
conference "Unamuno in Hendaye".

conference "Unamuno in Hendaye".

Menú de navegación




Javier de NavascuésFull Professor of Spanish-American Literature and Director of department of Philology at the University of Navarra. He has been Visiting Professor at the University of Münster, and has taught courses at doctorate and Master's Degree at the universities of Montevideo, Complutense de Madrid, UNAM (Mexico), Piura (Peru), Universidad de Concepción (Chile), Universidad Católica Argentina (Buenos Aires), Universidad Nacional de Cuyo (Mendoza, Argentina). He is the author of 18 books, including monographs, editions and coordination of collective volumes, as well as a hundred articles in scientific journals and book chapters. Among his most recent publications are the critical editions of Alijerandro (publishing house of the Centre) and Adán Buenosayres by Leopoldo Marechal (Corregidor) and Espadrilles versus books. The writer and the masses in early Peronism (Iberoamericana, 2017). His current lines of research include populism and literature, colonial epic and literary relations between Spain and Latin America.

Felipe Juaristigraduate in Information Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid. He has worked in various media: ETB, Euskadi Irratia (he was its director during the years 2010-2013). Lecturer at the UPV-EHU. Member of Euskaltzaindia.

He has published more than twenty-five books in all genres. He also has a long career in the field of children's and young people's literature. He has won important poetry prizes. He is a regular contributor to El Diario Vasco, El Correo, partner . He edits the magazine Grand Place, published by the Mario Onaindia Foundation.

Luis GalvánSenior Associate Professor of Literary Theory at the University of Navarra, and director of the magazine Rilce. He has published numerous articles on literature and society, focusing especially on the problems of death and suicide in authors such as Pérez Galdós, Unamuno, Antonio Machado, Federico García Lorca, José Ángel Valente. He has also published articles on the training of the concept of fiction and its analysis from the points of view of logic and the Philosophy of language. Another facet of his activity is the research in the history of Spanish literature from the Age average to the XVII century, with critical editions and programs of study on the Cantar de mio CidCelestinaHe is currently working on a monograph on the epistemology of literary epistemology, books of chivalry, Renaissance poetry and Baroque theatre. He is currently working on a monograph on the epistemology of the literary programs of study and on a critical and annotated edition of the Poetics of Aristotle.

Juan José LanzJuan José Lanz (Bilbao, 1963) is Senior Associate Professor of Spanish Literature at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), specializing in Contemporary Literature. He has published the following books: Main themes in "The Black Heralds".by César Vallejo (1990), The poetry of Luis Alberto de Cuenca (1991), The inextinguishable light (Essays on Basque Literature Today) (1993), The flame in the labyrinth (Poetry and poetics in the '68 generation). (1994), Marejada: History of a magazine and a Cadiz literary group (1996, at partnership with Juan José Téllez Rubio), Anthology of Spanish poetry (1960-1975) (1997), Introduction to the study of the Spanish poetry generation of 1968 (2000), Unamuno, Otero, Aresti (2003, at partnership with Jon Kortazar), The magazine "Claraboya" (1963-1968). A fundamental episode in the poetic renewal of the sixties. (2005), Fablas. Magazine of poetry and criticism (2007), Spanish poetry during the Transition and the generation of democracy (2007), Pages of '68. Youth Poetry Journals, 1962-1977 (2007), Alas de cadenas. programs of study on Blas de Otero (2008), The worn-out words. Poetry and poets of the mid-century (2009), knowledge and communication. Texts for a poetic polemic in the mid-century (1950-1963) (2009), New and very new poets. In the wake of '68 (2011), Straw Torch. Poetry Magazine (1973-1983) (2012), The Metaphysical Muse. programs of study on the poetry of Guillermo Carnero (2016), Gerardo Diego and Blas de Otero, between Santander and Bilbao (2016) y Juan Ramón Jiménez and the bequest of Modernity (2017). He has prepared the edition of works by Juan Ramón Jiménez, Miguel Mihura, Rafael Ballesteros, Félix Grande, Diego Jesús Jiménez, Agustín Delgado and Luis Alberto de Cuenca.

