What we are looking for in our students?

This Degree is for you if...
You have initiative, you are curious, with an analytical and synthetic mind, with the ability to learn across disciplines (hard and soft).
You have an entrepreneurial and innovative streak, you are creative and action-oriented, and you have communication skills and technological skills.
You are work team oriented and have a good adaptation to changing and flexible environments.
requirements access to the system as a general rule:

The Degree in Marketing, being only bilingual, will require from the prospective students any of the following degrees:
- Cambridge First exam (Cambridge ESOL Exams)
- TOEFL with the following criteria: iBT (Internet-based Total): 72 points
- Level B2 of the Official Language School
- IELTS: 5
*In view of the possible difficulty of taking face-to-face English tests, the TOEFL online tests (TOEFL iBT Special Home Edition) or the Cambridge Linguaskill are authorized as an alternative to the above qualifications. If the required level is obtained in the admission test it is not necessary to present any additional document.
How is our process of Admissions Office?

Apply for admission in the Portal miUNAV.
Find out the dates and deadlines dates and deadlines.
Take the admission tests.
We will make a weighted average of your grade of 1st year of high school diploma (60%) and our admission test (40%). The committee Admission School will resolve your application.
We will inform you in the Portal myUNAV of the status of your application admission.
Once you have been admitted you can proceed to pay your enrollment. Find out about the UNAV payment methods.
Any questions? Contact us at contact and we will be happy to help you.
The test of admission

The test admission for both nationals and internationals, consists of:
Test of knowledge of numerical reasoning and general culture.
test English level and Spanish level diagnostic test.
Specific text commentary on Marketing.
Domestic applicants will be required to complete a dynamic group within the test admissions.
Within the admissions process, from the School will contact each applicant to conduct an online interview with a professor of the Degree.