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The doctoral program in Architecture at the University of Navarra is the result of the merger of two official programmes that had been offered until now: the doctoral program in History and Critical Analysis of 20th century Spanish Architecture, and the doctoral program in design Environmental and Technological Architecture, both at the University of Navarra.

Both programmes have a track record of their own:

The doctoral program in History and Critical Analysis of 20th Century Spanish Architecture began in 2004 and has become a national benchmark in this line of research , a success supported by the biannual International Congresses on the History of Modern Spanish Architecture held at School of Architecture of the University of Navarra and by the development of the file of Modern Spanish Architecture which, enriched with new legacies, has been growing within the file General of the University of Navarra.

In 2013, the doctoral program in design Environmental and Technological in Architecture was launched to enable the research in fields in which demand had grown. This completed an offer of postgraduate program that had reached an important milestone with the implementation of the Master's Degree in design and management Environmental of Buildings.

Both programmes are integrated in the School of doctorateof the University of Navarra, implemented in the framework established by RD99/2011, as the planning, coordination and monitoring body for the doctorate programmes. Logically, the new doctoral program in Architecture, a product of the merger of these existing programmes, is also integrated into the same School of doctorate.

The doctoral program in Architecture, as well as giving continuity to the lines of research that were already being developed, has as goal to give natural space to a series of transversal investigations that have been emerging in recent years that make reference letter to the history of development of certain technical procedures in our country; as well as to give better accommodation to the investigations coming from the area of Urbanism and to extend the own line of research of History and Critical Analysis of Spanish Architecture of the 20th century towards the contemporary historical scope and towards the connections with modern Latin American architecture looking for a progressive internationalization according to the guidelines emanating from the School of doctorate.

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Héctor García-Diego Villarías

coordinator of the Programme

Campus university

31009 Pamplona, Spain

+34 948 42 56 00

Ext. 802759
