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The faculty the Master's Degree in Pharma-Biotech Business management is made up of professors and collaborators from the University of Navarra, IESE Business School and industry professionals:

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Agustín Avilés


Subjects: Introduction to business economics. Negotiation.

graduate and PhD in Naval Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Madrid, he holds an MBA from IESE.

He was director of Production in the naval sector (5 years), director of technical projects (5 years), director of international programmes and working groups (6 years) and Deputy Director General in a business school (1.5 years). His professional experience includes 7 years in General Management consulting at The Mac Group, Global Business & Finance and other international consulting firms in Madrid. He is currently partner of a Spanish advisory group in Madrid and an independent director.

As professor he was Associate Professor of E.T.S. Ingenieros Navales at the U. Politécnica de Madrid, member of the body professor of the Madrid Business School, professor partner of the Centro de Estudios Superiores de la Defensa Nacional (CESEDEN) and partner of the Instituto Internacional San Telmo, Seville, since 1992. He has been Adjunct Professor at the Escuela de Guerra Naval and the Centro de Estudios Superiores de Intendencia de la Armada, since 1993. He is Associate Professor of the European Business Institution, Madrid, member of the School of the AESA - School of Business and Administration, in Lisbon, at the IESE, in Madrid.

Prof. Agustín Avilés won the Extraordinary award from the UPM (1985), two Naval Merit Crosses (1988 and 2000) and an Honourable Mention from the Directorate of Naval Education - Ministry of Defence (2005).


María Luisa Garayalde


Subjects: Operational and project finance. Structural finance.

For 20 years, María Luisa Garayalde has been a lecturer in Finance at Icade Business School of the Universidad Pontificia Comillas de Madrid on the Official Master's Degree in Management and Administration programmes at business, Executive MBA and in-company.

She is also a lecturer in Financial Management at ISEM Fashion Business School as well as on the Master's Degree in Law at business, Master's Degree in Tax Consultancy and Master's Degree in Access to the Legal Profession at the University of Navarra, collaborating as a guest lecturer with the Foundation for Financial Studies (FEF) and on the Master's Degree in Microfinance at the Autonomous University of Navarra. For five years, she was a researcher at IESE's International Center for Financial Research.

In parallel to her work professor , she works as an independent consultant in valuations for business and advises on the acquisition of company shareholdings. She holds a degree in Law (Universidad Complutense de Madrid), an MBA from IESE (Universidad de Navarra) and a PhD in Finance (Universidad Complutense de Madrid). She began her professional career as a financial analyst at the stock market analysis department of department at Banco Santander de Negocios. Subsequently, she was Director of Analysis at MG Valores, the stockbroking company of group Metallgesellschaft in Madrid.


Pilar Trucios


subject: Digital Strategy

Journalist and MBA from IESE. Specialist in Business and Digital Transformation, Entrepreneurship, Social Media, Corporate Communication and Personal Branding.
She has more than 20 years of experience in media and digital projects: in the main Spanish media groups, working as editor, director and development of new projects: Europa Press, group Recoletos (Diario Médico, Gaceta Universitaria, Director of Expansión & Empleo and deputy director of the newspaper EXPANSIÓN) In addition, she has been co-founder of Experience Ahead. Co-founder of Wa4steam. 5 years as partner, COO and director of the Senior Management Programme in Digital Business (PADDB+) at THE VALLEY Digital Business School. 3 years of experience with my signature Advisory (Brand, Communication and Crisis Management). Clients: Vega Sicilia, Lazard, M&B Capital Advisers, Vocento, Vaughan, Infoempleo. Currently obtaining a Certificate in Innovation and Entrepreneurship from Stanford University.


Carlos González Navarro



PhD in Pharmacy from the University of Navarra (Dept. of Genetics, 1997). Currently director Innovation of the Nutrition Research Centre and member of group Nutridynamics and Bioactives in Metabolic Syndrome (University of Navarra) since 2013. Previously, director of research and development+i of the National Centre for Food Technology and Safety (CNTA) (until 2012) and director of the Bioactive Compounds Line of the Nutrition Research Centre (until 2017).

