
Biological Ethics

Table of contents


This book is based on the lectures given to students of Biological Sciences at the University of Navarra on various aspects of professional ethics. Since its inception, the Biological Ethics course has maintained its distinctly interdisciplinary character, as it has been lecturers from different areas who have taught these classes. The ideas that emerged over a number of years as a result of discussions and colloquiums have formed the script for the chapters that appear in this book. Sometimes the ideas outlined in the original lectures have not been expanded or developed and sometimes appear as "oral communication". An effort has been made to preserve the style of colloquium and the flavour of the oral form of their origin; not in vain, this work does not intend to be, primarily, more than some notes addressed to university students studying the broad field of the Life Sciences; some thoughts that help to consider in its most radical dimension the sense, meaning and orientation of the exciting way of knowing that constitute the experimental sciences.

N. López Moratalla.


