A resource in constant evolution
Created in 1995 by the Center programs of study Josemaría Escrivá (CEJE) with the goal of compiling and preserving the bibliography on Opus Dei, access to it was initially reserved for researchers. In 2006, the library was opened to the public in virtual format, allowing anyone interested to explore its contents, which at that time already contained more than 2,000 articles and 1,000 book chapters.
Since then, it has continued to grow and consolidate itself as an academic reference and a source core topic for those seeking rigorous information about Opus Dei and its history.
The Josemaría Escrivá and Opus Dei Virtual Library is a digital archive that makes available to researchers and the general public an extensive collection of resources on the history of Opus Dei and its founder. It currently has more than 15,000 bibliographic records and more than 8,000 documents in PDF format available for enquiry and open download.
Its holdings include:
- Scientific journal articles.
- Chapters of books and collective works.
- Publications of Josemaría Escrivá in various languages.