Those guided by the Holy Spirit to carry out a divine project , "currunt ad Ecclesiam," run towards the Church. And Blessed Alvaro applied these words of St. Irenaeus de Lion to the founder of Opus Dei, who sought to have the inner certainty that the specifics of one's mission statement and calling bear the stamp of the authentic charism. In this search, he turned to the committee priests who helped him in his spiritual journey. Since his childhood, he lived the internship of frequent confession, but from the beginning of his vocation, he was looking for something more than the usual advice received in the sacrament. He needed to find someone he could trust to speak clearly about his charism.
If we consider that spiritual direction requires stability and continuity over time, it can be said that relatively few individuals exercised the role of spiritual director in Josemaría Escrivá’s life. That said, Escrivá did have conversations with other priests about matters affecting his priestly work, seeking to learn from their experience and wisdom. He also discussed aspects of his mission as a founder from different perspectives: spiritual, institutional, canonical, and pastoral.
In Logroño, the Carmelite José Miguel de la Virgen del Carmen was the first person to assist him in the task of discernment: he helped him navigate the paths of prayer and fostered generosity in his response to grace. When the time came for concrete decisions, after reflection, the religious suggested that he enter the Carmelite order. Young Josemaría considered the advice and understood that this was not what the Lord was asking of him. Rather, he sensed that his path might be the priesthood. The religious, in dialogue with Josemaría, recognized that his role as a spiritual director had fulfilled its purpose.
He then turned to Fr. Ciriaco Garrido, a canon of La Redonda, who had a reputation as a good spiritual director. Under his guidance, Escrivá’s resolve to become a priest grew stronger. When his decision became firm, he communicated it to his father. Don José Escrivá, recognizing the determination of his son, assured him that he would support his decision.
Upon entering the seminary in 1918, he sought guidance from the vice-rector, Gregorio Fernández Anguiano. The atmosphere of great trust that developed between them continued after Escrivá’s transfer to the Seminary of San Francisco de Paula. The years in Zaragoza (1920–1925) saw much action by the Holy Spirit. In such a setting, an experienced spiritual director was highly desirable. However, at the Seminary of San Francisco de Paula, there was no formal role of a spiritual director, only confessors, and the way the sacrament was administered left little room for spiritual direction. He found no one who could advise him about the action of grace in his soul. Thus, he would later affirm that his teacher was the Holy Spirit.
Nonetheless, there came a time when he felt particularly in need of guidance, and he sought the help of Gregorio Fernández Anguiano. During his first year in Zaragoza, he endured severe contradictions due to the Inspector of Theologians, who rejected him and showed animosity toward him. The situation became unbearable, and at the end of the academic year, he left the seminary with the intention of not returning. Back in Logroño, Fernández Anguiano played a crucial role, guiding him back to his vocation and informing the rector in Zaragoza of the authenticity of his calling to the priesthood. There were other moments when Fr. Gregorio clarified problems and incidents in seminary life. Through correspondence, his advice calmed Escrivá’s spirit.
Once in Madrid, after receiving the illumination about the entirety of Opus Dei on October 2, 1928, the need for a spiritual director became even more urgent. He wrote in his Intimate Notes in 1948 [or 1940?]: "I was in Madrid without a spiritual director and therefore had no one to whom I could open my soul and communicate, in conscience, what Jesus had asked of me." He was able to open his soul to some priests, but only briefly, as they soon left Madrid.
By June 1930, he once again found himself without a spiritual director. In his search, he heard comments at the Patronato de Enfermos about Father Valentín Sánchez Ruiz, who was known for his excellent care of his penitents. Sánchez Ruiz regularly heard confessions of religious sisters in the church of the Professed House of the Society of Jesus, on Calle de la Flor. At the beginning of July 1930, St. Josemaría asked him to take on his spiritual direction. From their first meeting, there was great rapport between them, and from then until the beginning of the Spanish Civil War (and after the war, until 1940) he was the founder of Opus Dei’s regular confessor and spiritual director.
Upon receiving news of his death in 1963, Escrivá wrote a few words summarizing Sánchez Ruiz’s role as his spiritual director: "I am grateful to him, and will always be, for in that long and – why not say it? – heroic period, despite my miseries, Fr. Valentín received me once or twice a week. First on Calle de la Flor, then at the school in Chamartín, later at the Eucharistic Sisters’ convent (I think that’s their name) on Blanca de Navarra, and later at the small house on Calle de Almagro and at the Luises." He concluded with this personal remembrance: "May he rest in peace, for he was good and apostolic! I turned to him especially when the Lord or His Most Holy Mother did ‘as they did’ with this sinner. And after being startled – because I did not want it – I felt clearly and intensely, without words, deep within my soul: ‘Ne timeas! It is I.’ And the good Jesuit, upon hearing me hours later on each occasion, would smile paternally and say: ‘Be at peace; that is from God.’” The phrase “as they did,” refers to extraordinary supernatural experiences, as well as insights and interior illuminations St. Josemaría received for the governance of Opus Dei or for his own soul.
In 1940, after ceasing to rely on Sánchez Ruiz, he asked José María García Lahiguera, an old acquaintance and spiritual director of the Madrid seminary, to hear his confession on a weekly basis. García Lahiguera later recounted: "From that day, I began to appreciate the extraordinary value of that soul entrusted to me and to understand the nuances of his spirit, which edified me and brought me closer to God. I can testify to all this without fear of violating the sacramental seal, as I am not referring to his confessions themselves, but rather to those encounters in which, beyond confession, he also trustingly opened his soul to me in fraternal conversation."
From his interactions with Escrivá, García Lahiguera noted several characteristics: his great love for the Sacrament of Penance, his simplicity and naturalness (never inventing scruples), and his deep longing for holiness.
I remember well how this attention confession ceased," said García Lahiguera. It was in the noblest and most dignified way, and it happened after the ordination of the first three priests of Opus Dei. He told me: "Look, I already have someone in the Work who can hear my confession, and if I confess to you...". I didn't let him finish the sentence: "Naturally," I told him, "it's not that I think it's better or worse; it's just that you have to do it that way. And from then on Alvaro del Portillo began to receive the Founder's confession and spiritual confidences.
Constantino Ánchel, historian at the Josemaría Escrivá Study Center.