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Las formas de diversión de la Navarra de comienzos del siglo XX, topic of some conference of the Chair of language and Basque Culture of the University of Navarra.

They were held at the Museum of Navarre from October 9 to 11.

FotoManuelCastells/University of Navarra professor José Javier Azanza, Full Professor of History of Art, one of the speakers at the workshop

14 | 10 | 2024

The Chair of language and Basque Culture of the School of Philosophy and Letters of the University of Navarra has organized the conference "Tiempo de ocio y diversión: Navarra, 1900-1936/ Aisialdia eta dibertsioa: Nafarroa, 1900-1936". Sponsored by the Government of Navarre, they were held at the Museum of Navarre from October 9 to 11.

The carnival in rural areas; the architecture of the most important frontons, soccer fields and bullrings in the region; the children's games and songs of the time; the beginning of the cinematograph in Navarre at that time; or the history of the Pamplona Tennis Club and the Orfeón Pamplonés were some of the topics that seven specialists addressed in the series. The conference culminated with a dance performance at position by group of Oberena.

As María del Mar Larraza, professor of Contemporary History at the University of Navarra and director of the Chair, explains, this initiative aimed to offer a small sample of the leisure activities, preferably popular, enjoyed by the Navarrese people in that period of time: "It was a decisive period, as traditional amusements, such as pelota, dance or carnivals, began to coexist with totally new forms of leisure, such as soccer or cinema, in keeping with a Navarrese society that was also beginning a slow modernization in all its spheres."



Mari Mar Larraza Micheltorena

Chief of Staff

Mari Mar Larraza Micheltorena

University of Navarra

31009 Pamplona, Spain

+34 948 42 56 00 Ext. 802775
