Previous sites of the month
► February 25: Danish ethicscommittee : With numerous quality reports in English. Page in English and Danish.
► January 25: Pennsylvania Coalition to Stop Doctor-Prescribed Suicide: Alliance of patient advocacy, health care, civil rights and religious organizations dedicated to preventing the legalization of doctor-prescribed suicide in Pennsylvania. With "information pills" in the "Get the Facts" section of the "About" menu.
► December 24: One of Us: European federation to protect human life and human dignity. With section of current news.
► November 24: Equipo CESCA: Blog of summaries of articles and news with ethical background, very critical: sometimes it may seem antivaccine, but it brings data interesting.
► October 24: Interagency Advisory Panel on Research Ethics: Panel created by three Canadian state agencies to unify research recommendations on human subjects: extensive document of high quality.
► September 24: Bioethics Online Journal: Open access online bioethics journal from the Center for Bioethics and Research in Nigeria. With mostly practical and rather local topics. Little updated.
► August 24: Eubios Ethics Institute: association of training and knowledge dissemination in bioethics, with special projection in Japan and Australia. With international documentation preferably Asian.
► July 24: Romanell Center for Clinical Ethics and the Philosophy of Medicine: With a blog of interesting contributions from Center and external authors.
► June 24: Doctors Say No: Statement signed by doctors from a score of countries stating that euthanasia is not part of medicine. With access to online seminars on the topic.
► May 24: network of research at the end of life: association Spanish website dedicated to research and dissemination of information on end-of-life care. With material available of varying interest: news of publications and links, book reviews, etc.
► April 24: Declaration Dignitas infinita: Declaration of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith of the Holy See on human dignity, which provides a philosophical and theological foundation for many bioethical issues.
► March 24: Center for Bioethics, University of Minnesota: Very focused on the American approach to bioethics. With access to recordings of lectures on various topics at section Clinical Ethics.
► February 24: Human Reproduction & Genetic Ethics: Journal originally published by the European Bioethical Research (now Anscombe Bioethics Centre) with usually well-targeted and interesting contents (you can see the summary or the beginning without purchasing the article).
► January 24: Centre for Professional Ethics: Center of the University of Central Lancashire in Preston, with some interesting texts on equity between countries in the scientific research .
► December 23: technical school of specialization in Bioethics and Sexology: Dependent of the St. Thomas Theological Institute of Messina, and directed by Giovanni Russo. With many books on bioethical issues in Italian at section Publications.
► November 23: Sociedad Andaluza de Cuidados Paliativos: With articles of own production or from collaborators, with summaries, stories and varied reflections.
► October 23: Centro Latino de Bioética y Humanities (CELABIH): Page, organized as a blog although without periodic entries, which contains several books and some interesting article in its section of Publications.
► September 23: El vuelo de la lechuza: Blog directed by Carlos Javier González Serrano on issues of Philosophy, literature and Humanities: a framework for bioethical reflection.
► August 23: Political Network for Values: Global platform to defend and promote the values of life, marriage, family and freedom. With some bioethical issues in the News section.
► July 23: New York Alliance against Assisted Suicide: association of various individuals and organizations trying to prevent the passage of financial aid to suicide in New York. It expands on the legal issues in that state, and has interesting summaries and contributions under section Resources.
► June 23: Ethox Centre: research center in bioethics at Oxford University, focusing on ethical standards in healthcare internship and medical research . approach eclectic, with some thought-provoking blog postings and access to publications.
► May 23: Patients' Rights Action Fund: U.S. organization dedicated monographically to fighting financial aid legislation to suicide, supporting patients, disability rights and healthcare professionals.
► April 23: Centre for Biomedical Ethics and Law: Center of the University of Leuven with access to its publications and reports, which allow to click on common approaches in bioethics today, not exempt from substantive problems.
► March 23: Blog Journal of Medical Ethics: Blog of commentaries on current bioethical issues, some very debatable in their approach, others very valid, all interesting for different reasons.
► February 23: Centre for Biomedical Ethics, National University of Singapore: Especially focused on clinical ethics issues, no basic ethics issues, but interesting ideas. With a bulletin clinical ethics and papers from work freely available at section Publications.
January 23: CENALBE: Centro Nacional de Bioética de Colombia, which publishes the journal Selecciones de Bioética, which reproduces articles of varied origin and orientation (with permission of the authors) and can be freely download . Inaccessible domain.
► December 22: Actualidad del Derecho Sanitario: Page of the high school de Fomento Sanitario with updates on Spanish health law. Some contents reserved for subscribers of its magazine Actualidad de Derecho Sanitario.
► November 22: Bioethics International: group of bioethics dedicated to promote the centrality of the patient in the practice of Medicine, with special emphasis on the pharmaceutical industry.
► October 22: association National Ethics Committees of the research (ANCEI): With useful documents on the section Resources: guidelines and recommendations, legislation and links.
► September 22: Bioethics on the network: Twitter with bioethics issues, original or retweeted, from subject varied but interesting or practical.
► August 22: Juan Carlos Trallero's blog: Human and meaningful reflections that illuminate daily life and the clinical internship .
► July 22: association University of Bioethics: With some brief reflections on his blog Parapensar.