José Luis MoraProfessor of History of Spanish and Latin American Thought at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. He was a founding member of the association of Philosophical Hispanism and Director of the Journal of Philosophical Hispanism. History of Ibero-American Thought from 2004 to 2017. He was Visiting Professor at the University of Georgia (USA) in 1991.

As researcher he has worked mainly on the period of writers from 1868 to the 1930s and, after this date, on the thinkers of the 1939 exile. issue He has published a large number of books, articles and works on partnership, both programs of study of authors and currents of thought and publisher of unpublished or difficult-to-access texts and epistolary works. Several works on the relations between Pérez Galdós and Unamuno, several on the Generation of '98, including "The philosophical value of the literature of '98". He has given courses and participated regularly in Spanish, European and American universities.

In 2015 he received the Recognition of the Escuela Nacional de Altos programs of study of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México for his trajectory in the research and teaching of the Humanities.

Sergio NavarroHe studied Philology Hispanic and Audiovisual Communication at the University of Navarra and Master's Degree in Comparative Literature at the University of Cambridge. In the 2016-2017 academic year, he was a resident scholar at the Antonio Gala Foundation for young creators. In 2015 he published his plaquette, Cobwebs and in 2017 his first collection of poems, The struggle for flightwhich wins the 70th award Adonais de Poesía. In 2018 she wins the X award of Poetry RNE with her book An impossible image (Pre-textos, 2018). He is currently working on a doctoral thesis on contemporary Spanish poetry ( thesis ).

Alejandro Martínez CarrascoCurrently professor at department of Philosophy of the University of Navarra. graduate in Philosophy in 2004, he obtained the doctorate in 2009 with a thesis on Eugenio d'Ors and Ortega y Gasset. His research focuses on the Philosophy of the 20th century, especially in Spain in the first half of the century. Author of several articles on this subject topic, he has published the monographs "Espíritu, inteligencia y forma. El pensamiento filosófico de Eugenio d'Ors" (Eunsa, 2011), "Náufragos hacia sí mismos. La Philosophy de Ortega y Gasset" (Eunsa, 2011) and "D'Ors y Ortega frente a frente" (Dykinson, 2013). More recently, his interests have focused on several authors from the second half of the 20th century, especially German and French authors, especially the German philosopher Eugen Fink.

Rosa Fernández UrtásunD. in Spanish Literature from the University of Navarra, where she is currently Professor of Contemporary Literature. She has been Visiting Scholar at Harvard University and researcher at the Centre de Recherche en Littérature Comparée of the Université de la Sorbonne and the Université de Strasbourg.

His current research focuses on two main aspects. The first is the relationship between literature and art ("Art, Literature, and New Technologies", Performing cultures, Jakub Petri ed., Krakow, Libron, 2015: 261-270), within which he is currently studying the relationship between Tàpies and Brossa in the framework of the project "Aesthetic experience in action. Antoni Tàpies: a new perspective" (2016-2018).

The second is the contemporary rewriting of myth, which he has worked on in projects such as "Acis&Galatea. Activities of research in Cultural Mythocriticism". (2016-2018) or "New forms of myth: an interdisciplinary methodology" (2012-2015), in which she has published several articles.

He has also worked on Spanish literature in the first half of the 20th century: the avant-garde period, focusing especially on surrealism and the poetry of Vicente Aleixandre, and women's literature, specifically the figure of Ernestina de Champourcin. She has given several national and international conferences and seminars, both in the academic sphere and at knowledge dissemination.

Full Professor of Spanish Literature at the University of Navarra. His main areas of research have been the Spanish Theater of the 20th Century and the Golden Age. He has published abundantly in both fields, both dozens of articles in specialized journals and books.

