than a dozen national research projects.

"Anthroponymy and society. Una aproximación sociohistórica al nombre de persona como fenómeno cultural", published in 2014, is the author's most genuine contribution to the subject of onomastics. From the dual perspective of cultural history and the sociology of fashion, this study investigates the social changes that lie behind the generational variations in the repertoire of the most common names in different societies.

graduate position in Philology Basque by the University of the Basque Country, in 1996 he was appointed corresponding member of Euskaltzaindia /RALV, where he holds the position of secretary of the Onomastics section. He is the author of numerous publications on onomastics and toponymy. He is the author, together with Patxi Salaberri, of"Euskal izendegia: Ponte izendegia/ Diccionario de nombres de pila/ Dictionnaire des prénoms", 2001; and co-author of the collective works"Leioako leku izena", 2012,"Airako toponimia nagusia", 2013 and "Berrizko baserriak", 2013. His most recent articles include "Evolución del nombre de pila en el País Vasco peninsular", 2001; "Getxoko etxe izenen sorreraz", 2005; "Errepublika garaiko izenak eta 1939ko dekretua", 2006; and "Camino 'bide' en la toponimia vasca", 2007, all of them in Fontes linguae vasconum: Studia et documenta, contributions to which are added several programs of study in Euskaltzaindia's own serialised publication Trabajos y conference proceedings .

D. in Classical Philology from the University of Salamanca, is currently Full Professor emeritus of Ancient History at the University of Cantabria. His academic biography combines his interest in the teaching of languages and classical culture with a fruitful research that revolves around three main lines: epigraphy, onomastics and the acculturation of indigenous peoples. He has collaborated in important national and international projects, and has to his credit several books and more than 60 contributions to scientific journals and congresses. Many of them refer to Cantabria and especially to Mérida, of whose epigraphy he is a great scholar, as is attested by the XXIII International award "Genio Protector of the Colonia Augusta Emérita", which was awarded to him by the association of Friends of the Museum of Roman Art of the aforementioned town in Extremadura. But there are also numerous works dedicated to the toponymy and onomastics of Basques and Navarrese. Among them the following could be mentioned as the most recent ones: "Origen y evolución del surname de los navarros", in La onomástica en Navarra y su relación con la de España. conference proceedings de las primeras conference de onomástica (Pamplona, 2003), 2005; " La toponimia de las ciudades vasconas", in J. Andreu (coord.), "Los vascones de las fuentes antiguas: en torno a una etnia de la antigüedad peninsular", 2009; together with J. Gorrochategui, "La religión de los vascones: una mirada comparativa...", in Cuadernos de Arqueología de la Universidad de Navarra, 2013; and "Vascones por las tierras del Imperio romano", in Príncipe de Viana, 2015.

Doctor in History and sociologist, since 2007 he has been working as a Senior Technician at file Real y General de Navarra. He is devoted to the historical research in a period between the end of the Age average and the beginning of the Modern Age, sample his preference for three main themes: the rural world of Navarre, analysed from the point of view of the living conditions and the evolution of its population; the conquest of the kingdom by Castile, presented from the angles opened up by the enquiry of new historical sources; and the Basque language, revalued as the language spoken (but not written) by a majority of Navarrese people in those centuries. His best-known publications are "La ira de Dios: los navarros en la era de la peste (1348-1723)", 2002; " La guerra de Navarra (1512-1521). Crónica de la conquista española", 2010; "De Noáin a Amaiur (1521-1522), 2012; "Dos destinos para un reino: Navarra de 1522 a 1529", 2012; and "El iceberg navarro. Euskera and Spanish in 16th century Navarre", 2017.

D. in Modern History, she is a lecturer at subject in the department of History, History of Art and Geography of the School of Philosophy and Letters of the University of Navarra. Previously, she was a temporary lecturer at the University of the Basque Country/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea. She has been a visiting professor at the Center for Basque Studies programs of study at the University of Reno, Nevada, and since 2008 she has been a visiting professor at the Universidad del Istmo in Guatemala City.