► June 22: School de Bioética de la Universidad de Anáhuac: in addition to the journal Medicina y Ética, they have a Documents section with articles, links, collaborations, etc.
► May 22: Bioethics Center, Catholic University of Chile: Page of the Bioethics Center of the School of Medicine, with reports, articles and other interesting contents.
► April 22: The Conversation: page with heterogeneous texts. A search for "medical ethics" sampleusually finds interesting articles. In the Medicine section, knowledge disseminationpublishes a number of articles on technical developments.
► March 22: Centre for Social Ethics and Policy: Centre of the University of Manchester with articles on bioethics that give an idea of the current panorama. They disseminate current issues on their Twitter feed.
► February 22: The Center for Bioethics & Human Dignity: Christian-oriented website of Trinity International University, with bibliographyand texts on bioethics, biotechnology and medical ethics.
► January 22: Christian BioWiki: guideonline of statements and positions on bioethics held by various Christian denominations.
► December 21: Asian Bioethics Review: Singaporean journal that allows us to explore the ideas of bioethics in this cultural area. With some articles freely available.
► November 21: Palliatives without borders: Health NGO for trainingin palliative care and oncology in countries in need. With lots of material for free download.
► October 21: high school de Bioética de Nuevo León: With bioethics courses, and a blog with many articles of diverse origin. Present in social networks.
► September 21: high school de Bioética de Canarias: With comments collected from different authors on bioethics, health, culture and society. It is the version of a currently inactive blog.
► August 21: Bioethical inquiry: Journal of researchin Bioethics, of varied content and rather liberal orientation, with original topics and approaches.
► July 21: Center for Genetics and Society: Non-profit organisation promoting a fair employmentof new genetic and reproductive technologies. With interesting news and commentary.
► June 21: association Spanish Catholic Pharmacists: Confessional page on pharmaceutical ethics. With a documentation page organised by sections, with a wealth of material.
May 21: GIBCE (Gruppo Interdisciplinare di Bioetica Clinica e Consulenza Etica in ambito sanitario): With some articleavailable on their homepage, and with basic articles on enquiryin clinical ethics on their Documents page. In Italian, they translate well with Google translator.
► April 21: Hastings Bioethics Forum: Open access blog of bioethics essays maintained by the Hastings Center. With fileaccessible at search engineand sorted by subject and author.
► March 21: International Association of Bioethics: Editors of the journal Bioethics. With link to monthly newsletters with congress information and other resources.
► February 21: Nuestro Tiempo: Cultural and current affairs magazine, bimonthly. Particularly interesting for raising the cultural background of bioethical issues. Full text freely available.
► January 21: committee de Bioética de la Sociedad Argentina de Terapia Intensiva: With interesting documents on end-of-life care and limitation of therapeutic effort under section de Publicaciones.
► December 20: Global Bioethics: Journal on the ethics of research, health policy and management. Part of the articles open access.
► November 20: The American Journal of Bioethics: Articles usually dealing with specific, practical or topical issues. Some are open access.
► October 20: Berman Institute of Bioetics: high schoolof the Johns Hopkins University that disseminates interesting material: lots of Twitter posts, TEDs and lecture videos on their page, and subscription to a bulletinnews feed.
► September 20: committee de Bioética de Aragón: committeede Bioética consultative of the government of Aragón. With reports, recommendations and statements usually from subjectpractical.
► August 20: Center for Pratical Bioethics: Center dedicated to the cultivation of bioethics internship, with many documents on the link"Resources" menu. approachvery pragmatic and needs to be rethought on many occasions.
► July 20: Center for Bioethics: Bioethics resource page of the Indiana University School of Medicine with information on some bioethics topics, with approachtypically American.
► June 20: CareNotKilling: UK institution seeking to promotepalliative care and avoid euthanasia laws. With a section of personal stories, useful for patient care.
May 20: FUNDERETICA: European Foundation for the Study and Reflection on Ethics: Foundation that promotes ethical reflection within a Christian humanism. They publish the journal Cuadernos de Ética and other monographs which can be freely accessed at download.
► April 20: E- Books Temas Actuales de Bioética: Section of the website of the association Española de Bioética y Ética Médica with free monographic e-books.
► March 20: National Right to Life: Website of the oldest pro-life organisation in the United States association. With information especially on abortion and euthanasia, and their social aspects (Medicare, advance directives, and legal and political issues).
► February 20: Apuntes de Bioética: Journal of the Universidad Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo. Full text freely available.
► January 20: Fundación Valores y Sociedad: Aimed at the recovery of consciences and personal attitudes in the current crisis of values. Rather focused on political issues, but with material on bioethics in the articles section and cycles of conferences in the activities section.
► December 19: Family Research Council: Christian-inspired educational and researchorganisation promoting family-centred public life. With bioethical issues on their sectionLife.
► November 19: SECAL Spanish Society for Animal Sciences from laboratory: With information, especially legal, on the ethics of animal experimentation in Spain and Europe.
► October 19: SECPAL Sociedad Española de Cuidados Paliativos: With free material available: monographs and journal Medicina Paliativa; plus selected articles for members.
► September 19: Ethicshare: Collects daily various documents and news from the network of varied origin on bioethics and related issues. Page defunct.