He is the author of books such as Víctor Ruiz Iriarte, autor dramático (1987) and Continuidad y ruptura en el teatro español de la posguerra (1999). Between 2002 and 2006 he published, in partnership with Gregorio Torres Nebrera, a Historia y Antología del Teatro Español de la Posguerra (1939-1975) in seven volumes (publishing house Fundamentos), which contains not only the edition of 35 comedies corresponding to that period, but also the most extensive information available currently available on the development of post-war theatre in Spain.

More recently he has published Teatro y fascismo en España: el pathway de Felipe Lluch (Iberoamericana Vervuert, 2010) and La comedia de posguerra en España ( Eunsa, 2014). He has edited the Teatro completo de Víctor Ruiz Iriarte ( 2 vols. Renacimiento, 2015). He has also produced critical editions of Esto sí que es negociar by Tirso de Molina (1985), El agua mansa. Guárdate del agua mansa by Calderón de la Barca (1989), La segunda esposa and Triunfar muriendo, autos by Calderón de la Barca (1992) and El lindo don Diego by Agustín Moreto (1993).

He was director of Rilce: Revista de Philology Hispánica and is a member of several editorial committees of journals of his specialization program and has received several awards, such as the Rivadeneira (Real Academia Española), the Extraordinary of licentiate degree and that of doctorate.

Stephen Robertsgraduate D. from Oxford University, Professor of Spanish Literature and Intellectual History at the University of Nottingham, and Director of the Section of Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies at the University of Nottingham. He has published numerous articles on the literature, politics and Philosophy of Miguel de Unamuno and is publisher of the book graduate Miguel de Unamuno: Political Speeches and Journalism (1923-1929) and author of the monograph entitled Miguel de Unamuno or the creation of the modern Spanish intellectual. His research has also focused on the intellectual relationship between Spain and Latin America, early 20th century poetry and Spanish cinema, having published articles on Galdós, Rodó, Ortega y Gasset, Juan Ramón Jiménez, Federico García Lorca, Pablo Neruda, Juan Antonio Bardem and Víctor Erice. He is currently finishing two books: a literary biography of Federico García Lorca and a monograph on Unamuno's exile.

Iñaki AldekoaEHUko irakaslea eta Erein argitaletxeko literatur zuzendaria. Euskal literaturari buruz lan asko argitaratu ditu. Hauek dira horietako batzuk: Antzarra eta ispilua (Erein, 1992), Anthology of Basque poetry (Visor, 1993), Euskal ipuinen antologia bat (Alberdania, 1993), Zirkuluaren hutsmina (Alberdania, 1993), Munduaren neurria (Alberdania, 1998), Mendebaldea and narraziogintza (Erein, 1998) eta History of Basque literature (Erein, 2004). Euskal literaturaren historia (Erein, 2008) da bere azken liburua.

Colette RabatéShe is honorary professor of language, Spanish Literature and Civilisation at the University "François Rabelais" in Tours. She is the author of numerous articles on contemporary Spanish cultural history published in French and Spanish journals, and of works such as Le Temps de Goya (1746-1828)(Editions du Temps, Nantes, 2006), Eve or Mary? Being a woman in the Elizabethan era (1833-1868)(Salamanca, Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 2007).

With Jean-Claude Rabaté's partnership , she is the author of Miguel de Unamuno Biografía ( Madrid, Taurus, 2009), of an edition of Unamuno's own Cartas del destierro ( Salamanca, Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 2012), of the first Issue of his correspondence, Epistolario I (1880-1899), (Salamanca, Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 2017) and of a historical essay En el torbellino. Unamuno en la Guerra Civil ( Madrid, Marcial Pons Historia, 2018), as well as curator of the exhibition "Yo, Unamuno" at the Library Services Nacional de España (June-September 2015).

