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Why study the Master's Degree in Biomedical Research?

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An ecosystem multidisciplinary

The Master's Degree of research Biomedical, is taught within the campus biomedical of the University of Navarra (UNAV). This inter-faculty campus inter-faculty is composed of the Clínica Universidad de Navarra (CUN), the research center Applied Medicine (CIMA) and the Schools of Science and Medicine.

Get ready to receive teaching from Researchers and Teachers trained in these three multidisciplinary axes! Research to learn.

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Site of reference letter on Immunotherapy and Advanced Therapies

The Clínica Universidad de Navarra (CUN), and the research center Médica Aplicada (CIMA) are institutions of reference letter in several international networks of research in immunotherapy against cancer(imCORE of Hoffmann-La Roche and Partners-of-Choice of Astrazeneca, among others). With more than 260 clinical trials, the CUN is a pioneer in this subject treatment. In recent years, it has also been working on new strategies for the treatment of autoimmune diseases. In order to be able to apply this subject of therapies, the CUN has the technology and facilities necessary for the manufacture of all immunotherapy products related to cell therapy. Specifically, it has laboratory GMP, which has been certificate by the AEMPS to ensure that it complies with the principles and guidelines of the Good Manufacturing Practices established in Directive 2003/94/EC.

To advance in the development of new therapies, the CUN works closely partnership with the research groups at CIMA of the University of Navarra, which carry out intense basic and preclinical activity.

Get ready to learn about immunotherapy and therapeutic innovation! Research to cure.

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Continuous and personalised advice

From the first day, you will have the advice of a researcher who will accompany you throughout the whole Master's Degree. The aim of goal is not only to guide you academically but also to help you make the most of the advice and experience of your tutor in order to take the next step in your professional career degree program .

Get ready to walk together! Research to grow.

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Access to a doctorate at a research group

If your goal is to make a doctorate in a group of research, from this programme we will provide you with all the tools to be able to perform this professional project . We will put you in touch with contact with the groups of the campus biomedical research groups of the University of Navarra interested in incorporating students from doctorate and we will also send you the offers of thesis with funding that we receive from both national and international groups.

Get ready to start your scientific degree program ! Research to experiment.

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Official certification in animal experimentation

Through the subjects of Master's Degree and the TFM you will have the opportunity to obtain the theoretical training and internship necessary to obtain the Official certificate in animal experimentation. This certificate is necessary for any subject of work that requires the manipulation of experimental animals and for the realization of many of the projects that are carried out in the field of biomedical research .

Get ready to qualify your competences at research preclinical! Research to contribute to society.

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Access to the biotech industry

If your goal is to work in the department of research and development of a business or biotechnology centre, in this Master's Degree you will be able to develop and direct your training to acquire all the necessary skills to be able to direct your degree program towards the world of business and the most biotechnological applications of research in biomedicine. You will be able to do your Final work Master's Degree in a business or in a mixed format of partnership University-business, at the same time that you will be able to receive training in economic and management competences through our diploma management and Business Creation in Science".

Get ready to start your degree program in the pharma-biotech world! Research to move forward.

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What will you learn?

The University Master's Degree in research Biomedical seeks to improve the character multidisciplinary of the biomedical research and to offer a specific and highly qualified training to face the current challenges of the research in biomedicine, biotechnology and health.

The Master's Degree is inter-faculty, which makes the translational aspect of the biomedical research more clearly visible, and involves the University's Schools of Science, Pharmacy and Medicine, the research center Applied Medicine (CIMA), the research center in Nutrition (CIN) and the Clínica Universidad de Navarra.

You will be able to work in...

  • Highly qualified professionals in the field of biomedical research , with excellent employment opportunities in the fields of research, doctorate and industry.

  • project from research, work end of Master's Degree, which is half of the training.

  • Appropriate techniques to efficiently and accurately develop a work of research in biomedicine.

  • Technical capabilities to obtain accurate and reproducible results from which valid and objective conclusions can be drawn at area biomedicine.


Experimental and life scientists at research, university laboratories and hospitals:

  • training in animal experimentation

  • The specialization program in Cancer is related to the lines of research of the groups actively collaborating in Master's Degree: lung cancer; coding RNA and cancer; molecular oncology of lymphomas; epigenetic alterations in haematological neoplasms; characterisation Genetics of acute myeloid leukaemia; Genetics of myeloproliferative neoplasms; cell therapy and tissue engineering; cancer immunotherapy; hepatitis, cirrhosis and hepatocarcinoma.

