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Aplicaciones anidadas

Menú general_general_boton_PORTADA

Menú general_general_boton_Calidad

Menú general_general_boton_Docencia Transformadora

Aplicaciones anidadas

Menú general_general_boton_CURSOS DE FORMACIÓN

Menú general_general_boton_ADI Duplicado 0


Menú general_general_boton_CONÓCENOS


Aplicaciones anidadas

Cursos formación_TextoLibre_Encabezado


The teaching Planning and Improvement Service organizes training activities aimed at the entire university communityfaculty, student body and administration and services staff ). 

Sesiones formación Diciembre-Marzo

Sessions training: April / June 2024

The Innova Forum is a space for meeting, exchange and reflection on the teaching at the University of Navarra promoted by the Quality and Innovation Service. It is an opportunity to highlight the value of the work that all teachers do on a daily basis and that these experiences are source of inspiration for other colleagues. 

Innova VII Forum:To the model learning centers

Date: June 13

Venue: University of Navarra Museum


Aplicaciones anidadas


training course general focus on the teaching

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Banner_curso _formacion_inicial

training course professor Initial

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Aplicaciones anidadas



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