
Aplicaciones anidadas

Aplicaciones anidadas


Depending on their level of Spanish as assessed in the admission test , they will be able to choose a minimum and maximum of ECTS credit in each module.

  • IFP (Year) students will be able to choose annual, first semester and second semester subjects.

  • IFP students (semester 1) will be able to choose subjects from the First semester.

  • IFP students (semester 2/calendar austral) will be able to choose subjects from the second semester.

The level of Spanish will be taken into account, as well as Degree or subject the studies they wish to pursue in the future.

Aplicaciones anidadas


Regina Sheerin

Admission Coordinator International Foundation Program

Regina Sheerin

University Campus

31009 Pamplona, Spain

+34 948 42 56 00 Ext: 802982


Julia Illarramendi

Academic Coordinator of the International Foundation Program

Julia Illarramendi

University Campus

31009 Pamplona, Spain

+34 948 42 56 00

Aplicaciones anidadas


Structure of the modules of agreement with the level of Spanish of access

The student enrols for a total of 30 ECTS credit in each semester. In the event that the number of subjects offered exceeds 30 ECTS credit , the student can choose the one that most closely matches his/her interests from among the optional subjects.

Some subjects may undergo some changes of semester or content. The Schools involved will offer an alternative subject to meet the objectives of the programme.

Aplicaciones anidadas


Specific content

The student can choose these subjects from a level of Spanish equivalent to B2. In those cases where subjects are offered in English, the student may also choose them with lower levels of Spanish.

Some of the proposed subjects may undergo changes to semester. In this case, the Schools responsible for them will offer an alternative subject that guarantees the fulfilment of the programme's objectives.

Aplicaciones anidadas



After the IFP

Students who complete the International Foundation Program will apply for admission to degree programs at the University of Navarra by the deadlines set for this purpose and take the specific admission tests established by the corresponding Department. Participation in the International Foundation Program does not imply automatic admission to a degree program.

In the event that a student applies for admission to a degree program at the University of Navarra, students must have passed the Spanish University Entrance Exam (EvAU), International Baccalaureate or, in the case of EU students, must meet the academic requirements for admission to the university in their country of origin (A Levels, Abitur, Baccalauréat, etc.)

Recognition of credits

IFP students may validate (transfer credits) up to 15% of the total credits taken in the IFP once they are accepted into the degree program they applied for (for a maximum of 36 ECTS credits in degrees of 240 ECTS credits). Validation is not automatic; it depends on the approval of each Department.

The recognition of these credits will not reflect the grade obtained, therefore when the University calculates the GPA of the student, the grades of the classes taken during the IFP will not be counted.

For those students who need to improve their Spanish level upon admittance to a degree program, a specific plan has been designed to make the learning of language compatible with the subjects of each Study program.