Menú de navegación



work team and participants (Belabarze - Isaba)

This digital ethnoherbarium is the result of the project promoted by the Chair of language and Basque Culture of the University and financed in its dissemination aspect by the Government of Navarre, for the consolidation of educational materials that bring together the areas of Ethnography and Botany. The design and the start of its implementation with a pilot group in the Roncal Valley was at position of the historian and ethnologist of Etniker Pablo Orduna Portús, the botanist Virginia Pascual López and the teacher Aritz Larraia Medina. The materials and dynamics of work have been developed with the aim of making the ethnobotanical activity feasible both with student of 4th, 5th and 6th of Education Primary, students of Education Secondary and extracurricular groups of young people between 10 and 16 years old (scouts, educational reinforcements, cultural associations, etc.). The project is part of the process of finding by young people of their own community cultural landscape. Through the implementation of the different stages or phases of the activity, young people can take contact with the tangible and intangible heritage, as well as the natural and ethnographic heritage of their locality, valley or region of residency program. At the same time, the established methodology of work allows the contact with printed scientific sources, the building of intergenerational relationships with their elders and the development of different social, linguistic and digital competences. All of this is based on participant observation and involvement with the people of their homeland.


Pablo Orduna Portús holds a PhD in Modern History from the University of Navarra (UNAV) and is diploma holder for the Ethnology branch at programs of study Vascos from the same academic centre. He is accredited by the National Agency for Assessment of Quality and Accreditation as Associate Professor, lecturer teaching assistant doctor and private university lecturer. He has worked as professor at the same institution, at the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) and as Associate Professor at the International University of La Rioja (UNIR). He has also worked as researcher with a grant from committee Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) and the Fundación José Miguel de Barandiarán. He enjoyed a research stay at the Center of Basque Studies at the University of Nevada, Reno. She has been professor visitor within the Erasmus+ Programme at the high school Politécnico de Bragança (Portugal). He belongs to different associations in the field of History, Ethnography and Anthropology of which he is an active member. He also continues his ethnological research work with the group of programs of study Etniker Ethnographic - in this role he is researcher fieldwork in the Roncal Valley - and in the group CCSS-05 of UNIR. He has published several books and articles in specialised journals and has given conferences on History, Anthropology and management of Cultural Heritage. Due to the work carried out in recent years as a museum technician, archival cataloguing and project management in the field of cultural heritage, he has been at contact with the new technologies that are so necessary and in vogue in the world of management and dissemination. In this field of work he is a member of group network Cultural - Kultursarea. Since 2016 he has been a member of committee of essay of the journal Cuadernos de Etnología y Etnografía de Navarra.

Virginia Pascual López holds a PhD with accredited specialization from the University of Málaga (UMA) at area of Plant Biology and a degree in Biology at specialization program in environment from the same university. She has also completed a postgraduate programme with accredited specialization of quality "Geographical analysis in land use planning" at the University of Granada and a Master's Degree in assessment of Environmental Impact by the INIEC. She is a university lecturer and researcher at the International University of La Rioja, with teaching in several postgraduate subjects and direction of TFM. She is co-author of several international publications, including in the Journal Citation Reportat area in plant ecology. She has participated in national and international research projects both in environment and clinical research and Education. She has even been invited as speaker by the committee General del Poder Judicial, in a course on environmental discretionality. She has carried out several stays in international research centres, such as Facultade de Ciências e Tecnología (Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal) y  Institut Scientifique (Université Mohammed V Agdal, Morocco) and national, such as the high school Pyrenean Ecology Centre (CSIC, Zaragoza). She has been professor visitor within the Erasmus+ Programme at high school Politécnico de Bragança (Portugal). Outside the university environment, she has worked as a specialist in the Historical Botanical Garden La Concepción, under the board of trustees municipal of the City Council of Malaga; in the project "Environmental impact of wind farms on birds and chiropterans" for an environmental consultancy service and as a science teacher in a secondary school high school , where she set up projects to promote scientific literacy, such as the "Science and Science Literacy" project. high school diplomawhere she set up innovation in education projects to promote science literacy, such as Sicentia rosarum (science newspaper of high school) and the 1st Science Week. 

Aritz Larraia, teacher and musician, born in Pamplona in 1987. He began his teaching studies at programs of study at the University of Salamanca and finished Degree at the Public University of Navarre. At the end of his programs of study, he created the didactic project "Natura, Ingurumena, Amalurra eta Kondairak".. He has taken part in various activities related to the Education, prioritising the Basque language . He was a member of the Basaran academy in Puente La Reina and is an active member of the academy partner . Aise Psikologia, Pedagogia eta Laguntza-eskola from Ansoáin. In the Roncal Valley he works as a support teacher for pupils with academic difficulties and is a teacher and coordinator of AEK. He is currently developing a didactic project to bring pupils from the virtual world back to the real world. The subject matter of his work is related to green pedagogy, positive psychology and the pedagogy of confidence.