  • The specialization program in research Translational provides a more interdisciplinary training in the field of biomedical research : metalloproteases, fibrinolysis and atherosclerosis; thrombosis and haemostasis; heart-heart failure; oxidative stress in cardiovascular diseases; biochemical markers in disease; bacterial pathogenicity and immunoprophylaxis; viral hepatitis; gene therapy; diagnostic and therapeutic innovations; immune response, immunotherapy and infectious diseases.

  • The specialization program at Neuroscience and Cognition is related to the lines of research of the groups actively involved in the Master's Degree: cellular and molecular alterations leading to neurodegeneration; alterations of cortical functions and behaviour; genetic mechanisms of neurodegenerative diseases; physiology and movement disorders; epidemiology, aetiopathogenesis and therapeutics of neurovascular disorders; physiology and pathologies of balance and of the auditory pathway and centres; neuro-oncology; sleep disorders; neuronal differentiation and neuro-regeneration; efficacy and safety of neuropharmaceuticals; neuroimaging in cognitive neuroscience and as a biomarker of diseases and of the efficacy of new therapies; dynamics of neuronal networks in epilepsy and other pathologies.

  • The specialization program in Regenerative Medicine and Advanced Therapies is newly created and is related to the lines of research in cell therapy, gene therapy, cancer immunotherapy, regenerative medicine, nano- and biotechnology and their use in different clinical specialities such as oncohematology, traumatology, ophthalmology, cardiovascular or neurology and in the treatment of rare diseases. It also relies on the experience of the Clínica Universidad de Navarra s experience in the preparation of advanced therapy drugs and its participation in clinical trials. Finally, it is related to lines of research in the field of biotechnology, biomedical engineering, implantable systems, and nanomaterials that are carried out in partnership with the School of Engineering and the School of Pharmacy and Nutrition of the University of Navarra. 

The Master's Degree in research Biomedical also constitutes the training period of two programmes of doctorate, verified according to the procedures foreseen by the RD 99/2011, which regulates the official teaching of doctorate, have official status and are registered in the Registry of Universities Centers and Qualifications.

doctoral program in research Biomedicine
Heir to the doctoral program at Cell and Molecular Biology, which was established at the University of Navarra in academic year 1999/00 and which was awarded the accredited specialization Quality Award by the Ministry of Education and Science (MCD2004-00346, renewed continuously from the academic year 2004/2005 to 2010/2011).

In 2011 it was awarded the accredited specialization of Excellence (MEE 2011-0099) by the Ministry of Education for the academic years 2011/12, 2012/13 and 2013/14 (BOE of 20 October 2011).

From academic year 1999/00 to 2012/13 a total of 293 students have enrolled in this doctoral program , of whom 170 have already defended their doctoral degree thesis .

doctorate in Applied Medicine and Biomedicine
The Official Programme of doctorate in Applied Medicine and Biomedicine, is part of the School of doctorate of the University of Navarra, which the University of Navarra has implemented, in the framework established by RD 9/2011, as a planning, coordination and monitoring body of the Programmes of doctorate. Those responsible for its development and organisation are the Schools of Medicine and Science.

This interdisciplinary program brings together the lines and groups of research of the previous DP in an efficient and rational way in order to consolidate and develop the excellent quality standards already accredited. The Programme is articulated around 7 main lines of research which bring together the work of all the participating entities:

1. Oncology and Haematology.
2. Neurosciences and Sense Organs.
3. Cardiovascular diseases.
4. Inflammatory, Immune and Infectious Diseases and Ageing.
5. Digestive System and Hepatology.
6. Obesity, Nutrition and Lifestyles.
7. Advanced Therapies and Diagnostic Innovation.

The Master's Degree in research Biomedicine trains its students to become professionals with a solid training in the biomedical, biosanitary, pharmaceutical, chemical, agro-food and biotechnological sectors.

→ Allows the possibility of work End of Master's Degree at business.

→ Students of Master's Degree can simultaneously take the Diploma in Creation and management of Science Companies.




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