¿What we are looking for in our students?

This Degree is for you if...
If you have an interest in environmental issues and motivation to find solutions to the problems that surround us.
If you have a love for outdoor activities and a taste for nature; capacity for observation, criticism, work in a team, analysis and synthesis.
If you have creativity applied to science and an entrepreneurial spirit.
requirements access to the system as a general rule:

Starting October 2, candidates must complete their application admission form through the Portal miUNAV and provide the required documentation at that time.
Don't forget to consult in detail the important dates of your admissions process according to the subject access.
If you are studying in a country outside the European Union, in addition to the above tests, we will also do a evaluation of professional competences.
For students with special needs, the University offers a Disability Care Unit (UADP).
How is our process of Admissions Office?

Apply for admission in the Portal miUNAV.
Find out the dates and deadlines dates and deadlines.
Take the admission tests.
We will make a weighted average of your grade of 1st year of high school diploma (60%) and our admission test (40%). The committee Admission School will resolve your application.
We will inform you in the Portal myUNAV of the status of your application admission.
Once you have been admitted you can proceed to pay your enrollment. Find out about the UNAV payment methods.
Any questions? Contact us at contact and we will be happy to help you.
The test of admission

Candidates will be required to have taken the high school diplomainternational or an external certification through Cambridge (advanced or proficiency), TOEFL (80 points), level B2 of the Language School, or high school diplomaInternational with an intermediate or higher level in languageEnglish at the beginning of the second year.
Admission to the programs of study of the Degree in Environmental Sciences involves passing a test subject test of academic questions from high school diploma:
test English.
Before taking this Degree you should know that:
The goal of these subjects is that students can start a Degree in the bio-health, science or technical area having acquired the necessary basic knowledge in Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics.
The subjects will be taught from January to May so that they can be taken by international students with a southern study calendar or by students who have progressed through the first semester in learning Spanish.
Although basic contents are included, these subjects are not specifically designed to prepare for the entrance exams for the different degrees. It is advisable to consult the content of these subjects on their website.
Due to their introductory nature, these subjects cannot be validated if student decides to take Degree at the University of Navarra.
These subjects are part of the International Foundation Program.
Introductory Subjects (Not valid)
- Introduction to Physics 2nd semester. 3 ECTS credit. Spanish
- Introduction to Mathematics 2nd semester. 6 ECTS credit. Spanish
- Introduction to Chemistry 2nd semester. 3 ECTS credit. Spanish
As Mathematics and Physics are the two first-year subjects of great importance to establish the instructions of future scientists, the School of Sciences offers its prospective students the syllabus that is considered necessary to have reviewed before starting the first year to face these two subjects successfully.
- Physics syllabus (.pdf)
- Mathematics syllabus (.pdf)
The School of Science recommends starting Degree with a laptop.