His research has focused on the study of spatial planning in mountainous Navarre, particularly during the 16th and 17th centuries. The book "Aldeas y campesinos en la Navarra prepirenaica", Pamplona, Government of Navarre, 1994, is part of this line; he has also investigated the system of sole heir and the forms of family organisation in this region; together with Antonio Moreno Almárcegui he published "El origen histórico de un sistema de heredero único: el Prepirineo navarro 1540-1739", Madrid, Rialp, 1999. Finally, he has studied questions related to the training and transmission of names and surnames in the first modern centuries, as can be found, among others, in work graduate "La herencia duradera: los apellidos en la Navarra moderna", in Salinero, G. and Testón Núñez, I.,"Un juego de engaños: mobility, nombres y apellidos en los siglos XV a XVIII", Madrid, Casa de Velázquez, 2010, pp. 69-83.

Doctor in Philosophy and Letters, he was a teacher of Basque and director at the Official Language School of Pamplona. He first joined Euskaltzaindia /RALV in 1987 as a corresponding member, and since 1999 as a member of issue, occupying Federico Krutwig's chair in the Academy. Since 1997 he has been the representative of Euskaltzaindia in Navarre, and is also an active member of committee Navarro del Euskera. In addition to his role as a lecturer and promoter of various initiatives, it is worth mentioning his academic output in numerous journals[Bidasoa Ikerketa Zentroaren Koadernoak, Fontes Linguae Vasconum, Estudis Romànics, bulletin de la Real Sociedad Bascongada de Amigos del País, RIEV, Jakin, etc...), and his authorship in several collective works, such as Euskal Herriko udalen izendegia, 2011, or Euskal Herriko ibaiak, 2014, among the most recent ones. 

Philologist and writer, he is a specialist in Basque onomastics and toponymy in Navarre. coordinator In the 1990s he was the linguistic coordinator of project on minor toponymy in Navarre, directed by Jimeno Jurío and sponsored by the Government of Navarre. He was also responsible for the linguistic coordination of the 60-volume edition of the collection Navarra. Toponymy and cartography. In 1999 and 2000 he published in Pamiela Diccionario etimológico de los nombres de los pueblos, villas y ciudades de Navarra: apellidos navarros, and Diccionario etimológico de los nombres de los montes y ríos de Navarra, respectively. He has subsequently published several works on the Améscoa region together with Balbino García Albizu. He also writes for the Diario de Navarra, where he has a daily chronicle on Navarrese mountains, and has contributed to magazines such as Nafarkaria, Euskal Abizenak and Apellidos Vascos. He is currently a member of the Basque Society of Onomastics and of committee Navarro del Euskera.

Heraldist and writer, he has been a member of the Real Academia Matritense de Heráldica y Genealogía since 2007. He currently holds the post of Secretary of the Town Council of the Navarrese town of Lesaka ( position ). He is the author of a wide range of articles in specialised journals, particularly in Emblemata: revista aragonesa de emblemática, and his preferred field of study focuses on the heraldry of northern Navarre. Among many of his works, the following could be mentioned: "El escudo de Bortziriak", in Hidalguía: The Journal of Genealogy, Nobility and Arms, 1999; "Aproximación a la heráldica de las entidades locales de Navarra", in Cuadernos de Etnología y Etnografía de Navarra, 2002; "Origen y difusión de las armas de Baztán", in Príncipe de Viana, 2005; and "El Escusón (y algunas reflexiones sobre la España Eterna)", "Cañones de Gipuzkoa" and "Propuestas de heráldica municipal en las vidrieras del palacio de la Diputación Foral de Navarra: The case of Marcilla", all of them in Emblema, 2006, 2009 and 2103, respectively.

A native of Lesaka (Navarre), he is recognised by his neighbours as an accredited cultural guide of the town. graduate in Humanities by the University of Navarre, he teaches at Education Secondary School. The fruit of his knowledge of Lesaka's artistic heritage is his contribution to the book Piedra, hierro y papel. Trayectoria histórica de la villa de Lesaka, 2016, for which he prepared the chapter "Monumentos religiosos de la villa de Lesaka: historia y patrimonio".
