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I want to do an internship

What steps should I follow?

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Remember that in order to do an unpaid internship you must have your NAF/NUSS (issue of the Social Security) to be able to register with the Social Security. Once you obtain your NUSS/NAF, remember that you must arrange your internship with the Internship Service and employment, at least 10 days before the start of the internship.

HOW CAN YOU GET YOUR NUSS/NAF? In the following documents we indicate the step by step that you have to follow to get your issue of the Social Security (remember that it is essential to have it before applying to a internship opportunities):



Whether paid or unpaid and whether you are a national or international student, it is mandatory to process your internship through the Internship Service and employment to comply with rules and regulations. Read the following documents before applying for an internship internship:



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I don't know what to do yet, S.O.S!

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Before you start looking for internships and employment, you need to have at least your CV and LinkedIn profile ready. visit this "training and resources" page and learn with our videos. What are you waiting for to get started?



Find out about those subjects and companies that interest you so that you don't have to think about this in your senior year (and, therefore, get overwhelmed). Take advantage of the university system to find out what you want to do: talk to advisors, professors, classmates, professionals...

If you have participated in clubs or congresses, or have done volunteer activitiesIf you have participated in clubs or conferences, these experiences may also give you clues as to what sector you would like to pursue further training in.

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When you have everything clearer, it may be a good time to talk to your Internshipmanager and employment. From here, follow the steps in the following path: "I want to do an internship, but I don't know where to look".

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I want to do an internship, but I don't know where to look

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To start your search, you can use the University's employment Portal to search for vacancies but, in addition, there are many other platforms and portals on which to do so, such as, LinkedInInfoJobs, Talentoteca... There are also specific employment platforms by sector.

One-click access to Jobteaser! As a student or graduate of the University of Navarra, you have access to more than 10,000 internship offers and employment in Europe.

You can also visit the companies' websites (section under "Careers/talent/work with us").


In addition, it never hurts to use your personal contacts: teachers, alumni, friends... Don't forget to connect with them through LinkedIn! It's a matter of taking the time and exploring.

From the Internship Service and employment we also offer a session entitled 'How to look for internships and employment'. Don't miss the training sessions that we offer every year.

+Informationon scholarships and national and international internship programs for students.



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I have already spoken to a business, what do I have to do now?

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agreement If you have already spoken to a business about an internship and you both agree with the conditions, send them this form to publish the offer on the Portal of employment of the University.



Pay attention to your University email (Username@alumni.unav.es) throughout the process. In the first e-mail you receive you will be asked to accept the offer published by the business on the Portal of employment. Important: read the documentation carefully and check that the information in the offer matches what you and your internship manager and employment have agreed with business.

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From then on, you will receive from the Internship Service and employment a series of e-mails that will tell you step by step how to continue with the process. It is important that you respond as soon as possible to meet the deadline for the start of your internship. Do not forget that your internship is your responsibility. Important: read carefully the documentation of your internship.



If you have any doubts during this process, you can contact apply for at quotation with the manager Internship and employment at your School or school for help. You can also write to practicasyempleo@unav.es.

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Remember that, if your internship is unpaid, the Internship Service and employment will need 10 days to register you with the Social Security. Until this has been done, you will not be able to start your internship.

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I have finished my internship, what do I have to do now?

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If your internship is voluntary (extracurricular), you need to prepare a report with the tasks you have performed. Here is a template that may help you. Length: 1-2 pages.

1.After preparing the report, send it in the same e-mail to your internship tutors at the University and at business for review. If you have any doubts about who to send it to, check your internship documentation.

The first week of the month following the end of your internship, you will receive an e-mail from the Internship Service and employment (to your e-mail Username@alumni .unav.es) with a link to a form of assessment that you must fill out, in which, in addition, you must attach the report signed* by your internship tutor of the University. 

*You will receive automatic e-mails reminding you to attach the signed report , but there is no deadline to do so. You can attach the unsigned report and, when you get the signature, send it to practicasyempleo@unav.es.



If your internship is a curricular internship, you must pay attention to what the guide professor of the subject says. If you have any doubts, ask your School or school about the process to follow, as it will be different in each case.

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Frequently asked questions

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General questions about the internship process

Offers do not come to you by "magic". There is a lot of effort and perseverance behind them. The people in charge of Internships and employment can guide you on your professional development and take care of the management documentation of the internships. In addition, they talk to companies so that they are encouraged to publish offers on the University's Portal of employment . Only on some occasions, through their contacts, they will be able to make consultations and arrangements with companies, but the responsibility for getting a internship is the student's. Keep in mind that the more attractive your profile is, something you should work on throughout your programs of study, the easier it will be for you to become the ideal candidate .

In order for internships to be legal, whether you are a national or international student, they must be managed through the University's Internship Service and employment (University of Navarra guidelines on internships). Failure to do so means not having insurance that can cover you in case of an accident at business, not being able to certify officially that you have done the internship and, at present, not paying Social Security contributions for the internship (if it has not been paid). At final, ALWAYS contact the person manager of Internships and employment of your School /school if you want to do an internship.

It is complicated, since the most demanded profiles are from 3rd year onwards, but you can try to find a business that is willing to hire you for an internship. It is important that you talk to the person manager of Internships and employment of your School or school to know the internal rules on the realization of internships in each course.

Don't despair! It is very common not to pass all the selection processes to which you apply. Take it as a learning experience and continue your search, there are many opportunities in the market!

Internship offers are usually aimed at specific profiles determined by the companies themselves when they publish an offer. If there is one that interests you but you cannot access the information, please contact contact with the person manager of Internships and employment of your School /school for advice. There are times when, depending on what the business is looking for and the student's skills, an offer may be open to more profiles.

The documentation is processed about 3 weeks before the start of the internship. If you have any questions enquiry do not hesitate to contact the person manager of Internships and employment of your School/school.

The student and the tutor that the student has at business.

To business. The commitment is made by the student with the business where the internship is being carried out. It is very important to comply with this document.

Of course, it is essential to sign a agreement of partnership between the business and the University of Navarra, for reasons of legal coverage. Also, as of January 1, Social Security contributions are required as well, so it is important that the process is complied with. Always contact the person manager for Internships and employment at your School /school so that he/she can manage it and the internship complies with current legislation.

First of all, this e-mail is only sent to students who are doing unpaid internships. It will only take you 1 minute to fill out the form. You must indicate the days worked so that we can report it to the Social Security. If you have worked from Monday to Friday, you must indicate it. If you have worked more than the stipulated number of days or if you have not worked at all, you can also indicate this. If you have been working single hours, it counts as a whole day (for example, even if you have worked only 1 hour of 1 day, you have to count it as if it were a whole day).

enquiry the section of this website which explains what to do after completing the internship. 

It depends on each School/school. In some centers there is a subject elective subject that includes internships at business, but not in all of them. The best thing to do is to consult with the person manager of Internships and employment of your School /school and with the coordinator of the subject, if it exists.

Of course, doing an internship, whether curricular or extracurricular, involves acquiring a series of knowledge and skills that you will have to show on your CV. The more experiences of this subject you have during your programs of study, the more likely you are to find employment.


Doubts about social security and internship contributions

Yes. According to the Spanish rules and regulations , all students of the University of Navarra who undertake international internships, whether in a Spanish business or not, must pay Social Security contributions, whether they are paid or unpaid. If the business is Spanish, and the agreement and the documentation is signature with this business, and the internship is paid, it will be this business the one that will register the student in the Social Security, even if the internship is going to be done outside Spain.