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Aplicaciones anidadas



Since academic year 2009-2010 the Quality and Innovation Service opens an annual call for the presentation of new innovation projects professor.

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Solicita tu proyecto_título Duplicado 0


Texto Solicitar un proyecto


To apply for a project you must fill in the form and attach the annex of application duly completed. 

Botón Anexo Solicitud

Botón Solicitud

Certificar un proyecto_


Texto Memoria proyecto


To certify a project you must fill in the form and attach the annex of report duly completed. 

Botón Anexo Memoria

Botón Anexo Solicitud Duplicado 0

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PID_Banner_Sesión informativa

How to submit an Innovation project professor ? Informative webinar

Lourdes Orejana

Watch video

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PID_Banner_Requisitos y buenas prácticas PID

requirements and best practices for presenting a application

Download pdf

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Título_Preguntas frecuentes


SCI_PID_Desplegable_Aclaraciones PID

An innovation project professor is, above all, an opportunity to try to improve student learning and collaborate in their growth staff. In addition, among the benefits that a teacher can have by carrying out a project of this kind subject we can highlight the following:

  1. At the end of project participants will receive a certificate.
  2. The innovation experience may be published in the form of discussion paper at congress, article, poster and even paper.



The dissemination of the innovation project professor can take place at different levels:

  • archiveinstitutional DADUN

  • knowledge dissemination of experience within the universityconference exchangeconference , faculty)

  • knowledge disseminationat innovation conferences professor

  • Publication in innovation journals professor

  • Publication in journals of research

It must be taken into account that if the dissemination or publication of innovation projects will use dataof PEOPLE, i.e. students, teachers or others, such as surveys, the projectmust be submitted for assessment, and before its execution, to the committeeof Ethics of the research. In addition, the informed consent of the participants must be obtained at apply for. For further information in this regard, please contact the committeeEthics research.

 This guide from the Library Service provides more detailed information.

If an innovation project is proposed in which different subjects of 1st and 2nd semester are involved, the deadline of presentation will be on 1st April.

Yes, but these changes should be reflected in the report results of the project.

To extend the duration of a project you must:

  1. Indicate this on form at submit on report Results

  2. Justify the requested extension on the corresponding section of the form

Remember that, as stated in the instructions of the call for proposals, the extension is granted for a maximum of 1 academic year.

In the case where FIPs are invited to participate in the project , the Quality and Innovation Service may require that the functions they will perform are put in writing. In any case the issue of participants in a project will not exceed 5 (including the director/ a), as it is written in the instructions of the call.

A PhD student cannot run an Innovation project professor .

In order to obtain the ApS label, a application must be filled in, justifying compliance with requirements.

For more information visit this link.

Ángel Sobrino, professor at School of Education and Psychology, gave an online session in which he explains some strategies to evaluate an innovation project professor .


Solicita tu proyecto_título


Aplicaciones anidadas

Premios Innova_Banner Gandores

Innova Awards

Every year, during the Innova Forum, the 3 best innovation projects are awarded professor.

More information

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Aplicaciones anidadas



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