Javier Muñoz, painter and illustrator, born in Pamplona in 1978, tells us about the present with his work, managing - in the words of Baudelaire in The Painter of Modern Life - "to glimpse hints of infinity in the heart of the prosaic and degrading peremptoriness of the world". Because of the tension between official document and vital necessity, the variety of techniques to which Javier Muñoz resorts are nothing but new fields of expressive freedom, open possibilities to give vent to what explodes in the entrails, staining oils and tearing collages; or concentrating on minimal, precise, exact forms, exact in their simple calligraphic rhetoric, of universal meaning. That is why these illustrations have been published in some of the most prestigious media in the world, such as The Washington Post, CNN, The Guardian, Folha de S. Paolo, El País, Le Monde or Gulf News.


  • Pablo Orduna Portús (Historian and ethnographer)

    Pablo Orduna Portús holds a PhD in Modern History from the University of Navarra (UNAV) and is diploma holder for the Ethnology branch at programs of study Vascos from the same academic centre. He is accredited by the National Agency for Assessment of Quality and Accreditation as Associate Professor, lecturer teaching assistant doctor and private university lecturer. He has worked as professor at the same institution, at the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) and as Associate Professor at the International University of La Rioja (UNIR). He has also worked as researcher with a grant from committee Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) and the Fundación José Miguel de Barandiarán. He enjoyed a research stay at the Center of Basque Studies at the University of Nevada, Reno. She has been professor visitor within the Erasmus+ Programme at the high school Politécnico de Bragança (Portugal). He belongs to different associations in the field of History, Ethnography and Anthropology of which he is an active member. He also continues his ethnological research work with the group of programs of study Etniker Ethnographic - in this role he is researcher fieldwork in the Roncal Valley - and in the group CCSS-05 of UNIR. He has published several books and articles in specialised journals and has given conferences on History, Anthropology and management of Cultural Heritage. Due to the work carried out in recent years as a museum technician, archival cataloguing and project management in the field of cultural heritage, he has been at contact with the new technologies that are so necessary and in vogue in the world of management and dissemination. In this field of work he is a member of group network Cultural - Kultursarea. Since 2016 he has been a member of committee of essay of the journal Cuadernos de Etnología y Etnografía de Navarra.


  • Virginia Pascual López (botany)

    Virginia Pascual López holds a PhD with accredited specialization from the University of Málaga (UMA) at area of Plant Biology and a degree in Biology at specialization program in environment from the same university. She has also completed a postgraduate programme with accredited specialization of quality "Geographical analysis in land use planning" at the University of Granada and a Master's Degree in assessment of Environmental Impact by the INIEC. She is a university lecturer and researcher at the International University of La Rioja, with teaching in several postgraduate subjects and direction of TFM. She is co-author of several international publications, including in the Journal Citation Reportat area in plant ecology. She has participated in national and international research projects both in environment and clinical research and Education. She has even been invited as speaker by the committee General del Poder Judicial, in a course on environmental discretionality. She has carried out several stays in international research centres, such as Facultade de Ciências e Tecnología (Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal)Institut Scientifique (Université Mohammed V Agdal, Morocco) and national, such as the high school Pyrenean Ecology Centre (CSIC, Zaragoza). She has been professor visitor within the Erasmus+ Programme at high school Politécnico de Bragança (Portugal). Outside the university environment, she has worked as a specialist in the Historical Botanical Garden La Concepción, under the board of trustees municipal of the City Council of Malaga; in the project "Environmental impact of wind farms on birds and chiropterans" for an environmental consultancy service and as a science teacher in a secondary school high school , where she set up projects to promote scientific literacy, such as the "Science and Science Literacy" project. high school diplomawhere she set up innovation in education projects to promote science literacy, such as Sicentia rosarum (science newspaper of high school) and the 1st Science Week. 


  • Aritz Larraia Medina (Local teacher)

    Aritz Larraia, teacher and musician, born in Pamplona in 1987. He began his teaching studies at programs of study at the University of Salamanca and finished Degree at the Public University of Navarre. At the end of his programs of study, he created the didactic project "Natura, Ingurumena, Amalurra eta Kondairak".. He has taken part in various activities related to the Education, prioritising the Basque language . He was a member of the Basaran academy in Puente La Reina and is an active member of the academy partner . Aise Psikologia, Pedagogia eta Laguntza-eskola from Ansoáin. In the Roncal Valley he works as a support teacher for pupils with academic difficulties and is a teacher and coordinator of AEK. He is currently developing a didactic project to bring pupils from the virtual world back to the real world. The subject matter of his work is related to green pedagogy, positive psychology and the pedagogy of confidence.


  • Javier Muñoz Fernández (Illustrator)

    Javier Muñoz, painter and illustrator, born in Pamplona in 1978, tells us about the present with his work, managing - in the words of Baudelaire in The Painter of Modern Life - "to glimpse hints of infinity in the heart of the prosaic and degrading peremptoriness of the world". Because of the tension between official document and vital necessity, the variety of techniques to which Javier Muñoz resorts are nothing but new fields of expressive freedom, open possibilities to give vent to what explodes in the entrails, staining oils and tearing collages; or concentrating on minimal, precise, exact forms, exact in their simple calligraphic rhetoric, of universal meaning. That is why these illustrations have been published in some of the most prestigious media in the world, such as The Washington Post, CNN, The Guardian, Folha de S. Paolo, El País, Le Monde or Gulf News.