► August 19: Reflective Meded Blog: Blog of the Neiswanger Institute for Bioethics and Healthcare Leadership (of Loyola University Chicago) with reflections on pedagogy and care of the person in the medical Education.
► July 19: committeeof ethics of the research, University of Navarra: With some guidance documents on the elaboration of informed consent, ethics of publications and of the research.
► June 19: associationNational research Ethics Committees (ANCEI): With useful documents and a freely accessible biannual bulletin.
► May 19: Bioethics at Columbia University: Bioethics page of Columbia University. They offer the full text of their own publications; although clearly liberal in nature, they offer interesting reflections.
April 19: National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly: Quarterly bioethics publication of the National Catholic Bioethics Center. By subscription; the table of contents of each issue can be found at issue; some texts are also available free of charge.
► March 19: high school of Bioethics of the Xavierian University: Standard content that allows to click on common opinions in bioethics, with some interesting things. Includes the journal Anamnesis, currently only available for members of that university.
► February 19: Institute of Medical Ethics: With papers and cases under sectionResources.
► January 19: Medical Humanities Journal: Journal dedicated to humanistic issues in health care. With open access articles.
► December 18: Global Code of Conduct for Research in Resource-Poor Settings: A page dedicated to curbing disrespectful research abuses in poor countries, perhaps overly aggressively. The San Code of Research Ethics is availablein several languages.
November 18: AMA Journal of Ethics: Journal of Medical Ethics of the American Medical Association. With articles and topics of great practical interest, although with a biased view on reproductive ethics. Free text at network.
► October 18: Care Alliance: New Zealand organisation dedicated to financial aidfor disabled patients that rejects euthanasia and financial aidsuicide. With material on palliative care, news, legislation, etc.
► September 18: Euthanasia Prevention Coalition: Non-profit organization that fights against the spread of euthanasia and the financial aid medical suicide. With interesting material and a monthly bulletin with news from the U.S. field.
► August 18: Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics: Harvard University Center for Advanced teachingand researchon ethical issues in public life. With topical bioethics reviews and summaries.
► July 18: Blog Programa Atlantes: Blog of the Atlantes Program of the University of Navarra's Institute for Culture and Society , dedicated to research in palliative care, with news and stories of interest.
► June 18: Right Relevance: A site that collects statements by influential people, articles and conversations on bioethical issues. It allows you to click on the dominant opinions.
► May 18: Everyday Bioethics: Christian-oriented site under The Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity, which compiles materials on beginning of life, infertility, science, medicine and end of life.
► April 18: Impact Ethics: researchteam from Dalhousie University, Canada, researching interdisciplinary issues in health, bioethics and public policy. With interesting material, with a variety of ethical orientations.
► March 18: Revista Medicina y Ética: Journal of the Universidad de Anahuac freely accessible at networksince 2015. With quality articles translated from the journal Medicina e Morale.
► February 18: Gènétique: Refurbished site originally included in the Lejeune Foundation, updated to offer news in the field of bioethics. With free bulletinby e-mail. In French and English.
► January 18: project Humanae Vitae: Website of the Jérôme Lejeune Foundation which publishes summaries of a critical history of contraception written by Gonzalo Herranz. presentationfrom project.
► December 17: Ethics and Genetics: A page dedicated to Geneticsand its impact on possible discrimination and violation of privacy staff.
► November 17: STAT Magazine: Specialised in health issues, medicine and scientific discoveries, often with ethical issues and controversies involved.
► October 17: Plataforma No Gracias: Independent civil society organisation for transparency, integrity and equity in health policies, the attendancesanitary researchand biomedical . Interesting texts on health policies and pharmaceutical laboratories.
September 17: Voices in Bioethics: Online journal that publishes articles and contributions on current bioethical issues. It allows you to see the opinions circulating in bioethics.
► August 17: Mexican National Academy of Bioethics: With some interesting publications available in full-text. developmentarrested.
July 17: INIBIO: high schoolde Investigaciones Bioéticas de la Universidad Católica de La Plata. With articles of interest.
► June 17: One life, one hope: Catholic site including a section on scientific issues and documents dealing with bioethical issues.
► May 17: The Point Magazine: A magazine about cultural and political issues that often underlie strictly bioethical issues: with essays, reviews and exclusive articles on network.
► April 17: Crisis Magazine: Catholic matrix opinion magazine, with bioethics issues under label "Art & Culture" and more locatable by search.
► March 17: Public Discourse: The Witherspoon Institute 's online publication to promote understanding of the moral foundations of social life. With many contributions on bioethics.
► February 17: BioNews: English pages with very complete information on the latest news on Genetics, assisted reproduction and experimentation with embryos and stem cells.
► January 17: UNESCO Bioethics page: On human rights in the context of Geneticsand personal data, with reports on these issues, and links to various international committees.
► December 16: On the go: Aceprensa's blog with signed articles commenting on current issues, including many on bioethics.
► November 16: The New Atlantis: Journal on technology and society, with numerous articles on medical technology and its bioethical implications.
October 16: Jérôme Lejeune Foundation: Spanish branch of the Jérôme Lejeune Foundation. Gives courses, organises bioethics congresses; finances researchbiomedical research on Down's syndrome and other diseases.
► September 16: Vida digna: Specialised in issues of euthanasia, assisted suicide and palliative care through news, experiences, material for teachingand analysis. Page defunct.
