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24 | 03 | 2022

Roberto Heras: "The most important thing about a leader is that he never throws in the towel".


11 | 03 | 2022

24,000 euros for refugees from Ukraine

TextoÁlvaro Fernández de Mesa Torrente


08 | 03 | 2022

Sandro Rosell: "It's important to surround yourself with people who are better than you in order to improve".

TextoÁlvaro Fernández de Mesa Torrente


17 | 02 | 2022

From Barcelona '92 to Tokyo 2020: 30 years of dedication and Withdrawal


10 | 02 | 2022

The VI edition of the degree program of the Brave raises 17,500 euros for the Children Against Cancer Program.

TextoÁlvaro Fernández de Mesa Torrente

ImagenManuel Castells



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Edificio sports center
Campus Universitario s/n

31009 Pamplona, Spain

+34 948 425600
