


Why study the Degree in Environmental Sciences?

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What will you learn?


Basicknowledge and skills of an environmentalist -as well as those specific to the different fields of application and disciplines related to the environment-, capable of solving the specific environmental problems (very varied in importance, nature and scale) faced by each individual and their society. They must also be able to understand the value of the environment considered in itself, and in relation to the individual and social human being. The environmentalist has an appropriate training in the scientific and social aspects of the environment. These studies allow for a specific orientation towards aspects of environmental management, territorial planning and environmental techniques.

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You will acquire skills such as:

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Scientific concern and ability to function in international environments, enabling you to participate in a translational research in the various fields of environmental policy to prevent the progressive degradation of our environment in an effective way.

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training and cultural to help you in the development of your personality and in the achievement of attitudes and abilities to perform an effective service to society with honesty, responsibility, ability to work in team, spirit of solidarity and service.

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You can visit work in...

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management of the natural environment

Planning, analysis and management of natural spaces and protected areas; river systems, agricultural systems, marine reserves, hunting reserves, etc.; and natural resources (water, air and soil). In addition, management and management of the territory -through integral planning-, sectorial and local strategic territorial management plans, programs of study of biodiversity and change of uses and design of soil conservation plans, and plans for sustainable tourism development .


management environmental management

Coordination of environmental projects and programs of study at management and public administration environmental. Profiles such as Environmental Technician, manager of territorial sustainability programs, Environmental Licensing Technician, Agent of development Local (ADL) are in high demand.


consultancy service and assessment of environmental impact

Environmentalists are especially in demand for environmental impact assessment and assessment - an increasingly widespread requirement worldwide for a growing issue of companies and economic sectors - as well as in the management of waste and the analysis of natural and anthropogenic risks.

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training teaching and environmental Education

The training received during the Degree enables the student to work in the teaching school and university, as well as in environmental awareness, Education and communication, oriented towards sustainability, the development and cooperation.



The graduate in Environmental Sciences can join sectorial or multidisciplinary groups of research . Their participation is especially necessary in teams and groups dedicated to the study of environmental problems, environmental conservation, environmental modeling, global warming, ecological construction, sustainable agriculture, renewable energies, recycling, etc.


Systems of management of quality in the business and organizations. Audits

Industrial environmental technology, Eco-efficiency and Eco-innovation, and the environmental design of products are areas of continuous growth and great future. In addition, the graduate in Environmental Sciences participates in the negotiation, participation and mediation in environmental conflicts; the study, design and implementation of environmental policies, plans, programs and projects; and in the energy management , especially in the realization of programs of study of feasibility and use of renewable energies.