► August 16: Bioeteca: Blog of reflection and bioethical resources with special attention to its clinical-healthcare repercussions. With frequent updates on Twitter.
► July 16: high school de Humanismo Cristiano: high school of the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana with contributions on bioethics in the area de Bioética and some issues of its bulletin. Currently defunct, with some pages in
► June 16: committee de Bioética de España: With interesting reports on current issues, although its orientation depends on the ethical approach of its members.
► May 16: Bioethicsassociation of El Salvador: Facebook page with quite a few posts on palliative medicine topics.
► April 16: LifeSiteNews: With news, views and commentary on bioethical issues related to respect for human life.
► March 16: Works by Michel Schooyans: Collects numerous books and articles on bioethics at Spanish, which can be found at downloadin pdf format.
► February 16: Experts in ethics: Web of the ChairHospital el Ángel de Ética Médica, University of Málaga. With texts and news on bioethics. Currently inactive.
► January 16: Health Sciences Foundation: sectiondedicated to Bioethics Activities. Content not strictly ethical, no predefined orientation, with quite a few clinical issues. Edited by the journal Eidon.
December 15: Fundación Ciudadanía y Valores: Foundation for coexistence and social progress. Links to opinion articles on bioethics (it is advisable to use search engine: "life", "abortion", etc.).
► November 15: Bioethics UPdate: Bioethics journal of the Universidad Panamericana de México, edited by Evandro Agazzi; in Spanish and English.
► October 15: Roberto Germán Zurriaráin's blog: On various questions of ethics and bioethics.
► September 15: Observatorio de ética, política y sociedad: Center of the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, with original texts on its interests, including collaborations on bioethics. Page defunct, old versions at /
► August 15: New Journal of politics, culture and art: With sectionon bioethics under the heading "Science", and with issues close to bioethics under the headings of Culture and Humanities.
► July 15: Blog of bioethics, cinema and literature: Blog of the Bioethics Observatory of the University of Barcelona, with good reviews of bioethics books and films with background arguments, to think and make you think. Recently focused on publications by members of the Bioethics and Law Observatory.
June 15: Subset of the Fluvium Blog dedicated to euthanasia, somewhat old, with well-documented classical concepts.
May 15: The Hastings Center: Classic bioethics institution based in the United States. They publish the journals The Hastings Center Report and IRB: Ethics & Human Research.
► April 15: Hope after abortion and project Raquel: English and Spanish pages for financial aidfor women with post-abortion syndrome.
► March 15: Encyclopedia of Bioethics: Catholic-inspired, pro-life bioethics page. With many articles available free of charge.
February 15: Nuffield Council on Bioethics: English institution that studies current bioethical issues. It produces reports of varying ethical content but always of high quality.
► January 15: Ohio Right to Life: associationpro-life, quite focused on US issues. Contains quality informative documents on human development, abortion, euthanasia, etc.
December 14: American Medical Association: Includes documents and codes of ethics and AMA Journal of Ethics (formerly Virtual Mentor), an open access journal with a section dedicated to case resolution.
► November 14: American Society of Law, Medicine & Ethics: Publishers of the American Journal of Law & Medicine and The Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, useful for those working on legal medicine issues in the US.
► October 14: Canadian Bioethics Society: With a bulletinemail update.
► September 14: American Society for Bioethics and Humanities: Holds a discussion group on Linkedinin which one can participate through that social network and by signing up for that group. The comments can be interesting.
► August 14: association World Medical: With guideand numerous statements of medical ethics (in the Policies section), generally very valid.
July 14: John Paul II Bioethics Centre: publishes the journals Bioethics and Reflections, with interesting texts on bioethics.
► June 14: International consortium for applied ethics based in Switzerland. With a large collection of articles and texts in various languages (many freely available, without copyright), and discussion forum, all accessible to those who register (free registration).
► May 14: El Sónar: Ignacio Aréchaga's blog. He frequently comments on current bioethical issues.
April 14: Health Care Ethics Resources on World Wide Web: Page compiling links to public and private institutions in the US on bioethics. Useful for locating ethical statements and codes. Inactive as of 2019. Some of its earlier content can be found at The W. Maurice Young Centre for Applied Ethics.
► March 14: association Spanish Social Pharmacy: With contributions on ethical issues in the practice of pharmacy (morning after pill, professional integrity, etc.) in the News section.
February 14: Vida y Ética Magazine: Biannual publication of the high school of Bioethics of the School of Medical Sciences of the Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina, dedicated to medical ethics, with a personalist orientation.
► January 14: Catholic Family & Human Rights Institute: Institution dedicated to the defense of human life, health, marriage and family, population and human rights, with special emphasis on the opinions of international organizations, with a page very rich in content on all these subjects, with many texts, reports, articles, editorial comments and news, which touch bioethics in a direct way in many cases. The texts are usually simultaneously in English, French, Portuguese and Spanish; to reach the texts in Spanish you should search by specifying that you want something in Spanish (in the search engine of the right column) or by searching for a term Spanish in the search box of the header; in the Friday Fax section you can select language in the right column.
► December 13: The Center for Bioethics and Culture (CBC): Bioethics center that develops material on the origin and end of life, assisted reproduction and cloning. They award the award Paul Ramsey (one of the initiators of bioethics in the United States).