He has participated in more than sixty national research and development+i projects and in a dozen international projects. Co-author of eight patents and some thirty publications. President of the Food and Health group of the Spanish Technology Platform FoodforLife. Member of the Scientific Committee of CNTA and of the Scientific Strategic Committee of business NUCAPS®.


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Silvia Pérez Silanes


subjectPharmaceuticals and related industries.

Silvia Pérez Silanes is professor of the department of Pharmaceutical Sciences of the School of Pharmacy and Nutrition of the University of Navarra. Since 1997 she has been involved in teaching tasks related to the Chemistry Medical Sciences. Her research has focused mainly on the synthesis Chemistry of new molecules for the treatment of third world diseases, with participation in 16 public and private research projects. She has been director of the University Master's Degree in research, development and Drug Innovation at the University of Navarra for 10 years. She is (co)-author of more than 85 articles in international scientific journals and 3 patents. 





Conchita Tros


subjectRegulatory affairs.

Professor of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Technology. Activity professor since 1993 at the School of Pharmacy of the University of Navarra. Research Associate Professor at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) (1997-2000), where she worked for 3 years on the development of nanotechnology-based formulations for the treatment of cancer.

Research activity defined by two complementary research stages. The first of these, corresponding to the pre-doctoral period and part of the post-doctoral period, where the goal of the research focused on pre-formulation work, based on physicochemical studies aimed at design and development of pharmaceutical dosage forms, and a second stage aimed at design and development of new pharmaceutical forms based on nanotechnology, applied to the release of therapeutic genes for the treatment of cancer (current area of research).

Author or co-author of more than 60 research articles in journals indexed in the Journal Citation Reports (JCR) and more than 80 scientific communications at conferences (60 of an international nature). She has supervised several doctoral theses and master's theses, and has received 8 scientific research awards.



Alex Grasas


subjectOperations management and strategy.

Industrial Engineer from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Master of Science and PhD in Industrial and Systems Engineering from the University of Florida (USA). He is consultant specialised in Process and Operations Management, professor part-time at IESE and member of the Logistics Subcommittee of the Col.legi d' Enginyers Industrials de Catalunya.

As consultant, he has been involved in several process improvement projects in different industries such as manufacturing, healthcare or services. As researcher, he has published numerous scientific publications and has presented his work at numerous international conferences. And as a professor, he has taught courses in licentiate degree, master and executive training in Operations Management, Process Analysis, Supply Chain Management, among others, in several universities and business schools in Spain, Peru and the United States, and has given In-Company training courses in several companies and organisations.

He is partner Founder of the Institute for Transformational Leadership, business specialising in helping organisations in their transformation and change processes.


Diego Muñoz Cobo


subjectCommercial address.

Throughout his professional life he has participated in different companies such as: General Electric, IESE, Prisacom, The Cocktail or Muchoviaje, mainly in Departments Marketing, Business Intelligence and Innovation.

In the last three years, his activity has been broader and more diverse, as he has collaborated as advisor of strategy and marketing with an APP in the Dating Sector (Shakn), he has continued to give classes and lectures mainly at IESE (Masters and courses at the University of Navarra), but also at other universities, and has promoted personal projects such as the writing of a novel and the development of conferences on humanism, philosophy and spirituality.

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José Ramón Pin


Subjects: Personnel Management Service in organizations; Management of teams and organizations; and Business ethics.

Professor Emeritus of department of Managing People in Organisations. He was recently appointed member of the Academic Committee of the Barna Business School.

