This master's degree is for you if...
The profile recommended admission to the Master's Degree in Pharma-Biotech Business Management is that of a recent graduate/ a or graduate/ a in Health Sciences or related fields, who wish to focus their professional career on management areas within the pharmaceutical and biotechnology sector. Professionals in the sector with a university degree and little professional experience (1 or 2 years), who want to make a qualitative leap in their career, are also suitable for profile .
In addition, you must have the following characteristics:
- Accredit a B2 level (or similar) of English.
- Ability to work individually and as part of a team.
- Intellectual restlessness and ability to understand the relationships between people and their environment.
- Initiative and motivation to seek quality and excellence in work, respecting professional ethics and intellectual integrity.
If you would like to know more, please contact our admissions officer:
You must hold an official Spanish university degree or another degree issued by a higher education institution in the European Higher Education Area.
Likewise, graduates from educational systems outside the European Higher Education Area may be admitted, without the need to have their degrees recognised, after verification by the University that they accredit a level of training equivalent to the corresponding official Spanish university degrees that entitle the holder to access postgraduate studies in the country issuing the degree. Access by this route will not imply, under any circumstances, the homologation of the previous degree held by the interested party, nor its recognition for purposes other than that of studying for the Master's degree.
The following criteria will be taken into account for the admission of candidates:
- transcript academic (20%).
-Level of English (10%). For apply for admission, a minimum level of English B2 (or similar) must be accredited. Higher levels will be taken into account for the weighting of grade average .
-CV (20%). Special consideration will be given to extracurricular internships carried out by candidate, as well as exchanges or stays abroad.
-Personal interview (50%). The personal interview seeks to find out the motivations of candidate and their interest in the sector: area, position, etc.
The admission process is open from October to August, although the possibility of being admitted to the master's degree is subject to the existence of vacancies.
It is recommended that applicants of non-European nationality apply for admission before January in order to facilitate visa application procedures.
To formalise your application for admission , please follow the steps below:
-Fill in the form admission application form: You must register at Portal miUNAV and fill in the form with your personal details.
- Attach the required documentation:
1. Passport-size photograph.
2. Photocopy of National Identity Card or passport.
3. certificate de calificaciones (document stating the subjects passed in the degree course and their grades).
4. certificate of English level, minimum B2.
5. Curriculum vitae
If the Admission Committee deems it appropriate, you will be asked to provide a certificate of a degree valid for access to postgraduate program in your country. This certificate can be issued by home university or by the Ministry of Education of the country where you have studied Degree.
-Payment of the fees admission fees: A payment of €100 must be made as a processing fee.
Payment methods:
1. Via the Internet, through the Portal miUNAV.
2. By bank transfer to the account indicated below. The payment receipt must include the full name of applicant and the word "ADMISSION".
CaixaBank (Carlos III, 8 31002 Pamplona)
IBAN: ES92 Account number: 2100 9161 47 2200152057
-Personal interview: When the admission application is complete (form + documentation + payment of admission fees), you will be called for a personal interview (in person or via skype).
Once your application has been assessed, you will be sent an admission decision. This decision can also be consulted at Portal of candidate.
The National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation (National Agency for Assessment of Quality and Accreditation) offers foreign students a service for calculating the equivalence of average grades for university studies. For any clarification or further information, please contact financial aid.notasmedias@National Agency for Assessment of Quality and
If you are admitted you will have to start, through portal miUnav, the process of enrollment with a minimum payment of €3,000, which is deducted from the total cost of enrollment. This first payment is made during the month following receipt of the letter of admission and is non-refundable.
The payment of the reservation of place is formalised following the indications of Portal.
The candidate admitted can formalise their enrollment through Portal miUnav or in person at Office of the Registrar of the University of Navarra (Central Building, Campus in Pamplona).
Economic information
The candidate admitted can formalise their enrollment through Portal miUNAV or in person at Office of the Registrar of the University of Navarra (Central Building, Campus in Pamplona).
The unpaid amount of the enrollment (minus payments that have already been made) can be paid in these ways:
In one go
The enrollment is paid in full at the time it is formalised, by means of:
- Direct debit (only for accounts opened in Spain, with IBAN ES); the position is paid into the account within approximately 2 days.
- card credit card; payment is made at the time of making the enrollment.
- Bank transfer: the deposit is made into any of the University's accounts; proof of the transaction must be uploaded to portal miUNAV.
installment payment
Students with residency program in Spain can apply for this bank loan that allows you to pay enrollment in 10 equal monthly instalments (from September to June, approximately). You can find the information and the application formhere download .
Carmen Luco Chapa
Promotion and Admissions Office
C/ Marquesado Santa Marta 3
28027 Madrid, Spain
+34 91 451 4341 ext. 850016
Diego Rupérez Delgado
manager Admission and Promotion
C/ Irunlarrea, 1
31008 Pamplona, Spain
+34 630 131 820