► November 13: National Catholic Bioethics Center: research centerof Catholic inspiration on medical ethics. They publish the journal Ethics and Medics, of very good quality (free access on their website).
► October 13: Journal of Medical Ethics: A peer-reviewed journal of medical ethics.
► September 13: Sociedad Española de Farmacia Hospitalaria: Contains numerous documents on ethical issues and technical and ethical guidelines, which can be accessed by searching for "ethics" at search engine.
► August 13: IRB Forum: Bioethics discussion forum, especially for ethics committees from research. Currently moved to Primr. Registration is required (free of charge) to participate.
► July 13: Site compiling all subjectof bioethics news. Contains a page dedicated to upcoming courses and congresses around the world.
► June 13: Andalusian Society of research Bioethics: New address. With news, documents and links.
► May 13: El Diario de Bioética: A virtual journal by Carlos García Estraviz that combines various resources from networkon bioethics and related topics. With access problems.
► April 13: Revista Persona y Bioética: Edited by the Universidad de la Sabana, Colombia.
► March 13: Facebook page of the Master's Degree in Bioethics of the University of Navarra: With weekly news and comments on bioethics issues.
► February 13: Safe sex: associationMexican website that promotes the knowledge disseminationof scientific information related to the beginning of sexual life in adolescence and youth, contraception, abortion and other issues related to sexuality.
► January 13: research center Social Avanzada: Mexican center dedicated to Philosophy, bioethics, social sciences and family. With interesting material on bioethics. They publish the magazine Open Insight.
► December 12: Catholic programs of study Center: Catholic resource page including articles and contributions on bioethics.
► November 12: Documents of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith: Includes numerous texts on bioethical issues: notes on the trivialisation of sexuality, abortion, artificial nutrition and hydration, etc.
► October 12: association Costarricense para el Estudio y la Difusión de la Bioética: With information from the V Central American Bioethics congress
► September 12: Secretariat of the Commission of the Bishops' Conference of the European Community (COMECE): With several texts on bioethics in its section on research, health and bioethics (site in English, French or German).
► August 12: Centro de Bioética, Persona y Familia: Argentinean centre with national and international news with a special focus on bioethics and jurisprudence.
► July 12: Population Research Institute: International non-profit organisation working to end coercion for population control, and to fight the myth of overpopulation that fuels it.
► June 12: Bioeticawiki: Wikipedia-style website on bioethical issues. In connection with Bioeticaweb and Bioeticablog.
► May 12: Revista Medicina y Humanities, Chile: Offers online the contents of the journal and also monographic dossiers. Page defunct.
► April 12: IMABE (high schoolfor Medical Anthropology and Bioethics): publishes the journal Imago Hominis. Site in German.
► March 12: Humanise: Centre for the humanisation of health of the Camillian Religious. With publications, articles from researchand a blog.
► February 12: Blog Bioética hoy: Maintained by Agustín Losada; with comments on current bioethical issues and a section of documents.
January 12: Documents of the Central Deontological Commission of the committeeGeneral Medical Association: Documents on Medical Ethics and Deontology approved by the committeeGeneral Medical Association of Spain; they have the same value as the prescriptions of the Code of Medical Ethics.
December 11: European Institute of Bioethics (IEB): Contains compilations of reports, programs of study, and official texts from European countries. Also has newsletters on current events.
► November 11: association de Bioética de la Comunidad de Madrid: Contains newsletters, and numerous articles and documents of interest.
► October 11: Global News: bulletin which is sent by e-mail dedicated to the defense and promotion of human life and the family since March 7, 1998. On its page one could find documents, articles and, especially, news. Page disappeared, the original URL refers to a different page.
► September 11: Biopolicy Wiki: With information on permitted and prohibited practices on assisted reproduction and handling of human embryos worldwide. Currently inaccessible.
August 11: Urbe et Ius: Argentinian site dedicated to legal issues, with some biolegal issues in the articles and interviews, and in the Newsletters. It is preferable to use search engine, as there are not many of them.
► July 11: International Centre for Ethics in the Sciences and Humanities (IZEW): German page of the Centre, interesting if you want to search bibliography in German. They have solid German material for download, rather than in other languages.
► June 11: Anscombe Centre: Catholic-inspired bioethics center; new name for the Linacre Centre for Healthcare Ethics. With interesting texts in the Reports & Submissions, Research Papers and Guides & Publications sections.
► May 11: Site dedicated to topical commentary on family, society, human rights, religion, ethics and more.
► April 11: Doctors for Life: Advocacy pages. Includes documents and other resources. Page defunct.
► March 11: association Spanish Personalism: Page dedicated to the Philosophypersonalism. With some bioethical issues in the Resources page, especially in the sectionArticles.
► February 11: Bioethics and personalism: Page dedicated to bioethical analysis from a personalist philosophical reflection. With access to monographic articles.
► January 11: Derecho a vivir: Page of a groupfor the defence of life. Interesting for its sectionof news, both Spanish and international.
► December 10: Tó Fernando Sivit's website, with a variety of questions. There are texts or comments on bioethics in the sections Ethics, Person and Sexuality. Page defunct.
► November 10: Activist website in many fields: politics, social life, right to life, etc. News and datacan be found on bioethical issues.
