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Competition PFC - PFM

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Elías Ayala Juárez, winner of the IX Final Project Competition degree program Chair Madera Onesta



The School of Architectureof the University of Navarra, together with the ChairMadera ONESTA, promotes this international competition which rewards the projectend of degree programor Master's Degree(PFC - PFM) that, due to its quality, innovation, originality or creativity, highlights the use of wood and the aspects of sustainability within an architectural project.

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A award will be awarded to the CBP-FWP judged by the jury to be of the highest quality that has made use of wood as an important component of its design, and has taken into account sustainability aspects.

The award will be presented at a special ceremony in Madrid on September 24, 2024.


instructions of the competition


Participation is open to those who have submitted their PFC - PFM at any officially recognized School of Architecture at home country between September 2020 and June 2024 and who have been considered eligible for the degree scroll.

Exceptionally, projects that are still pending may be submitted to the competition at grade provided that they enclose a letter from the tutor letter of agreement.

Projects will be submitted in English or Spanish.

A jury composed of two professors from the School of Architecture of the University of Navarra, representatives of the Chair Madera ONESTA, and a prestigious architect will meet during the month of May 2024 to analyze the proposals submitted and decide on the award.

The award may be declared void. The following criteria will be considered:

* Wood as the main structural material,

* Creative and innovative use of wood on design,

* Adequate response to basic functional and architectural criteria,

* Architectural coherence,

* Sustainability and environmental criteria.

All documentation must be submitted under a slogan composed of a six-character combination of letters or numbers.

The name of the participant and the name of the country and school to which he/she belongs must not appear.

All panels will be uploaded through the website of the Chair Madera ONESTA in PDF document format or JPG image, according to the instructions contained in the mail received after the registration.

Submissions must be designed in a maximum of three digital panels of standard A1 size. It can be presented in portrait or landscape format.

These panels will include:

* The slogan of the project

* summary of the project of approximately 500 words

* Description of the features that make project fin de degree program a sustainable project

* Description of the involvement of wood in the development of the project

* Texts may be written in English or Spanish. Plans, photographs, infographics and texts, as well as any other representation technique that each entrant deems appropriate, may be submitted to presentation .

Incomplete submissions will be discarded.

The winning project must subsequently submit high quality artwork for employment in publications and promotional material.

A selection of the submitted projects and the winner will be published on the website of the ChairMadera ONESTA.


Through the form, before August 15, 2024.


The documentation must be submitted on-line, according to the instructions that will be sent to registrants, by 23:59 Central European Time (CET) on September 1, 2024.

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registration and submission of the documentation


The formalisation of the registration implies the acceptance of the instructions of the competition.

  • The registration is free of charge.

  • The registration must be completed by August 15, 2024.

  • Only registration is allowed at degree scroll individual.

  • The registration can be accessed via form on-line on this page.

  • submission Documentation: Each participant will receive a confirmation e-mail from registration, in which the information for the submission of the documentation will be attached in this same page before September 1, 2024.

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Winners of previous editions

Winner - INSTPG. Elías Ayala Juárez. University of Malaga (Spain)

"The optimization, efficiency and good use of wood has been valued in the residency program for students of mobility international UMA. The project has an original structural system adapted to the place where it is implemented, with innovative solutions in the housing occupation and with a careful development both in the construction and assembly of the proposal".

Accésit - NPIBSS. Laura Paz De Ochoa and Mateo Boasso. National University of Córdoba (Argentina)

"The clarity with which the intervention in El Páramo, located in Tierra del Fuego (Argentina), is approached has been appreciated. The project provides an alternative to the hydrocarbon industry through the design of a breakwater and an infrastructure that floats housing a pavilion composed of industrial and research uses. The whole is materialized as a floating piece of wood with a dynamic and adaptive character, coherent with the program it houses".

Accesit - ORIZON. Laura Muñoz González. University of Granada (Spain)

"The revitalization of La Alcazaba and the connection with the city of Guadix has been valued by adding value to the landscape, city and archaeological works. The project combines the serial use of wood and earth for the containment of the land, a rhythm that is appreciated in the temporary spaces by means of a light structure. The proposal manages to recover the image of the walled enclosure and gives the whole a unique unity and strength". 

Winner - . EPCCEB. Diego Díaz Gómez (ETSA A Coruña, Spain)

Relevant and interesting use of wood in an architecture that combines the interest of an abstract and symbolic proposal thanks to its striking circular form, as well as concrete in the space of the village in which it is realised.

Accésit - . CAMP-IN. Guillermo Frondoy (School de Arquitectura, design y Urbanismo, UDELAR, Uruguay)

proposal fresh and very well articulated both in images and in technical development that proposes a new way of living that could occupy diverse spaces, both urban and more rural, with a successful use of wood in the supporting structure of the ephemeral architecture proposal.