Professor Pin is the author of the books "Consistencia: la core topic de la Dirección de Personas en la Organización" (Pearson Educación, 2006), "Tsunamis políticos: consejos y reflexiones para empresarios y directivos en su relación con la política" (Eunsa, 2010) and co-author with Professor Guido Stein of "CEO, carrera y sucesión" (Prentice Hall, 2010). He has also published numerous scientific and popular articles and continues to collaborate with various media.

José Ramón Pin was a councillor on the Madrid City Council, a member of the Madrid regional parliament and a member of the Spanish parliament congress . He is also a member of several boards of directors. His areas of interest include the development of management capabilities, skills and career paths, the relationship between ethics and management processes, relations between companies and governmental entities and the motivation of workers with new work styles: temporary work and teleworking.



subjectPharmaceutical marketing.

Degree in Pharmacy from the University of Navarra, PhD in Pharmacy from the University of Navarra and full-time MBA from IESE Business School. She has held various positions of responsibility within the pharmaceutical industry in both multinational and national companies in the field of operational marketing, development business, strategic marketing and strategic planning.

Founder and director of signature Axis Pharma since 2004, business of consultancy service and strategic market analysis, from which she provides consultancy service and business intelligence services to multinational and national companies as well as biotech companies, start-ups and groups of research within the medical-pharmaceutical field supporting these entities in analysis projects and evaluation of products, development of business cases, development plans of research and development and support in processes of development of business.

board member and member of the board of SEMDOR (Spanish Pain Society multidisciplinary ). Editor of the journal MPJ (Multidisciplinary Pain Journal).

She has published several articles on medical and pharmaceutical business topics, as well as two books: "Change, improvement and innovation as paths to success in the new era of knowledge" and "How to make a Pharma-Biotech Business Case".


Ángel Proaño


Subjects: Accounting and Management Control and Strategic Management

graduate in Economics and Business Administration from the University of Navarra (1988-93), MBA from the Institute of business (1994), PDD from IESE (2004) and Master in CSR and Corporate Governance from UNED (2017). He has more than twenty years of professional experience, in which he has held various management positions in the areas of Finance, development Corporate and Internal Control in national and multinational groups in different sectors such as group ALDEASA (currently DUFRY), group SAN JOSE or group LICO. He has also served on the boards of directors of companies in various sectors (financial services, business services, real estate, social services and others).

Lecturer in the areas of Strategy and Finance in master's programmes at the University of Navarra (IESE Programme, School of Economics; Double Master's Degree in Business Law, School of Law; Master's Degree in Architecture, ETS Architecture), at the Instituto de Estudios Bursátiles-IEB (MBA Programme), as well as in in-company courses. His areas of specialization program are Strategic Management, Finance, Management Control and Corporate Governance.


Manolo Rodríguez Mariscal


subjectStart-up management.

Manuel Rodríguez Mariscal holds a PhD in Pharmacy and an MBA from IESE Business School. He has extensive experience in commercial management, operations and finance in the pharmaceutical industry at Almirall and Novartis.

He is chairman and co-founder of InnoUp Farma, a biotech company that is developing a vaccine for peanut allergy and an oral dosage form of a well-known chemotherapy drug, so far administered by injection. He is also chairman and co-founder of Nanoligent, a new biotech company business that is developing a new anticancer drug specifically targeting metastases. He is also a member of the committee board of Inveready. He has been a director of the successful investment fund Inveready Seed Capital. He is an advisor to the Inveready Biotec II fund and a member of the investment committee of the Inveready Biotec III fund.

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subject: Strategy for data

Elena Luisa Sanjurjo San Martín is Adjunct Professor at the department of Economics of the University of Navarra and team member of research INCOMIN of the same university. Her research has focused mainly on statistical methodology for any field of area social sciences. She has participated in two research projects of the Ministry of Science and Technology (2016-2018): "management of the relationship and communication with stakeholders in the open innovation processes of firms (RESIC)" and "Relationship between absorptive capacity and innovation performance: influence of strategy, organizational structure and ownership regime" (2011-2013). He also collaborated in the methodological part of the project funded by the Caja Navarra Foundation "Business associations as driving agents of strategic innovation in companies in Navarra: analysis and proposals for improvement". (2015-2016).