► October 10: Centro Jurídico Tomás Moro: From approach basically legal, has documents and forums on bioethics, right to life and conscientious objection issues. Inactive page.
► September 10: Pages dedicated to the family. Contains documents on bioethical issues in the culture and leisure section.
► August 10: Civil Society Forum: Pages dedicated to political, economic and social programs of study. Contains bioethics documents, such as a legal reporton the new abortion law at sectionPublications - Documents.
► July 10: high school Family Policy: Contains bioethics documents and news, such as statistics on abortion, or demographic issues.
► June 10: The Family Watch: They send a bulletinof news by email. They deal with bioethical issues at sectionFamily, Health and Society, from which full text reports can be downloaded by registering for free.
► May 10: Civica: associationby researchers and professionals for life. It contains articles, reports and papers by experts on scientific, medical, social, ethical and legal aspects, to help create a state of public opinion favourable to the dignity of the human being.
► April 10: Catholic websites with several sections dedicated to bioethics issues, accessible from the homepage, containing news and articles from partnership. Page defunct.
March 10: Compendium of bioethics (Fernando del Castillo): outlinegeneral bioethics where the scripts on bioethics topics by the same author, basic and useful for teaching. Updated on the occasion of the approval of the new abortion law.
► February 10: Site with a variety of thought-provoking articles on basic human issues; Christian-inspired. With an Ethics section containing quite a few articles on bioethical issues.
► January 10: Paul VI Foundation. With a page dedicated to Bioethics and Science.
► December 09: Bioethics and books: Albert's blog. Contains numerous comments on current news on bioethics.
November 09: GER Encyclopaedia: Online version of the Gran Enciclopedia Rialp. It has a detailed search engine, and the ethics section contains entries on bioethics and general ethical issues. Page defunct.
► October 09: networkPharmacy manager: Site launched on the occasion of the new rules and regulationson the morning-after pill. Includes extensive documentation on the issue. Supported by association for the Right to Conscientious Objection. Page defunct.
► September 09: Fundación Iatrós de HumanitiesMédicas: Currently transformed into a blog and inactive. They used to publish the journal Humanitas(accessible here) and monographs accessible in full text. Contains contributions on bioethics of heterogeneous orientation.
► August 09: Blog Political Science, Bioethics and Biolaw: By Beatriz Campillo, graduate in Political Science, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana. Most updated material at
► July 09: Bioethics Facebook Page: Maintained by Bioeticaweb.
► June 09: News and Analysis: Jorge Enrique Múgica's blog with articles on current affairs, analysis, research, opinion and reflection for the media, which allow online comments. Christian oriented. Frequently includes articles on bioethics. Free subscription by requesting it to the e-mail
► May 09: Etica e politica: Pages in Spanish and Italian with commentaries on ethical issues that have an impact on public life. They include quite a few bioethical issues.
April 09: Father Joseph Kentenich Bioethics Commission: With bioethical questions structured in "Tags". They organise courses and have documents for download.
► March 09: Blog bioéthique de l'Eglisecatholique: Blog created by the groupde workon bioethics of the French Episcopal lecturewith a view to the "general statements" on bioethics to be concluded in June 2010, which are intended to feed the public discussionbefore the revision of the bioethics law of 6 August 2004, including extracts from the book "Bioethics, proposals for a dialogue".
► February 09: Humanitas. Journal of Anthropology and Christian Culture: Contains articles on bioethics and on anthropology and ethics related to bioethics. Good internal search engine.
► January 09: Bioethical Issues: Bioethics Q&A blog; allows user comments.
► December 08: Culture of Life Foundation: Dedicated to issues related to life, family, sexuality and bioethics. With documents and free electronic bulletin . Inaccessible, previous version saved at
► October-November 08: Fundación Bioética: Publishers of the biannual journal "Bioética y Ciencias de la Salud". They offer distance learning courses and documents.
► September 08: Bioethics Division of committeeEurope: Subsection within the Legal Affairs and Human Rights Division. Allows access to all declarations and documents.
August 08: Ethics of Care Journal: availablethe full text on the digitalperiodicals collection of the Index Foundation. With quite topical articles and other more original or interesting ones.
July 08: National Bioethics Advisory Commission: This body was replaced by the current President's Council on Bioethics in 2001. From its website downloadyou can find reports and quality statements issued when this commission was active.
June 08: Studia Bioethica: Journal of bioethics published by the Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum. The full text of the articles is available on the Internet at available. The articles are in different languages (Italian, English, Spanish), although Italian predominates.
► May 08: BioEdge: International bioethics news. They send free bulletinby email.
► April 08: Zenit: International Catholic news agency. Includes frequent contributions and commentaries on bioethical issues. With a good search engineof back issues. They send free bulletinby e-mail.
► March 08: Bioethics Forum International: With a sectionon Bioethics education, containing selected articles and good quality books.
► February 08: Pontifical Academy for Life: With documents on various bioethical issues, including the conclusions of the General Assemblies and International Congresses of the Academy.
► January 08: International Centre for Ethics in the Sciences and Humanities (IZEW): Centre of the University of Tübingen, with programs of studyon philosophical ethics and documentation on the ethics of biotechnology.
► December 07: Social Trends Institute: With material on social issues related to marriage, family and sexuality in the publications section. Very good quality.