Second Prize - . 402317. Ignacio Cimadevilla Arellano (Universidad de Alcalá de Henares, Spain)

For the interest of incorporating wood in the context of energy, architectural and social rehabilitation. For dreaming

Winner - bequest. Alexis Soriano Saldías. University of Arts, Sciences and speech (Chile)

The proposal makes a deep research in the cultural values of the territory in which it is implanted, recovering the constructive tradition of the lake and implementing a new typological and topological reading of this architecture rooted in the construction and its values. 

The establishment, the development of the project and the values inherent to architecture, which is not only a construction but also seeks to create an identity. For all these reasons, it was decided to award the first award to proposal "bequest".

Accesit - NATURE. Estefanía Gallardo Fernández. Polytechnic University of Madrid (Spain)

The exercise, of tremendous maturity, chooses a superb location next to an old building, which serves as the nodal point of the project. The project extends using the topography of the site, setting up a series of pavilions of different sizes and typologies around it. The constructive development , although with an abuse in the use of the portico, is of very high quality. However, there are certain doubts about the compositional value of the different constructions and their composition. For all these reasons it was decided to award the second award to "NATURE".

Accésit - MNHLOP. framework Parra Gómez. University of Santiago de Chile (Chile)

After an exhaustive analysis, the exercise opted for the placement of pavilions that create a place between them. From here and its jetty, access is given to the different boats. The programme, although adequate, is found to be wrongly located, as it does not take advantage of the beautifully planned section and only an intermediate slab is placed. Nevertheless, the typological value and the constructive heritage that the piece itself assumes is worthy of praise, as it is committed to an architecture with a strong propositional-formal will. It was therefore decided to give the proposal "MNHLOP" the third award.

FEEL. Alejandro Barranco Donderis. Polytechnic University of Valencia (Spain)

A complete new development is visible, with an interesting intervention on all scales, from the initial analysis to the detail.

ELVIÑA. Daniel Gómez Magide. University of A Coruña. (Spain)

This is a carefully designed project in an urban environment, with a good development of the detail in each subject of activity (new plant and rehabilitation).

C.E.J.Daniel Aguado Marín. Polytechnic University of Catalonia. (Spain)

Interesting recycling of an urban space with the resolution of a built piece that brings unity to the action.

VIVERO. Violeta Sánchez Sánchez (University of Málaga, Spain)

A piece connects both edges as a bridge, and through the repetition of a system that organises both plan and section and executes a homogeneous and friendly overall image in the context.

The use of a cross-laminated panel system, which is understood in the complete development of project and which serves as a structure and as a carrier and distributor of installations, is appreciated.

POLAHM. Mónica Esteban González (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain)

It is interesting the strategy of colonisation on the unfinished roofs in the city of Ahmedabad using an intense axis of "street" in which the performance is grouped, including different enclosures and "improving" the image of the whole.

LAMELA. Daniela Silva (Universidad Austral de Chile, Chile)

The implementation of a roof element that in its nuances resolves everything and manages to work the spatial sequences through light.

WINNER - MVSINM. Néstor Fernández Castro (Universidad Camilo José Cela, Spain)

project with an appropriate balance between urban development and rehabilitation. A logical constructive development is valued.

SECOND PRIZE - ACTSLO. Mercedes Zapico Suárez (Universidad San Pablo CEU Madrid, Spain)

Originality and inventiveness. Effort to integrate renewable energies. Great capacity for representation.

SECOND PRIZE - PAMPA. Mario Benjamín Peralta Peralta (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile)

The simplicity of the project and its integration into the environment are appreciated. 

WINNER - VACURB. Juan Ignacio Rodríguez Olivencia (Universidad de la República, Uruguay)

project rigorous and coherent with an appropriate relationship between the programme and the constructive knowledge in the use of wood. Coherent building that allows the use of urban voids from a definition of the wooden components in the form of panels that conceal the anchorages inside and integrate the lighting and the support for the cladding.

RUNNER-UP - AHDLS. Ainhoa Fernández Calleja (Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña, Spain)

Adequate relationship between the urban scale of the proposal and its materialisation thanks to the construction system that allows the spaces to be generated down to the level of detail using wood as a defining element and in relation to local tradition.

RUNNER-UP - MUZARQ. Julián Leopoldo Gil Benegasi (Universidad Camilo José Cela, Spain)

proposal integral from the historical analysis to the constructive definition, proposing a strategy of non-invasive implantation that is completed over time, forming another layer of the historical development of the place.

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