Jean-Claude RabatéHe is Full Professor emeritus of Spanish Civilization at the Sorbonne-Nouvelle University, Paris 3 and author of numerous articles on the cultural history of Spain during the Restoration. His works include 1900 in Salamanca(Salamanca, Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 1997), War of ideas in the young Unamuno(Madrid, Library Services Nueva, 2001) and a critical edition of On Casticism (Madrid, Chair, 2005).

With Colette Rabaté's partnership , he is the author of Miguel de Unamuno Biografía ( Madrid, Taurus, 2009), of an edition of Unamuno's own Cartas del destierro ( Salamanca, Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 2012), of the first Issue of his correspondence, Epistolario I (1880-1899), (Salamanca, Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 2017) and of a historical essay En el torbellino. Unamuno en la Guerra Civil ( Madrid, Marcial Pons Historia, 2018), as well as curator of the exhibition "Yo, Unamuno" at the Library Services Nacional de España (June-September 2015).

Manuel M.C. Vieira da Cruzpublisher He began his professional life in 1988, at publishing house Verbo, in Lisbon, and in 1994 he founded publishing house Grifo, in the same city. From 2008 to 2012 she coordinated the project "Agustina Bessa-Luís/Opera Omnia", for Guimarães Editores. From 2010 to 2013 he was manager of editions of the Chair Félix Huarte de Estética y Arte Contemporáneo (University of Navarra) and head of essay of the journal Revisions. She is manager of Civilitas-Europa publications (since 2013). graduate at International Office (Universidade Lusíada, Lisbon), she studied Master's Degree in Governance and Culture of Organisations (high school business and Humanism of the University of Navarra, Pamplona) and is currently PhD student at Arts and Humanities (University of Navarra), with a project of research on the plays of William Shakespeare influenced by Plutarch of Chaeronea. He read for the first time How a novel is madeby Miguel de Unamuno, some three decades ago; and published it in Portugal precisely twenty years ago.

Gabriel InsaustiSenior Associate Professor. graduate at Philology, Bachelor and Master of Arts at Philosophy, Master of Arts in History of Art, PhD in Philology , PhD in Philology , PhD in English. award Extraordinary of doctorate. He has received awards for poetry ("Gerardo Diego", "Arcipreste de Hita", "Rabindranath Tagore", "Manuel Alcántara"...), novels ("Ateneo Jovellanos"), literary criticism ("Amado Alonso") and aphorisms ("José Bergamín") and was a finalist for the National Poetry Prize in 2002 and for the Herralde Prize for novels in 2013. He has published 45 books, including volumes of poems (Eve of Silence, Of All That Speaks, Night to Night, Last Days in Sabinia, Destiempo, Smoked Crystal, Life and Miracles, Snowline), aphorisms (Preambles, The Thread of Light, The Drawing of language), a novel (The inaudible man), newspapers (Days in Ramplona, The Gold of Time), criticism and essay (The Presence of English Romanticism in Cernuda, In the Footsteps of Huston, Distance and Time: Writings on Cernuda, The Nostalgic Trench: British Writers in the Spanish Civil War, Miguel Hernández: the Invention of a Legend, No Man's Land: the English Poet and the Great War, Gaur: 50 Years), translations (Wilde, Waugh, Coleridge, Lamb, Richard Serra, Richard Deacon, Viktor Frankl...), critical editions (Cernuda, Larra, Oteiza) and bilingual editions of poetry (Coleridge, Auden, Newman, Day Lewis, Spender, Owen, Thomas...).

Soren Peñalver (Murcia, 1945) is a journalist and writer. He has lived in England, Greece and Turkey and writes poetry and diaries. 


4 and 5 October

Organised by:
Chair language and
Basque Culture
of the University of Navarra

Museum of Navarre
(Cuesta de Santo Domingo,
s/n, 31001, Pamplona)

Gabriel Insausti
(+34 948 425600 /


Chair of language and Basque Culture

Museum of Navarre

Government of Navarre
