What we are looking for in our students?

This Degree is for:
People with an interest in the world of politics, Economics or sociology, with intellectual curiosity and inclination towards a critical questioning of the problems of human social existence.
Students with an interest in the analysis and review of political theories and socioeconomic data from an applied perspective of Philosophy and Humanities.
Interdisciplinary vocation for the understanding of contemporary society and socio-economic dynamics.
Willingness to improve public policies by providing innovative solutions with a solid rationale.
Skills for speech, capacity for discussion and dialogue, initiative, and ability to work in a team to achieve innovative solutions.
requirements access to the system as a general rule:

Students whose mother tongue is not English or language must have a B2* level in English.
Students whose native language is not Spanish must accredit a B2 level in Spanish according to the framework Common European reference letter (MCRE).
* The equivalent levels of English from the Official Language Schools (3rd), Cambridge (First Certificate) and TOEFL will be recognised: 83 points in the exam (IBT-Internet Based Test) or 220 points in the exam (CBT-Computer Based Test). Students may also obtain level certification through the UNAV’s in house Language Institute.
** The certification of the level of Spanish for international students whose mother tongue is not this language or who have not received their pre-university education in it, may be obtained through the DELE B2 (Instituto Cervantes), or the SAT's Subject Test in Spanish with Listening [score 540-670). Students may also obtain certification of this level through the tests organised for this purpose by the University's Institute of language and Spanish Culture (ILCE).
The academic transcript of the 1st and 2nd years of high school diploma and the result of the admission tests.
In addition, the School interviews candidates in order to guide the student in the programs of study they wish to study. Its content is related to the areas of interest of candidate, and, if admitted, to the choice of their future academic advisor .
When the interview staff is not possible, the student can provide letters from presentation. These letters will be written by professors from student or professionals related to the professional or academic field of Degree. However, if the occasion arises, the School can conduct personal interviews with these candidates, taking advantage of the stay of professors from our university in their countries of origin.
For students with special needs, the University offers you a Unit for the Attention of People with Disabilities (UADP).
How is our process of Admissions Office?

Apply for admission in the Portal miUNAV.
Find out the dates and deadlines dates and deadlines.
Take the admission tests.
We will make a weighted average of your grade of 1st year of high school diploma (60%) and our admission test (40%). The committee Admission School will resolve your application.
We will inform you in the Portal myUNAV of the status of your application admission.
Once you have been admitted you can proceed to pay your enrollment. Find out about the UNAV payment methods.
Any questions? Contact us at contact and we will be happy to help you.
Isabelle Murray
Head of Admissions for Degree
The test of admission

Once the application is done at Portal miUNAV, candidates have to take an exam that will be in person if they live in Spain or in another European country or online if they live outside Europe. This test accounts for 40% of our admission criteria; the remaining 60% are the grades of high school program (or equivalent).
The test admission programme consists of the following:
test of general culture
Case study
For students in an IB high school program, the School of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Navarra offers the possibility of choosing between two admission processes:
1. Ordinary admission process: you must take the UNAV admissions test in person and on the dates indicated. The resolution will be communicated in accordance the deadlines established by the Admissions Service.
2. Direct admission process: the grades obtained in the junior year of high school. The minimum acceptable score is 29 points, with no subject of Higher Level with a score lower than 5. In case of doubts, we will request the senior year grades and the student may be ask for a personal interview.
The weighing of each part is as follows:
transcript of high school diploma or equivalent:60
Admission test: 40%
General Culture component (20%)
Critical case analysis (20%)
The interview or letters, both in the admission process for national and international students, do not count.