This master's degree is for you if...
- You have the ability to work individually and in a team.
- You show intellectual curiosity and the ability to understand the relationships between people and their environment.
- You have initiative and motivation to seek quality and excellence in your work, respect for professional ethics and intellectual integrity.
The recommended entry profile is:
- Graduates in Architecture or equivalent.
- Graduates in Civil Engineering, Building Engineering or equivalent who can accredit at least two years of professional experience in design of architectural projects.
You should have knowledge of architectural projects and an interest in the aesthetic and theoretical speculation of architecture, understanding it as a cultural phenomenon. In addition, you should have a level of English B2 or equivalent.
The basic requirements for apply for admission to the master's degree are those established by art. 16 and 17 of RD 1393/2007, amended by Royal Decree 861/2010, of 2 July. They establish:
Article 16. Admission to official Master's degree courses
1. Admission to official master's degree courses shall require the possession of an official Spanish university degree or another degree issued by a higher education institution belonging to another member state of the European Higher Education Area that entitles the holder to access master's degree courses in that country.
2. Likewise, graduates from educational systems outside the European Higher Education Area may be admitted without the need to have their degrees recognised, subject to verification by the University that they accredit a level of training equivalent to the corresponding official Spanish university degrees and that they are recognised in the country issuing the degree for access to postgraduate studies. Access by this route will not imply, under any circumstances, the homologation of the previous degree held by the interested party, nor its recognition for purposes other than that of studying for the Master's degree.
Article 17. Admission to official Master's Degree courses
1. Students may be admitted to a Master's degree in accordance with the specific requirements and merit assessment criteria which, where applicable, are specific to the Master's degree or established by the university.
2. The University will include the procedures and requirements for admission to the Study program, which may include complementary courses in certain disciplines, depending on the previous training accredited by the student. These complementary courses may form part of the Master's degree, provided that the total number of credits to be taken does not exceed 120.
In any case, whether or not they form part of the Master's degree, the credits corresponding to the training complements will be considered as Master's level credits for the purposes of public prices and the awarding of grants and study aids.
3. These systems and procedures shall include, in the case of students with specific educational needs arising from disability, appropriate support and counselling services, which shall assess the need for possible curricular adaptations, pathways or alternative studies.
4. Admission shall not imply, under any circumstances, any modification of the academic and, where appropriate, professional effects corresponding to the previous qualification held by the interested party, nor its recognition for purposes other than that of studying for a Master's degree.
Admission criteria
The purpose of the admission process is to achieve a homogeneous level in the promotion as a whole and to identify those candidates who are likely to take the most advantage of the academic programme.
It consists of a complete assessment of profile of candidate, taking into account the academic merits accredited in the application of Admissions Office on-line and the portfolio presented.
The application admissions process is open from October 1, 2024 until issue is filled.
Admission process
The process of Admissions Office starts when you send the application of Admissions Office on line. To do so, you have to register at portal miUNAV and upload the required documentation.
-One passport-size photograph.
-Photocopy of National Identity Card or passport.
- certificate official academic transcript of grades of the degree of Degree. Document that includes the subjects taken during the Degree and their grades. This document must be issued, stamped and signed by the academic authorities of home university. It must be an original document or certified. Copies or documents generated through web pages are not accepted as they have no academic validity.
-Curriculum vitae. A document that includes your academic and professional experience in a maximum of 2 pages.
-A letter of presentation/motivation. Document in which you must explain your academic and professional background and the reasons that lead you to apply for the admission to the Master's Degree in Architectural Theory and design by the University of Navarra.
-Two letters of recommendation. Documents signed by qualified people in the academic or professional field that endorse your ability to successfully complete the master's degree.
-Payment of €100 for the admission fee fees .
The portfolio includes academic and/or professional projects, publications and the most significant works of candidate (3D infographics and/or images of models, plans, elevations and sections). The individual or collective authorship of each of them must be stated. The first page should include your full name and the university where you studied Degree. The portfolio can be submitted as file .pdf or hosted on a url.
The candidate should send the file .pdf or the link to the url to the following email address indicating in the subject of the message NombreApellido1_porfolio.
The portfolio may not exceed 50MB.
The sending of such an email does NOT serve as proof that the portfolio has been submitted. It will be necessary for candidate to receive an email confirming that the portfolio has been correctly received.
When the application for admission is complete (online application + portfolio), the selection committee of candidates for the Master's Degree in Architectural Theory and design will evaluate your profile of agreement according to the following criteria:
transcript academic: 40%.
Portfolio and curriculum vitae: 60%.
The candidate selection committee is made up of the director and Deputy Director of the master's degree and a member of the University of Navarra Admissions Service.
The resolution is sent by e-mail and can be consulted at portal miUNAV.
If you are admitted, you must pre-register for the master's degree (reservation from place) by the established deadline by paying a deposit of €3,000, which will be deducted from the total price of the course enrollment.
The pre-enrolment fee is non-refundable and must be paid in accordance with the instructions at Portal miUNAV.
The enrollment is available at Portal miUNAV.
You must present the original or certified copy of the degree scroll of Degree that gives access to Master's Degree the receipt of having applied for it and the academic certification of your programs of study (document that includes the subjects taken in the Degree and its grade).
In addition, during the procedure it must be indicated how to pay the cost of Master's Degree.
Economic information
enquiry the current price list.
The amount of Master's Degree includes:
- Academic expenses
- accommodation during the two architecture trips. The student should also foresee the possibility of additional travel on the framework of the Integrated Architectural Projects Workshop courses.
- Other activities: lectures, workshops, masterclasses, events, etc.
- Visits to institutions, companies and programs of study related to teaching and the profession.
- Accident insurance in Spain during teaching periods.
- Administrative and coordination expenses of the program.
Leire Zubieta Laseca
Responsible for the promotion and admission of the Master's in Architecture
C/ Marquesado Santa Marta, 3
28027 Madrid, Spain
+34 914 514 341
+34 659 605 416
Ana Vicente Irujo
manager of Admission of postgraduate program
C/ Marquesado Santa Marta, 3
28027 Madrid, Spain
+34 914 514 341
Ext. 852728