Thanks to your responses to the annualsurvey Satisquestion, we can learn more about how you see the University and the possible improvements and future lines of work.
Here is a breakdown of some of the main data for the 2023-24 academic year. You have responded 2,710 students from Degree, representing 59.67% of the respondents. It represents the highest participation since 2018.
Quality professor
Organization of the teaching
Overall satisfaction
Ratings from 1 to 5 according to the Likert scale.
One of the novelties of this edition of Satisquestion has been the increase in the number of questions for comments. A total of 4,747 comments were received , both positive and negative.
These make reference letter to different areas, such as the organization of the teaching, counseling, curricula, processes and infrastructures, or services, among others.
Last year was the fifth edition of survey. During this time, thanks to your suggestions, we have been able to make some improvements in campus, as shown in the video sample .
In recent months, some improvements have also been implemented, which are detailed below:
In response, to a large extent, to the demand that students have expressed in past editions of survey, Compass, the Counseling and Wellness Unit, has been launched.
The canteens have been set up so that you can have a tupper lunch, in addition to enjoying the food on offer there. In addition, Sodexo, provider, together with Purchansing Service, offers new products on a recurring basis.
Throughout the year, different areas of the sports facilities have been renovated.
During the examination period, schedule has been extended to open Library Services.
Additional outlets are continually being placed in classrooms and spaces at work.
Cross-cutting activities have begun to be promoted to create points of contact for students from different Schools.