► November 07: Stand to Reason: Originally Bio-Ethics Center: collection of articles by Scott Klusendorf. Later managed by Steve Wagner and now converted into a portal with broader objectives. Simple approaches, suitable for knowledge dissemination, though perhaps too focused on typically American approaches.
► October 07: Institut Européen de Bioéthique: With information on the courses they organise, publications and activities. With links to other interesting sites.
► September 07: Centre de Recherches Interdisciplinaires en Bioéthique: At the Université Libre de Bruxelles. They organize symposia and seminars and maintain an extensive bibliographic database . Accessible from the "Publications" menu.
► August 07: Centro de Bioética Juan Pablo II, Cuba: With reflections, articles and news on all subjectbioethics issues.
► July 07: Bioethics Observatory: Bioethics pages of the Catholic University of Valencia, with current articles and commentaries.
► May-June 07: Virtues: Formerly Virtues and Values blog. Pages with documentation on general ethical issues.
► March-April 07: Chair of Bioethics and Biojuridics of Unesco: They give a doctoral course and have articles on bioethics. Page without update.
► February 07: Documents of the Spanish Episcopal lecture: With documents on bioethics regarding the laws and discussions on abortion, assisted reproduction, etc.
► January 07: Sien@: Blog by Ismael Martínez, journalist. It contains some bioethical issues among other current comments. You can subscribe from the same page.
► December 06: Scriptor: Page by Juan José García Noblejas with questions on the art of Communication (journalism, advertising, propaganda, literature, drama, cinema), understood as Philosophyand practical culture (ethics, politics, rhetoric, poetics, aesthetics). sectionHuman Embryo and Robert Spaemann.
► November 06: 22nd congressof the Federation of Catholic Medical Associations (FIAMC): downloadthe programme and the text of the papers. Page closed.
► October 06: association National for the right to conscientious objection: With technical documents, both ethical and legal, and recent news.
► September 06: Women and IVF: Pages dedicated to the defence of women affected by the commercialist internshipof in vitro fertilisation. With interesting current data. Page defunct.
August 06: Bioètica & debat: Journal of the high schoolBorja de Bioética. With linkto other bioethics journals and collaborations. Includes contents with ideas ranging from very sensible to unacceptable.
July 06: high school de Bioética y Ciencias de la Salud and Escuela Aragonesa de Cuidados de Salud: They offer courses in medical ethics, especially for primary care. Provides access to the Journal of Actualidad partnersanitaria, and to the Journal of Bioethics in Primary Care, with documents, articles and ethical opinions.
► June 06: Affectivity, sexuality and human fertility: Pages of the departmentof Preventive Medicine and Public Healthof the University of Navarra, with documentation on questions of bioethical interest: Educationof affectivity and sexuality, knowledgeof fertility and natural family planning, contraception, abortion, etc.
► May 06: association Española de Bioética: Redesigned pages, including articles, a news service, access to the journal Cuadernos de Bioética and other useful links.
► April 06: eTestimonios: Testimonials blog. Through "Search by sections", in the Life section you will find interesting testimonials to see the human aspect of some bioethical issues, such as abortion.
► March 06: high school de Ciencias para la Familia: Centre, at the University of Navarra, dedicated to the scientific researchof marriage and the family and to the specialised training. It has a database with more than 35,000 entries, many of them on bioethical issues.
February 06: Bionethics: search engineof bioethics texts sponsored by the VíctorGrífols i Lucas Foundation. Searches are carried out on national and international pages of the main universities, institutions, associations, journals, portals and other bioethics resources available at network. Page defunct.
► January 06: Life News: Distribute a free bulletinwith current bioethics news directly or indirectly related to the defence of life.
►December 05: Digital analysis: Web of the García Morente Foundation. Christian-inspired and comments on many different things. With bioethical issues dealt with in an interesting way in the section "Our signatures" and from other sources in the section "Articles that leave their mark". No recent updates. Now links to the page of the Archdiocese of Madrid, and older versions can be found at
► November 2005: The perverse theory of the good end: articleby Robert Spaemann on the certificatepre-abortion counselling in Germany, published in Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (Bilder und Zeiten), issue of 23 October 1999 and on Spanishin Cuadernos de Bioética, March 2002.
► October 2005: Office for Human Research Protections: Section of the US government's Health and Human Services department. Contains a wealth of rules and regulationsand links on the ethics of research.
September 2005: Library Services Virtual en Salud: Offers full-text articles and documents, especially in Spanish, organised by subject. It is a meta-search engine, and does not contain selected documents.
► August 2005: Do no harm: Pages from the US Coalition for the Ethics of research, with a special focus on researchon embryonic stem cells and their alternatives.
► July 2005: Arguments: The Blog on science, society, family and bioethics issues is repeated here for changing its format in May 2005: it is now a page of contributions and articles.
► June 2005: With dignity: Pages devoted monographically to euthanasia and its alternative, humane patient care. With good quality documents.
► May 2005: Aceprensa: Portal católico. With some interesting contributions on bioethics in the section"controversies".
► April 2005: Monographic page on bioethics issues (end of life, stem cells, biotechnology, etc.). Refurbished in 2005, with high quality.
