Opus Dei in Spain, 1927 - 1936: a chronology of St Josemaría and biography of his first followers
The project of research (2013-2017) "Opus Dei in Spain, 1927 - 1936: chronology of St. Josemaría and biography of his first followers".aims to contribute to the study of the early years of Opus Dei's history, to carry out an analysis of the documentation available and to consolidate a team of researchers.
The project integrates a group of historians who already do some subject of research on the history of Opus Dei in the 30s and 40s of the 20th century.
The object of study is the early period of Josemaría Escrivá's life in Madrid between 1927 and the beginning of the Spanish Civil War.
The questions that this project would like to answer are the following two: What is the detailed chronology of the life and activity during the first years of the foundation of Opus Dei? With whom did Saint Josemaría have meetings or correspondence during these years related to the foundation of Opus Dei?
Project's goals
The preparation of a chronology centred on the figure of the founder of Opus Dei, Josemaría Escrivá, from 1928 to 1946, which is, as far as possible, exhaustive and which includes a critical apparatus of the sources (bibliographical and archival) from which data is extracted.
Gather information and materials to facilitate the subsequent selection of biographies.
Members of the project
Our researchers
José Luis González Gullón
Research fellow
high school Historical Josemaría Escrivá (ISJE)
Santiago Martínez
Director of the CEJE
Centre of programs of study Josemaría Escrivá (CEJE)