
conference "Unamuno in Hendaye".

conference "Unamuno in Hendaye".

Menú de navegación



Gabriel InsaustiOn 22 August 1925, Unamuno arrived in Hendaye, settled in the Hotel Broca and began an impatient wait on the Muga. On 9 February 1930, surrounded by journalists and onlookers, he finally crossed the International Bridge over the Bidasoa. On the way, he had time to add to his legend staff, to outline his position of civil service examination against the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera and to characterise himself as a champion of the fight for freedom. On his return, the professor and writer had become a symbol. The limit, the border, was not only a physical representation of the expectation of return, but also a way of bringing together the local and the global: exile, paradoxically, was also a return to the country of his birth. Between melancholy and firmness, the Unamuno of Hendaye left behind a handful of remarkable writings, testimony to those years of uncertainty.

In view of the approaching centenary of this milestone, "Unamuno in Hendaye / Unamuno Endaian" aims to deepen the study and knowledge dissemination of the figure and work of Unamuno in this particular context and in the chronological range of the Hendaye exile.


4 and 5 October

Organised by:
Chair language and
Basque Culture
of the University of Navarra

Museum of Navarre
(Cuesta de Santo Domingo,
s/n, 31001, Pamplona)

Gabriel Insausti
(+34 948 425600 /


Chair of language and Basque Culture

Museum of Navarre

Government of Navarre
