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Aplicaciones anidadas


To study the University Master's Degree in Architecture it is necessary to have passed the Degree courses that give access to the qualifying master's degree, as established by Order EDU/2075/2010, of 29 July, which establishes the requirements for the verification of official university degrees that enable the exercise of the profession of architect.

The requirements for access to the Master's Degree in Architecture at the University of Navarra are those established in article 18 of Royal Decree 822/2021, of September 28, which establishes the organization of university education and the procedure for quality assurance.

*Students who do not hold a degree in Fundamentals of Architecture or Architectural Studies taken in Spain must prove that they have previously obtained the homologation of this degree.


This master's degree is for you if...

You present intellectual restlessness and determination enough to push you to development of the necessary tools to go deeper into the knowledge of the project architectural .

In addition to the skills and knowledge you have achieved by passing this qualification from Degree, you should possess the following characteristics:

- Initiative and motivation to pursue quality and excellence in work, respect for professional ethics and intellectual integrity.

- Ability to work individually and as part of a team.

- Intellectual restlessness and the ability to understand the relationships between people and their environment.

- Be fluent in Spanish and have a level of English equivalent to B2.

The purpose of the admission process is to achieve a homogeneous level in the promotion as a whole and to identify those candidates who are likely to take the most advantage of the academic programme.

It consists of a complete evaluation of your profile, taking into account the academic merits accredited in the on-line application form and the portfolio submitted.

Accreditation of academic activities or other qualifications related to the content of the Master's degree that candidate has previously undertaken will be positively valued.

Admission process

You can apply for the admission from October 1, 2024 until issue of the offered places are filled.


The Master's Degree in Architecture is a qualifying master's degree for Spain, which means that students who want to practice architecture in this country must take it as a compulsory course. However, students who do not have a Spanish degree must have their licentiate degree/Degree degree recognised in order to be able to apply for this postgraduate program. This implies the validation of several subjects and the need to take new ones, which can take up to two years.

The homologation is a process by which the Spanish Ministry of Education and Vocational Training verifies that the competences acquired by the foreign qualification correspond to those acquired in Degrees of Architecture studied in Spain and which give access to the qualifying master's degree (Order Edu/2075/2010).

This homologation process is carried out by the Ministry and you can see procedure in detail at link.

Once the homologation process has been completed, candidate will be able to apply for to apply for admission to the Master's degree and start the process.

However, there are alternatives if candidate is looking for a Master's programme for specialisation and not for qualification, they have the option of taking these Master's programmes in which the requirement is to hold a qualification that gives access to studies at postgraduate program in their country of origin:

The process of Admissions Office will be carried out through three deadlines of Admissions Office, in which it will be necessary to fill in the application of Admissions Office and the resolutions will be published in the next few days. These deadlines are:




deadline reservation place

28 November

To access this deadline, the minimum grade required in the academic transcript so far is equal to or higher than 7

December 18

January 16, 2009

February 12, 2009

Not required

February 20

March 6

June and July

Not required

One week after
fill in the application

One week after
obtaining the resolution

They will have a unique and specific call with its respective deadline.

Start of deadline



reservation of place

October 1

28 November

December 18

January 16, 2009

FAQs: Admision

What do I have to do to apply for place for the master's degree?

You can apply for the admission from October 1, 2024 until issue of the offered places are filled.

To apply for the admission, it is first necessary to register at Portal miUNAV. Once inside the Portal, the candidate can apply for the admission and attach all the documentation required by the master's degree through the same form:

1. One passport-size photograph

2. Photocopy of National Identity Card or passport

3. certificate official academic transcript* of qualifications* of the degree of Degree in Architecture that gives access to the qualifying master's degree (Order Edu/2075/2010). This document must be issued, stamped and signed by the academic authorities of the home university. It must be an original document or certified. Copies or documents generated via websites are not accepted as they lack academic validity.

This document does not have to be presented by graduates of the University of Navarra.

4. Curriculum vitae. A document containing a maximum of 2 pages of the academic and professional experience of candidate.

5. A letter of presentation. A document in which you must explain your academic and professional background and the reasons that lead you to apply for admission to the Master's Degree in Architecture at the University of Navarra.

6. Payment of €100 for the admission feefees .

*Students in their final year of studies should submit transcript provisional with certified grades at the time of application.

The portfolio includes projects, publications and the most significant works of candidate (3D computer graphics and/or images of models, plans, elevations and sections). The individual or collective authorship of each of them must be explicitly stated. The first page must include the full name of candidate and the university where the student studied Degree. The portfolio can be submitted as file .pdf or hosted on a url.

You must send the file .pdf or the link to the url to the email address indicating in the subject of the message FirstNameLastName1_portfolio.

Sending this email by itself does NOT serve as proof that the portfolio has been submitted. You will need to receive an email confirming receipt of the portfolio.

When the admission application is complete (online admission application + portfolio), the selection committee of candidates for the Master's Degree in Architecture assesses the profile of the candidate taking into account the merits accredited in the online admission application and the portfolio of each candidate of agreement according to the following criteria: 50% transcript academic up to 4th year / 50% portfolio.

In the evaluation of the portfolio, the quality of the design and technical development of the projects presented will be taken into account, and a minimum score of 3 out of 5 must be reached in each of them.
The resolution is sent by e-mail and can be consulted at Portal miUNAV.

If you are admitted, you must pre-register for the master's degree (reservation from place) by the established deadline by paying a deposit of €3,000, which will be deducted from the total price of the course enrollment.

The pre-enrolment fee is non-refundable and must be paid in accordance with the instructions at Portal miUNAV.

Once you have been admitted, you can formalise your enrollment through Portal miUNAV on the date indicated by the Admissions Service (July).

At the moment of formalizing the enrollment you must present the degree scroll of Degree in Architecture that gives access to the Master's Degree enabling (Order Edu/2075/2010) or the receipt of having requested it. The enrollment is conditioned to pass all the subjects of the Degree. It will not be possible to access the Master's Degree with pending credits.


Economic information

The candidate admitted can formalise their enrollment through Portal miUNAV or in person at Office of the Registrar of the University of Navarra (Central Building, Campus in Pamplona).

The enrollment includes:

- Academic, teaching and Materials teaching expenses.

- Visits to institutions, companies and studios related to teaching and the profession.

- Programme coordination and administrative costs.

- Hospitalisation and accident insurance in Spain during teaching and internship periods.

- Complementary activities: openings, receptions, conferences, events, cocktail parties, etc.

The unpaid amount of the enrollment (minus payments that have already been made) can be paid in these ways:


The enrollment is paid in full at the time it is formalised, by means of:

  • Direct debit (only for accounts opened in Spain, with IBAN ES); the position is paid into the account within approximately 2 days.

  • card credit card; payment is made at the time of making the enrollment.

  • Bank transfer: the deposit is made into any of the University's accounts; proof of the transaction must be uploaded to portal miUNAV.

Students with residency program in Spain can apply for this bank loan that allows you to pay enrollment in 10 equal monthly instalments (from September to June, approximately). You can find the information and the application formhere download .

Aplicaciones anidadas

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Ana Vicente Irujo

manager of Admission of postgraduate program

Ana Vicente Irujo

C/ Marquesado Santa Marta, 3

28027 Madrid, Spain

+34 914 514 341

Ext. 852728