► March 2005: Professionals for ethics: associationwhich aims to promoteethical values in public life from a Christian vision of man and the community. They also deal with some bioethical issues.
► February 2005: Aceprensa: Newsletters (about four or more a week) on bioethics, science, cinema, culture, family, etc. With quality contributions. They inform about news by e-mail. It is paid, although some articles and collaborations are free access.
► January 2005: Forum Libertas: Critically commented news from Spain. Contains interesting comments on bioethics news (only useful if there are any).
► December 2004: association Catalana de programs of study Bioéticos: With pages in Catalan and Spanish. Contains quite interesting documentation, quite focused on the clinical area .
► November 2004: Arguments: Blog on science, society, family and bioethics issues. The articles submitted are of very good quality. Searchable by categories and authors. They inform about news by e-mail.
October 2004: high school Valencian fertility: Monographic pages on natural methods of birth control. With interesting documentation both on the anthropology of sexuality and dataon hormonal contraception.
► September 2004: Arbil Magazine: Arbil electronic magazine, annotated with thought and criticism, somewhat aggressive at times, mixing political issues with more substantive ones, flawed, but containing quality articles.
August 2004: Fetus in 3D: Video compiling 3D ultrasound footage of different stages of pregnancy, from a few weeks to several months.
► July 2004: Bioethics scripts (Fernando del Castillo): A collection of scripts on bioethical issues, maintained by a professor of high school diploma. Simple, with the basic ideas clearly explained, which makes them especially useful for knowledge dissemination.
June 2004: Opina 2000 (Church of Navarra): Information resources agency of the bishopric of Pamplona. It included articles from the diocesan weekly La Verdad included under the heading "Reflexiones desde la debilidad", of interest in bioethics, now accessible only by subscription, although some copies can be found in Issuu.
► May 2004: Bioetica Web: Bioethics pages on the network, maintained in the Canary Islands. With a good collection of articles on controversial issues, legislative texts, news, etc. With free bulletinby e-mail. It is repeated here, as it changed its format around this time.
► April 2004: The President's Council on Bioethics: committeepresidential bioethics council defunct in 2009. With several extensive reports of very good quality.
March 2004: Pubmed and BioethicsLine: The classic search system for biomedical scientific literature, which also includes bioethical issues published in scientific journals. To get the most out of it, registration is required (free of charge).
► February 2004: high school Kennedy School of Ethics, Georgetown University: Searchable and searchable, linking to a variety of search engines with extensive resources.
► January 2004: Fluvium (Luis de Moya): Pages originally maintained by a quadriplegic priest, with bioethical issues, and also cultural, spiritual and current affairs. With free bulletin by e-mail.
► December 2003: Euroethics: Pages of the European bioethics information search engine project. With a lot of potential, they are stuck on their development, although it contains useful resources.
► November 2003: Fondation Jérôme Lejeune and GèneÉthique: Sites of the Fondation Lejeune, dedicated to researchand financial aidto impairment, and of GéneÉthique, dedicated to related bioethical issues. With free bulletinby e-mail. In French.
► October 2003: groupof programs of studycurrent affairs: Pages dedicated to the study of the family, Education, social issues, including a section on bioethics and science. With free bulletinby e-mail. Originally with a national page, now only a few local pages with less documentation: (Valencia),
► September 2003: Portal Catholic with a bioethics section.
► July 2003: association Española de Bioética: Pages of the association Española de Bioética y Ética Médica (AEBI). Contains corporate information, articles, useful links, and connection with the journal Cuadernos de Bioética, which includes many articles in pdf format.
► June 2003: Christian-inspired pages with commentaries on cultural, scientific, faith and ethical issues; of the large issueof documents they include, there are quite a few on bioethics. They inform about news by e-mail.
► May 2003: There are alternatives: Pages initially dedicated to show the available alternatives to employment of embryonic stem cells. Has expanded its objectives to the protection of life. Page defunct.
April 2003: Catholic site, with many good quality documents, essays and contributions. It offers a section dedicated to Ethics and bioethics, also with many interesting documents. Currently inactive, although its publications are available in a section of Librerías Troa.
March 2003: Centro di Bioetica, Università del Sacro Cuore: Apart from the Centre's information, it contains documents produced in the Centre itself and other documents and texts, not many but of high quality. They publish the journal Medicina e Morale
February 2003: Current affairs commentary pages, including controversial bioethical issues. Page defunct, after a redesign in which it referred to Arvo's page.
► January 2003: Stand to Reason: Originally Bio-Ethics Center: collection of articles by Scott Klusendorf; Later managed by Steve Wagner. Simple approaches, suitable for knowledge dissemination, though perhaps too focused on typically American approaches.
► December 2002: BioeticaWeb: Bioethics pages on the network, maintained in the Canary Islands. With a good collection of articles on controversial issues, legislative texts, news, etc. With free bulletinby e-mail.
► November 2002: association valenciana provida: Valencian section of the Spanish federation of pro-life associations. With sections of documentation and news with interesting data.
► October 2002: Australasian Bioethics Information: bulletin e-mail on debated bioethics issues, predominantly Anglo-Saxon. With a free bulletin by e-mail. Page defunct.
► September 2002: SPUC (Society for the protection of the unborn children): Quality information on pro-life issues. With a free bulletinby e-mail.