He participated in several projects of the Navarre Service of employment and the think tank Institución Futuro; in "REFLEX Methodology in Navarra" and "Professional Competences for the 21st Century" (2013), as well as the Policy Briefing issue 4; 2006 "Sectorial weight and risk of delocalization" in Navarra.



subject: Market Access

Antonio Fernández is a qualified physician graduated from the University of Navarra School of Medicine (Pamplona, Spain). He attended the Executive Development Program at the Kellogg Management School, Northwestern University (Chicago, USA) and has also received postgraduate training at INSEAD and the London School of Economics and Political Science.

Throughout a 33 years career with Johnson & Johnson, he has been Medical Director of Janssen Spain and has also worked as Director of Clinical Research for the Janssen Research Foundation in Beerse, Belgium. Later he was appointed Executive Director and Global Franchise Leader in Neurosciences at the Johnson & Johnson world headquarters, based in New Jersey, USA. He has also been responsible for New Business Development in Neurosciences at Janssen EMEA (Europe, Middle East and Africa), as well as responsible for the Market Access and Government Affairs functions of the Janssen operating company in Spain. Fernández has received important distinctions for his professional contributions: in 2017, within the framework of the Johnson & Johnson Global Market Access Conference in Boston, USA, he was distinguished with a Lifetime Achievement Award for Exceptional Business Contribution. In 2020, at the proposal of Johnson & Johnson R&D, he received an Ovation Award for his contribution to the development of the Janssen vaccine for COVID-19. Currently, Antonio alternates teaching at the University of Navarra with other projects.



subjectPersonnel Management Service in Organizations

Esperanza Suárez has more than 25 years of experience combining teaching (ICADE; Alfonso X; ESIC...), research (IESE) and consultancy service Human Resources/PersonnelPersonnel Management Service.

Areas: Business Management, Personnel Management Service, management of HR, Leadership, Negotiation and Conflict, Human Behavior in the Organization, Management Skills and Strategy.

Currently professor at Universidad Politécnica de Valencia and visiting professor at Cranfield University (England).


María Jesús Valdemoros


subjectEconomic environment

María Jesús Valdemoros Erro has a degree in Economics and a Master in Economics and Finance from the University of Navarra and an Executive MBA from IE Business School. She has been trained at IESE Business School in competencies to be developed in Boards of Directors. This year 2024 she plans to finish her doctorate at Economics.

Lecturer at department of Economics of IESE Business School teaching sessions in the PADE, PDG and PDD programs, as well as in international partner schools such as ESE Business School in Chile, Barna Management School in the Dominican Republic, Instituto Superior de business ISE in Brazil or IDE Business School in Ecuador. She is also Associate Professor at the University of Navarra in several programs of Campus in Madrid and Visiting Professor at MID Atlantic Business School. She has also been professor at theInstituto de business andAssociate Professor for almost a decade at the Universidad Carlos III.

He collaborates with AEDIPE (association Española de Dirección y development de Personas).

It is part of the committee advisor of the business of his family, dedicated to electronics for the industrial sector with around 90 people employed and with implantation in the USA, India and China.

She currently combines these professional activities with that of Member of the Parliament of Navarre as Spokesperson for Economics of group UPN.

She began her professional career at degree program as a Consultant at Soluziona -Indra-, in the E-commerce and e-banking area .

From there she moved to the Círculo de Empresarios, where she held the positions of Director of department de Economics Cuantitativa and Director of department de Economics.

She later had the opportunity to work in the public sector, specifically in the Government of Navarra, first as General Director of Economic and International Policy (2011-2013) and later as General Director of Economic and Business Policy (2013- 2015).

He has been part of the committee of Administration of several public companies and of the committee advisor of several SMEs. He collaborates with several media through articles in the press.

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