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Why study the Degree in Philosophy, Politics and Economics?

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What are you going to learn?


The Degree at Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE), encompasses three of the most important disciplines for understanding and intervening in the world around us. It was first introduced at Oxford in 1920 and is now offered at some fifty prestigious universities.

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The Degree in PPE trains the student to respond to the political and economic challenges facing the contemporary world, from a multidisciplinary perspective.

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The Philosophy allows to form a critical reason, developing a logical argumentation and a rigorous judgment.


Politics analyzes the meaning and scope of public policies, financial aid to understand how society is articulated, the impact of institutions on it or specific questions such as why some countries face war and others do not.


The Economics delves into how contemporary society is articulated and the way in which resources are distributed in a country. The parallel study of these three areas enhances the understanding of each of them and allows for an integrated analysis and a complete diagnosis of today's world.

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You will be able to work in...

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One of the strengths of the different Departments is the quantity and quality of internships offered to students, both national and international. These internships often lead to employment opportunities.


The action-oriented , analytical and interdisciplinary profile makes these graduates a perfect fit for consultancy work, diplomatic services, international NGOs and various international organizations.


PPE graduates will be able to work in the political field: different parties, foundations, lobbies, think-tanks, public or private study and analysis centers.

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The training provided by PPE in three areas provides a firm base for continuing your studies with master's degrees and postgraduate studies in different areas of interest: MBA, political communication, big data, philosophy, sociology or public management, among others.


The training received also allows students to move towards doctoral research or teaching that will enable them to practice these professions.


They will also be able to work professionally in the field of business from different areas: research and strategic centres of large companies; analysis of implementation in new areas of companies; support for geopolitical and geoeconomic analysis of companies .

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Why PPE at the University of Navarra?


An integrativeapproach in a single campus. The University of Navarra is the first Spanish university to offer the four years of Degree entirely in a single campus, which allows an interdisciplinary approach for the critical analysis of contemporary society.


internationalization of departure and arrival. The Degree includes subjects in English from the first year, exceeding 50% in all 4 years, and promotes international stays with two full semesters of electives. Two trips to international institutions (1st and 2nd).

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Innovative methodology and project-based learning. The subjects of the different areas of knowledge are coordinated for promote project-based learning: case analysis, social intervention projects and design or political programming.


Beyond the classroom. Various training activities are proposed, parallel to the training project through the PPE Club, where students continue to be the protagonists of their learning. Examples include the Simulation Center, Political Observatory, UNMUN or PPE Summer Colloquium.


UNAV guarantee. Rank 100 in Philosophy, first 150 positions in Economics in QS Universities Ranking. teaching of quality, international outreach and social involvement, based on Christian humanism.



The contents of the degree program have been designed with an open and global approach , avoiding references and contents linked to a specific geographical area.

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The programme is offered with subjects in Spanish and in English from the first year. It is foreseen that students whose mother tongue is not Spanish will be able to take Spanish classes to increase their Spanish level.

The average number of international students at the School of Humanities and Social Sciences is 30% with students from more than 20 different countries. The classroom is the first international experience for our students.

More than 80 international agreements with American, European, African, Asian and Australian universities give students access to a global international experience.


Two international trips

The School organises two international trips with the goal of getting to know some of the main centers of political and economic decision-making: first to Europe and in the second year to the United States. 

International exchanges

International placements are promoted in the third and fourth years with two full semesters of optional subjects that favour the mobility of the students and, if the student wishes, the specialization in some of the three areas of the MPE.



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Julia Urabayen

PPE Coordinator

Julia Urabayen

Campus University

31009 Pamplona, Spain

+34 948 42 56 00

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