

registration to the course "Discovering the theological reasons for the care of creation".

The price of the registration is 30 euros, but for students of the University and the alumni is 15 euros.

Name null
Surname null
E-mail null
Phone null
Select your rate

Indicate with a 1 the selected rate.

Select your rate

Indicate with a 1 the selected rate.

General rate 30€ null
Student / alumni rate 15€ null
General amount
Amount students / alumni

By clicking on the "Pay" button you expressly give your consent to the University of Navarra to process your personal data for the purpose of managing the event. The University will keep you informed of similar activities and events as long as you do not give leave or manifest your civil service examination to the treatment. You have the right to withdraw your consent, without affecting the lawfulness of the processing previously carried out, access your personal data , modify it, delete it or oppose to the processing whenever you want, as well as to exercise other rights that are listed on the page Protection of data, where you can obtain more details about the privacy policy of the University of Navarra. If you would like any clarification or to exercise your rights, please contact the address dpo@unav.es indicating in the degree scroll of the message "Curso Descubrir las razones teológicas para el cuidado de la creación]".


By clicking on the "Pay" button you expressly give your consent to the University of Navarra to process your personal data for the purpose of managing the event. The University will keep you informed of similar activities and events as long as you do not give leave or manifest your civil service examination to the treatment. You have the right to withdraw your consent, without affecting the lawfulness of the processing previously carried out, access your personal data , modify it, delete it or oppose to the processing whenever you want, as well as to exercise other rights that are listed on the page Protection of data, where you can obtain more details about the privacy policy of the University of Navarra. If you would like any clarification or to exercise your rights, please contact the address dpo@unav.es indicating in the degree scroll of the message "Curso Descubrir las razones teológicas para el cuidado de la creación]".


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Best regards.



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Best regards.



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